Resources and Options

Below is the updated image listing of available resources and options.

Sexual Assault, Dating/ Domestic Violence, and Stalking

Seek an Advocate

Rape Response (24-Hour Assistance)

(205) 323-7273 or (800) 656-HOPE

YWCA Central Alabama

(205) 322-9922

UAB Office of Student Advocacy, Rights and Conduct

(205) 975-9509

UAB Student Counseling Service

(205) 934-5816

UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center

(205) 934-2281

UAB Office of VP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

(205) 934-0541

Seek Medical Assistance

Rape Response (24-Hour Assistance)

(205) 323-7273 or (800) 656-HOPE

UAB Student Health & Wellness Center

(205) 934-3580

UAB Emergency Department

(205) 934-7387

UAB Urgent Care Center

(205) 801-5251

St. Vincent's Emergency Department

(205) 212-6001

Contact Law Enforcement

UAB Police

(205) 934-4434


(205) 934-3535

Birmingham Police Department

(205) 328-9311

Jefferson County Sheriff's Office

(205) 325-1450

Inquire About UAB Policies or Procedures

UAB Office of Student Advocacy, Rights and Conduct

(205) 975-9509

UAB Human Resources

(205) 934-4458

HSF/UAB Health System HR

(205) 731-9626

Callahan Eye Hospital HR

(205) 325-8609

Title IX Coordinator

(205) 934-4175

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

(205) 975-9509

Ask for Remedies

UAB Office of Student Advocacy, Rights and Conduct

(205) 975-9509

UAB Human Resources

(205) 934-4458

HSF/UAB Health System HR

(205) 731-9626

Callahan Eye Hospital HR

(205) 325-8609

Housing Changes
Class Reassignment
No Contact Order
Extension on an assignment
Other, based on situation

Speak with Someone Confidentially

UAB Student Counseling Services

(205) 934-5816

Rape Response (24-Hour Assistance)

(205) 323-7273 or (800) 656-HOPE

UAB Student Health & Wellness Center

(205) 934-3580

UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center

(205) 934-2281

Campus Clergy or Chaplains

For more information or to submit a complaint, visit the UAB Community Standards and Accountability webpage: To submit a Title IX complaint, visit the UAB Title IX webpage:

To submit a complaint with the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, visit the OCR webpage: