Role of Attorney and Supporting Persons

As described in the Introduction (Section I), University conduct proceedings are educational and administrative proceedings; the University does not follow all of the rules and protocols of a legal proceeding.  However, as stated in Section IV (Student Rights), students who are alleged of violating the Student Conduct Code also have certain rights, including “the right to have a person of choice, including an attorney, present throughout any and all conduct proceedings” (Section IV. B.). 

Although students may choose to have an attorney or support person present throughout any aspect of the conduct process, the role of the attorney or support person in a University conduct proceeding is limited to advice, consultation, and guidance. Advisers who do not abide by these guidelines may be excluded from the process.

A student who intends to bring an attorney or support person to a meeting must notify the University official who will be conducting the meeting at least three (3) working days in advance of the meeting.