Instructional Design & Development

The purpose of the UAB Instructional Design and Development (IDD) program is to train qualified instructional designers and learning experience designers who effectively analyze, design, develop, evaluate, and implement quality online, blended, and on-ground learning experiences. This fully-online program follows and achieves the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI) competencies and performance standards for instructional designers.

Instructional design and development is the practice of systematically creating learning experiences that make the development of knowledge and skill more efficient and effective. The process consists broadly of determining the current state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition. The process is guided by pedagogically-tested theories of learning and may take place in many different learning environments. As a field, instructional design and development is historically and traditionally rooted in cognitive and behavioral psychology, though recently, constructivism has influenced thinking in the field.

The study of instructional design and development includes the study of learning theory and trends in educational technology, instructional design principles, universal design and usability for effective design, development, and delivery of learning experiences across a wide range of learning environments.

Master of Science in Instructional Design and Development

IDD 600Trends and Issues in Instructional Design 3
IDD 610Instructional Design 3
IDD 620Universal Differential Instructional Design and Development 3
IDD 630Performance System Technology 3
IDD 640Learning, Cognition, and Instructional Design and Development 3
IDD 650Alternate Instructional Design and Develpoment Models 3
IDD 660Assessment and Evaluation in Instructional Design & Development3
IDD 670Multimedia Design and Development for Instruction and Training3
IDD 680Instructional Design and Developement Elective 3
IDD 690Research Practicum3
Total Hours30

IDD-Instructional Design & Dev Courses

IDD 600. Trends and Issues in Instructional Design. 3 Hours.

This course defines the field of instructional design and learning design by exploring its history, current trends and future issues in the field. The course provides insights from leaders in the field, case studies on instructional design in different fields, and interactive activities on the systematic approaches to instructional design.

IDD 610. Instructional Design. 3 Hours.

Instructional Design is a project-based course that includes step-by-step strategies to create learning experiences using design models, instructional strategies, and technology applications. Learners will study the processes of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation in order to apply real-world learning experience design solutions to instructional challenges.

IDD 620. Universal Differential Instructional Design and Development. 3 Hours.

This course gives students an experience in research-based learning design methods and alternative assessment strategies designed to meet the varied instructional needs and preferences of all learners in today's educational environments.

IDD 630. Performance System Technology. 3 Hours.

This course provides students with practical methods of analyzing and solving human performance problems with an emphasis on development of both non-instructional and instructional interventions. An overview of concepts and current issues related to the design and development of learning and performance systems at the macro-level is also provided, allowing learners to explore learning and performance from a broad organizational perspective.

IDD 640. Learning, Cognition, and Instructional Design and Development. 3 Hours.

This course surveys the learning sciences literature that is especially relevant for instructional designers. The course covers major theoretical perspectives in the learning sciences and has students read original empirical research. The goal is to prepare IDD students to utilize learning sciences literature in their careers.

IDD 650. Alternate Instructional Design and Development Models. 3 Hours.

This course affords students the opportunity to apply a variety of well-established and emerging learning design and development models.

IDD 660. Assessment and Evaluation in Instructional Design & Development. 3 Hours.

Students will learn how to assess human attitudes, knowledge and performance, analyze practical data, and evaluate learning and human performance programs.

IDD 670. Multimedia Design and Development for Instruction and Training. 3 Hours.

This course will present techniques for the integration of learning design theory and practice with the current and emerging delivery systems. Students will develop skills and explore software necessary to develop and produce an original interactive learning product.

IDD 680. Instructional Design and Development Elective. 3 Hours.

Content will be diversified opportunities to take advantage of specific areas of expertise of faculty, availability of experts in areas not covered in other course work, or original projects that become available.

IDD 690. Research Practicum. 1-3 Hour.

The research practicum is a supervised learning experience in an actual or similar setting to those which instructional designers, learning experience designers, and learning scientists are employed.

LDLS-Learning Dsgn Learning Sc Courses

LDLS 620. Learning Design Research Methods. 3 Hours.

This course surveys research methodologies used in the Learning Sciences and learning design, with an emphasis on design-based research. Students will collect and analyze qualitative data, conduct learning experience network analysis, and use research to drive iterative design improvements.

LDLS 630. Design Thinking for Engaged Learning. 3 Hours.

This course investigates the synergies between design thinking and learning experience design. This course emphasizes the utilization of design thinking methodologies as both a design tool and a subject of instruction to foster deep engagement and intrinsic motivation. In this course, students will explore design thinking processes and mindsets and apply them to create engaging, learner-centered learning experiences.

LDLS 680. Game-Based Learning. 3 Hours.

In this course, students will unpack the intricacies of game-based learning (GBL), differentiating it from gamification and examining its potential for identity exploration. Students will design immersive learning experiences that leverage the intrinsic motivations and affordances provided by both experiential and generative game-based learning.

LDLS 681. Learning Design With and For Augmented Intelligence. 3 Hours.

This course is a foray into the cutting-edge intersection of the Learning Sciences and artificial intelligence (AI), characterized by a framing of AI as augmented intelligence. Students will develop AI literacy and leverage AI tools for designing learning experiences and design experiences that incorporate AI, all within a framework of extended and distributed cognition.

LDLS 682. Complex Systems. 3 Hours.

This course provides a complex systems perspective on learning contexts. Students will engage with various complex systems theories, including complex dynamical systems, complex adaptive systems, and complex conceptual systems. Students will analyze learning as a complex system and design experiences that embrace this complexity.

LDLS 683. Designing for Creativity in Learning. 3 Hours.

This course investigates the nuances of creativity in learning experiences and contexts. It focuses on frameworks, evaluations, and designs to nurture creative mindsets, creative environments, creative processes, and creative cognition. Students will utilize the Creativity Landscape framework to analyze and design learning experiences that are optimized for fostering creative thinking and action.

LDLS 684. Theory Building in the Learning Sciences. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on theory-building methodologies within the Learning Sciences. It explores approaches to developing new theories and building on existing theories to advance learning design and the Learning Sciences. Students will engage with grounded theory and design-based research methodologies to contribute to the body of theoretical knowledge in the field.

LDLS 685. Frontiers in the Learning Sciences. 3 Hours.

This course explores emerging topics, paradigms, methodologies, and debates in the learning sciences through a combination of readings, discussions, and hands-on activities. The specific content evolves each year to reflect the latest research and innovations in the field.