School of Education & Human Sciences

Dean: Teresa Taber Doughty, Ph.D.

The School of Education & Human Sciences offers a wide range of educator preparation degrees and teacher certification options as well as non-teacher education degrees, majors, concentrations, and minors.

Educator Preparation Options.  The School of Education and Human Sciences offers educator preparation options that are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation and approved by the Alabama State Board of Education. Educator preparation options lead to bachelor degrees and Alabama teacher certification in early childhood and elementary education, secondary education, and kinesiology (physical education). The School of Education and Human Sciences also collaborates with the College of Arts and Sciences to offer pathways to teacher certification in a wide range of teaching fields, including music, science, and mathematics.

Kinesiology, Community Health and Human Services Preparation Options.  The School of Education and Human Sciences offers several non-educator preparation programs available for individuals seeking degrees at the undergraduate level.  These degrees prepare students for employment in a variety of wellness, health, fitness, and sports (community, commercial, clinical, and corporate) agencies/facilities and/or for admission to health-related graduate programs (e.g., physical therapy, medicine, occupational therapy).  Degrees, majors,  concentrations, and minors  are available in community health and human services and kinesiology. 

Educator Preparation Programs

At the undergraduate level, students may complete programs that lead to Alabama Class B certification in the following areas:

Certification Area & Grade Levels Undergraduate Major Teacher Education Department
Biology (6-12) Biology* Curriculum & Instruction
Chemistry (6-12) Chemistry* Curriculum & Instruction
Early Childhood (P-3) Early Childhood Education Curriculum & Instruction
Elementary Education (K-6) Elementary Education Curriculum & Instruction
English Language Arts (6-12) Secondary Education/English** Curriculum & Instruction
General Science (6-12) Biology, Chemistry, or Physics*** Curriculum & Instruction
General Social Studies (6-12) Secondary Education/History** Curriculum & Instruction
Mathematics (4-8) Mathematics* Curriculum & Instruction
Mathematics (6-12) Mathematics* Curriculum & Instruction
Music - Instrumental (P-12) Music Curriculum & Instruction
Music - Vocal/Choir (P-12) Music Curriculum & Instruction
Physical Education (P-12) Kinesiology (Physical Education) Human Studies
Physics (6-12) Physics* Curriculum & Instruction

Please refer to UABTeach information located in the College of Arts and Sciences portion of the Undergraduate Catalog and in the sections that follow.


These programs require a dual major in the teaching field and secondary (grades 6-12) education.


Individuals seeking certification in General Science must complete a major in biology, chemistry, or physics and meet additional coursework requirements as approved by the Alabama State Department of Education.

Please Note:  Students seeking teacher certification in the programs above must meet all requirements for program admission, retention, completion, and certification as required by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE).  Alabama certification regulations are subject to change and requirements delineated in this catalog may not reflect current requirements.  Therefore, students are urged to seek advisement through the Office of Student Services each term to stay abreast of current teacher certification requirements.

The baccalaureate degrees above lead to Class B certification.  Once a student has successfully completed all degree and program requirements, he or she can apply for Alabama teacher certification through the Office of Student Services. The School of Education and Human Sciences only recommends a student for certification, and the ultimate certification decision is made by the Alabama State Board of Education.

Non-Teacher Certification Programs

At the undergraduate level, students may complete non-teacher certification programs in the following areas:

Program Area/Concentration Undergraduate Major Department
Exercise Science Kinesiology Human Studies
Exercise Bioenergetics Kinesiology Human Studies
Human Services Community Health and Human Services Human Studies
Health Promotion and Education Community Health and Human Services Human Studies
Sports Physiology and Performance Kinesiology Human Studies

School of Education and Human Sciences Minors

The School of Education and Human Sciences offers the following minors:

Minor Program Department
Athletic Coaching Kinesiology Human Studies
Community Health Community Health and Human Services Human Studies
Education Joint - C&I and Human Studies
Exercise Science Kinesiology Human Studies
Human Services Community Health and Human Services Human Studies
STEM Education Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics UABTeach

Office of Clinical Experiences

The Office of Clinical Experiences is responsible for coordinating student teaching and other clinical experiences for the School of Education and Human Sciences. Information concerning student teaching applications, placement, and field experiences may be found in EEC 219D in the Education and Engineering Complex.

