
Graduate Certificate in Magnetic Resonance Imaging 

Approved 12/8/23

New certificate to be added in the School of Health Professions in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences.

NMT 604Introduction to Nuclear Medicine, Management, Patient Care & Lab2
NMT 634MRI Scanning and Sequence2
NMT 695MRI Clinical Practice10
Total Hours14

Graduate Certificate in Computed Tomography

Approved 12/8/23

New certificate to be added in the School of Health Professions in Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences.

CDS 505Professional Skills Development1
NMT 605Cross-Sectional Anatomy2
NMT 625CT Physics and Instrumentation2
NMT 633Computed Tomography Procedures2
NMT 694Computed Tomography Clinical Practice3
Total Hours10

English Language Education Concentration

Approved 6/14/2024

A new English Language Education Concentration has been added to the M.A.Ed in Educational Studies.

Curriculum/Design Implementation Methods 3
Select one of the following:
IEP Programming and Lesson Planning
Innovative Practices in Instruction
Reading in Content Areas
Models of Teaching
Introduction to Curriculum and Teaching in Cultural & Familial Contexts
Curriculum, Program, Policies
Curriculum, Programs and Policies
Methods Teaching English as an International Language
Elementary School Physical Education
Assessment and Measurement3
Select one of the following:
Formative and Summative Assessment
Instruction and Assessment: Listening and Speaking
Measurement and Evaluation in Education ECE
Measurement and Evaluation in Education Secondary Ed
Introduction to Educational Research Design
Assessment in Physical Education
Diverse Populations3
Instructional Methods
Collaborative Processes
Urban Education
Critical Social Issues in American Education
Social Movements in Education
Comparative Education
Culture and American Education: Race Class and Gender
Advanced Workshop in Education: Methods to Support English Learners
Teaching ESL in a Multicultural Society
Teaching ESL in a Multicultural Society
Teaching English in a Global Context
Special Problems in Education: Diversity
Advanced Adapted Physical Education
Special Education3
Introduction to Exceptional Learner
Select one of the following:
Positive Behavioral Supports
Language Development
Second Language Acquisition
Second Language Acquisition
Phonology for Second Language Teachers
Phonology for Second Language Teachers
Classroom Mgt in Sec Schools
Fitness and Motor Skill Acquisition
Concentration in English Language Education12
Work with your advisor to select 12 credits from EH - English and/or EESL - English as a Second Language courses numbered 500+.
Major Elective3
Total Hours30

Masters in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Approved as of June 2024 for addition to Catalog for Heersink School of Medicine

HCI 611Foundations of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine3
HI 620Security and Privacy in Health Care3
AIM 641Technical Introductions to Deep Learning in Medicine3
AIM 642Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging3
AIM 643Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Signals and Critical Care Systems3
AIM 644Reinforcement Learning for Clinical Decision Making3
AIM 645Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Medicine3
HCI 614Integration of Artificial Intelligence into Clinical Workflow3
HCI 613Leadership and Ethics for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine3
Optional Electives (Minimum of 2)
Large Language Model (LLM) Development in Medicine
Explainable AI in Medicine
Neural Time Series Data Analysis
Digital Image Processing
Matrix Algorithms for Data Science
Big Data Programming
Data Visualization
Total Hours27

 MS in Chemistry

Approved 2024

Core Coursework18
Principles of Chemical Instruction
Chemical Safety
Laboratory Experiences in Chemistry
Atomic Structure and Periodicity for the 7-12 Classroom
Valence Electrons and Bonding Models for the 7-12 Classroom
Introductory Organic Chemistry for Teachers
Introductory Biochemistry for Teachers
Chemical Reactions and the Conservation of Mass for the 7-12 Classroom
Gases and the Kinetic Molecular Theory for the 7-12 Classroom
Dynamic Equilibria for the 7-12 Classroom
Special Topics in Chemical Education
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy
Special Topics in Physical Chemistry
Physical Organic Chemistry
Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms
Organic Reactions and Synthesis
Reactive Intermediates and Conservation of Bonding
Special Topics in Organic Chemistry
Bonding and Structure in Inorganic Compounds
Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Analytical Spectroscopy
Multivariate Analysis in Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Separations
Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry
Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Biochemistry II
Biochemistry Laboratory
Biophysical Chemistry
Structural Biochemistry
Special Topics in Biochemistry
Chemical Literature
Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Chemistry of Natural Products
Electron Pushing and Total Synthesis
X-Ray Crystallography
Radiochemistry for the life sciences
Polymer Chemistry I
Polymer Chemistry I Laboratory
Polymer Chemistry II
Polymer Chemistry II Laboratory
Chemistry of Polymers and Polymeric Materials I
Polymer Chemistry II
Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry
CH 767Advanced Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy: From Quantum Mechanics to Protein Dynamics3
Electives 16
Seminar 25
Seminar Presentation
Dissertation 1-5
Graduate Research

1Any 600 level or above course

2Consists of 2 hours of CH 692 or CH 792 and up to 3 hours of CH 691 or CH 791or a 600/700 level Journal Club (For example, CH 768)

PhD in Chemistry

Approved 2024

CH 790Introduction to Graduate Research1
GRD 715Preparing TAs to Be Effective Teachers2
GRD 717Principles of Scientific Integrity3
Core Coursework18
Principles of Chemical Instruction
Introductory Biochemistry for Teachers II
Molecular Structure and Spectrosocpy
Special Topics in Physical Chemistry
Physical Organic Chemistry
Organic Reaction and Their Mechanisms
Organic Reaction and Synthesis
Reactive Intermediates and Conservation of Bonding
Special Topics in Organic Chemistry
Bonding and Structure in Inorganic Compounds
Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
Inorganic Structure and Spectroscopy
Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Analytical Spectroscopy
Multivariate Analysis in Analytical Chemistry
Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry
Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Biochemistry II
Biochemistry Laboratory
Biophysical Chemistry
Structural Biochemistry
Advanced Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy: From Quantum Mechanics to Protein Dynamics
Special Topics in Biochemistry
Chemical Literature
Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Chemistry of Natural Products
Electron Pushing and Total Synthesis
X-Ray Crystallography
Radiochemistry for the life sciences
Polymer Chemistry I
Polymer Chemistry I Laboratory
Polymer Chemistry II
Polymer Chemistry II Laboratory
Chemistry of Polymers and Polymeric Materials I
Chemistry of Polymers and Polymeric Materials II
Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry
Electives 16
Seminar 210
Seminar Presentation
Dissertation 340
Non-Dissertation Research
Dissertation Research

1Any 700 level or above course

2Consists of 2 hours of CH 792 and up to 8 hours of CH 791 or a 700 level Journal Club (For example, CH 768)

3CH 798 for a total of 22 hours and CH 799 for a total of 18 hours

Graduate Certificate in eSports Organization Management

Approved 9/13/2024 to be added to the Human Studies department

KIN 530Introduction to eSports3
KIN 531eSports in Action3
KIN 555eSports Management3
KIN 681eSports in the Mass Media3
Choose one of the following:3
Sport Law
Advanced Sport Psychology
Advanced Field Experience in Kinesiology
Sport Psychology
Total Hours15

 Master of Engineering in Construction Engineering Management

Approved 9/20/24 for Spring 2025 - Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

CECM 669Advanced Project Management3
CECM 670Construction Estimating and Bidding3
CECM 671Construction Liability & Contracts3
CECM 672Construction Methods and Equipment3
CECM 673Project Planning and Control3
CECM 674Green Building Design/Construction3
CECM 675Advanced Construction and Engineering Economics3
CECM 676Construction Project Risk Management3
CECM 688Construction Management and Leadership Challenges in the Global Environment3
CECM 689Building Information Modeling (BIM) Techniques3
Total Hours30