Office of Student Services

The Office of Student Services, located in EEC 311 in the Education and Engineering Complex, provides academic advising to undergraduate Education majors. This office is also responsible for academic records and recommendations for teacher certification for the School of Education and Human Sciences. Application materials for the Teacher Education Program and for Alabama teacher certification can be found at

Alabama teacher certification programs and basic degree requirements vary among majors. Students should contact this office early in their studies to be certain they will meet School of Education and Human Sciences requirements and Alabama Department of Education teacher certification requirements. The Alabama State Department of Education sets requirements for teacher education majors. Changes to these requirements may occur periodically so students should meet with their academic advisor at least once per semester to receive the most updated information about the Alabama State Department of Education requirements.

TRIO Teacher Prep Program

The TRIO Teacher Prep Program (TRIO Teach) is dedicated to undergraduate students in the School of Education at UAB. Fully funded by the U.S. Department of Education, TRIO Teach Prep Program is a Student Support Services program that aids UAB's degree-seeking undergraduate students who are Education majors or have the intent to teach.

An application can be downloaded by clicking on the link below or can be picked up from our office in the Education and Engineering Complex (EEC), Office EEC 318C.

What are the benefits of being in the TRIO Teach Program?

Individualized Guidance: One-on-one assistance to help students make a smooth transition to college, develop goals, and create a graduation plan.

• FREE Tutoring: Weekly FREE tutoring sessions

• Financial Advising: Assistance in applying for financial aid (FAFSA), scholarship searches, and Financial Literacy Workshops that include help in creating a budget, managing credit, debt and personal finances.

Career and Academic Guidance: Success Coaching and assistance with academics, including career and educational planning, mentoring, graduate school tours, and career development.

• EXLUSIVE COMPUTER LAB: calculators, reference materials, computers, FREE printing, PRAXIS Prep study materials, study manipulatives for Anatomy/other science classes, and quiet study space.

Money: Grant-Aid *dependent on student’s academic and financial need*

Cultural Events: Free cultural events and trips that will broaden horizons and enrich life experiences.

  • Workshops and Seminars (Time management, Career Development, Exploring Majors within the School of Education, Networking, and so much more)


Who can participate in a TRIO Teacher Prep Program (TRIO Teach) program?

Students who are citizens or nationals of the United States

Students who have been accepted or who are enrolled at UAB

Students who have academic need

AND Students who:

• are first-generation college students (neither parent completed a 4-year college degree), OR

• have a documented physical, psychological or learning disability (that may affect their role as a college student), OR

• have a limited family income (determined by taxable income level and family size)

How do I find out more information?  Contact us at or visit us in the Education and Engineering Complex (EEC), Office  EEC 318C.

Honors Program in Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Students in the Early Childhood and Elementary Honors Program graduate with departmental honors that will be designated on their transcripts and recognized during commencement exercises. In order to become eligible for this designation, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated commitment to Early Childhood and/or Elementary Education.
  • Junior standing and the completion of nine (9) hours of pre-professional education courses from ECY 300, EEC 300, EEC 301, EDF 362, and EPR 363.  

  • Minimum 3.5 GPA in Education courses taken, 3.0 GPA overall.

In order to participate in the Honors Program and graduate with "Honors Designation", students must file an application with the Office of Curriculum & Instruction following an invitation from the respective program area. Following acceptance, students must enroll and complete the following two Education Honors Courses: EDH 491- Honors Education Research and EDH 492 - Honors Education Service Project. Students must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and a 3.5 GPA in education courses through graduation.

EDH 491 - Education Research. Prerequisite: admission into the EEC Honors Program.

EDH 492 - Honors Education Service Project. Prerequisite: admission into the EEC Honors Program.

Honors Program in Exercise Bioenergetics, Exercise Science, and Fitness Leadership

The Department of Human Studies offers an Honors Program for Exercise Bioenergetics, Exercise Science, and Fitness Leadership students.  Highly qualified students will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a mentor in an area of mutual interest and conduct either a research or civic engagement project designed to meet some particular need as it relates to pertinent areas of fitness, exercise, and physical activity.  For more information go to:

Honors Program in Kinesiology: Physical Education 


  • Junior standing
  • Completion of 9 hours pre-professional education courses
  • 3.5 GPA in Education courses
  • 3.0 GPA overall
  • Faculty recommendation from Mentor

About the Honors Program

The Department of Human Studies Physical Education Honors Program provides high achieving Physical Education Teacher Certification students with the opportunity to participate in honors (HON) sections of KIN 409 and KIN 489. During which time the teacher candidate will collaborate with faculty mentors (Dr. Sims and Dr. Mowling) in pursuit of their intellectual interests and complete an honors project. As a result of participating in the Honors program, the teacher candidate will have an opportunity to conduct an in-depth literature review plus a research project designed to meet some particular need related to physical education.

Honors Coursework

By the completion of KIN 489 HON (6 credits), students should have devoted at least 90 hours to their honors project. Faculty mentors submit either a satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress report and a copy of each student’s written report—while each student submits a journal (hourly log) of his or her activities signed by the faculty mentors. Honors Project

In order to complete the honors project successfully, each student must produce a written report and a public presentation that meets stated criteria in the syllabus.

Graduating with Honors

Honors students must earn a grade of ‘A’ in HON sections of both KIN 409 and KIN 489 in order to graduate with "Honors in Education.” Honors students must also maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher throughout their degree. Honors graduates will wear a ‘white cord’ at the Commencement ceremony (picked up from the Honors table), and with ‘Honors in Education’ will be printed by their name in the Program.

Admission and Program of Student Requirements

Admission and program requirements for all undergraduate degrees, majors, and concentrations may be located at

TEP Retention Requirements

A student in the Teacher Education program is not only earning a degree from UAB, but the student is also earning Alabama professional educator teacher certification. Therefore, additional guidelines are in place to ensure students make progress toward successful teacher certification. Please note that a student may be dropped from the Teacher Education Program for failure to maintain satisfactory academic performance or professional dispositions as described by School of Education policy.  Consistent with UAB policy on readmission, students readmitted to UAB must complete all program requirements, including TEP admission, retention, and completion requirements as outlined in the catalog under which they are officially readmitted.

  1. Additional retention requirements by program:

a. Early Childhood and/or Elementary Education

i)  Grade of "C" or better in all Primary Block courses and a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the Primary Block courses.  Additionally, a persistence GPA of 2.0 is required for the block courses. (Applies to both Early Childhood and Elementary)

ii)  Grade of "C" or better in all Elementary Block courses and a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the Elementary Block courses.  Additionally, a persistence GPA of 3.0 is required for the block of courses (Applies to only Elementary).

iii) Grade of "C" or better in all Birth to 5 block courses and GPA of 3.0 or higher in the Birth to 5 courses.  Additionally, a persistence GPA of 3.0 is required for the block of courses (Applies to only Early Childhood).

Student Teaching Requirements

All students seeking baccalaureate degrees leading to teaching certificates must participate in a student teaching internship.  All students must apply for student teaching by October 1st for spring semester and March 1st for fall semester internship.  Applications are available online at the School of Education website.  For additional information contact the Director of the Office of Clinical Experiences, Dr. Shelia McGee Ingram (

To be eligible for internship, students must have an approved student teaching application based on the following:

Early Childhood and Elementary Education:

  1. Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).
  2. Student teaching application approved by the faculty in the Early Childhood and/or Elementary program.
  3. Minimum overall higher education GPA of 2.5.
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in core curriculum courses.
  5. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in all Professional Studies courses.
  6. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in all Teaching Field courses.
  7. Completion of all methods courses. See Teaching Field for respective Checklist.
  8. Passing score on all parts of the Praxis Elementary Education Multiple Subjects test (Elementary majors only).
  9. Passing score on Praxis Early Childhood Content Knowledge test (Early Childhood majors only).
  10. Passing score on the Pearson Foundations of Reading 190 test.
  11. Demonstration of the dispositions needed to be successful as a teacher of young children, including children with special needs.
  12. Documentation of requisite field experience hours in schools.
  13. Criminal history background check status shown as "cleared' on the Alabama State Department of Education database.

Students approved to intern in Early Childhood Education must be concurrently enrolled in ECE 490 Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education I and EEC 491 Internship Seminar in Education. Students approved to intern in Elementary Education must be concurrently enrolled in EEC 490 Internship in P-3/3-6 and EEC 491 Internship Seminar in Education. Students cannot take additional coursework besides these two courses during the term in which they student teach.

Kinesiology: (Physical Education):

  1. Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).
  2. Student teaching application approved by the faculty in the Kinesiology program.
  3. Minimum higher education GPA of 2.5.
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in core curriculum courses.
  5. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in all Professional Studies courses.
  6. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in all Teaching Field courses.
  7. Completion of all teaching field courses (KIN 307, KIN 308, KIN 311, KIN 320, KIN 320L, KIN 400, KIN 402, KIN 409, and KIN 489) with a grade of "C" or better.
  8. Passing score on Praxis Physical Education P-12.
  9. Demonstration of the dispositions needed to be successful as a teacher.
  10. Documentation of the requisite field experience hours in schools.
  11. Criminal history background check status shown as "cleared" on the Alabama State Department of Education database.

Secondary Education and P-12 Majors

  1. Formal admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).
  2. Student teaching application approved by the faculty in the Secondary Education or P-12 program.
  3. Minimum higher education GPA of 2.5.
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in core curriculum courses.
  5. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in all Professional Studies courses.
  6. Minimum GPA of 2.5 in all Teaching Field courses.
  7. Completion of all education courses other than internship and internship seminar on the Alabama State Board of Education approved checklist.
  8. Completion of all content courses. (Please note that a student's advisor and the program coordinator may approve for a content course to be taken concurrently with student teaching if the course is on a limited rotation.)
  9. Passing score on the required Praxis Content Area exam for the discipline.
  10. Evidence of satisfactory professional dispositions.
  11. Criminal history background check status shown as "cleared" on the Alabama State Department of Education database.

UABTeach Apprentice Teaching - Undergraduate Math and Science Secondary Education

  1. Completion of Professional Studies courses with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  2. Completion of all Professional Studies course with a grade of "C" or above.
  3. Minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
  4. Minimum 2.5 GPA in all teaching field courses.
  5. Passing score on the required Praxis Content Area exam for the discipline.
  6. Evidence of satisfactory professional dispositions.
  7. Criminal history background check status shown as "cleared" on the Alabama State Department of Education database.

TEP Completion and Certification Requirements

A student who satisfies TEP admission and retention requirements and who meets the following completion requirements will be recommended for Class B teacher certification.  Students must complete the certification application process to apply for and receive their professional educator certificate. To complete the certification process, students must submit a current Alabama State Department of Education certification application, proof of payment, and an official UAB transcript to the Office of Student Services. Students will receive an email from the Office of Student Services during the last semester of program completion containing steps for completing and submitting their certification application packet to the Office of Student Services electronically.

  1. Students must have a minimum 2.5 higher education GPA, 2.5 teaching field GPA, and 2.5 professional studies GPA with no grade below "C" in professional studies courses.
  2. Students must complete all courses on the Alabama State Board of Education approved checklist for the teaching field(s) in which certification is sought.
  3. Students must demonstrate readiness to teach through on-the-job performance as a student teacher.  This evaluation is conducted by the School of Education faculty and appropriate personnel from local school systems.
  4. Students must document a passing score on the all Alabama Educator Certification Assessment Program tests, including, but not limited to the appropriate Praxis content knowledge exams(s) and edTPA.  Official score reports must be sent to both UAB and the Alabama State Department of Education.
  5. The Alabama State Department of Education has additional requirements for teacher certification.  Included in these are fees associated with obtaining a certificate which are set by legislative action and may be changed.  Students seeking initial certification are required to obtain background clearance to determine any criminal history through a fingerprint review conducted by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) prior to the issuance of a teaching certificate.  An applicant for certification must have a suitable background clearance issued by the Alabama State Superintendent of Education and confirmed under Background Review on the EdCert Portal at the time of unconditional admission. Information on these requirements is available in the Office of Student Services, in EEC 311 in the Education and Engineering Complex.

Teacher Certification for Students who Hold a Baccalaureate Degree

There are several routes to teacher certification in the state of Alabama for those who already hold a baccalaureate degree.  One option is to return to the university to complete the current undergraduate coursework required for teacher certification.  In general, individuals exercising this option are required to meet the same requirements for admission to, retention in, and completion of the Teacher Education Program as indicated above.  Additionally, these students are required to have a program plan approved by the department chair before enrolling in any courses.  A second option is to pursue the Alternative Master's Program. Completion of an alternative master's program and all requirements leads to a master's degree in education and Alabama Class A teacher certification.

Additional information on these and other options may be found on the Alabama State Department of Education's website ( or by contacting The Office of Student Services.


Program Director

Dr. Paulette Evans
UAB School of Education / Department of Curriculum and Instruction
(205) 975-7419

UABTeach is the program for all students seeking certification to teach secondary school (grades 6-12) in the sciences and mathematics, and in middle school mathematics (grades 4-8), with an undergraduate degree.  It is a cooperative program among the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), the School of Education, and the School of Engineering.  To obtain teaching certification in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, General Science, or Mathematics, students major in their STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and participate in the UABTeach program.  UABTeach is not a major, but rather leads to a minor in STEM Education (through the School of Education) and a Class B teaching certificate.  Students considering seeking teaching certification in a STEM field should contact both their STEM advisor and the UABTeach advisor (HHB 210, 205-975-9920, UABTeach).

UABTeach consists of a sequence of eight courses (24 credit hours), ideally taken over seven semesters as outlined below.  Courses with an EHS prefix are normally taken in sequence.   However, there are pathways for students entering UABTeach after the first semester of their freshman year, and up until the first semester of their junior year, described in detail on the UABTeach website, which allow some overlap of courses.   Normally, students can complete the UABTeach courses without adding any additional time to their degree, provided they are on schedule in their STEM major, and have not already begun their junior year.  Currently, UABTeach courses are offered only in Fall and Spring semesters.

  • Semester 1:  Step1, Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (EHS 125, 1 hour)
  • Semester 2:  Step2, Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (EHS 126, 1 hour)
  • Semester 3:  Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (EHS 325, 3 hours)
  • Semester 4:  Perspectives on Science and Mathematics (HY 275) or Science, Knowledge, and Reality (PHL 270, 3 hours)
  • Semester 5:  Classroom Interactions (EHS 326, 3 hours)
  • Semester 6:  Project-Based Instruction (EHS 327, 3 hours)
  • Semester 7:  Apprentice Teaching (EHS 425 and EHS 426, 7 hours)

The following table lists the currently available certifications, and the majors leading to them, under UABTeach.

Class B Certification Grade Level Applicable Majors
Biology 6-12 Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, Cancer Biology, Genetics & Genomic Sciences, Immunology
Chemistry 6-12 Chemistry, Chemistry-Chemical Education Track
General Science 6-12 Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, Biophysics, Cancer Biology, Chemistry, Genetics & Genomic Sciences, Immunology, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience, Physics
Mathematics 6-12 Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Mathematics, Middle School 4-8 Mathematics-Mathematical Reasoning Track
Physics 6-12 Physics
Computer Science K-12 Mathematics

Students can begin the program in either fall or spring semesters. For more information, please visit the UABTeach website:

Minor in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Education

The STEM Education Minor includes the same courses UABTeach students take to earn Alabama teacher certification. UABTeach students can add a minor with no additional coursework and have an element of their academic transcript reflect the work they have done to prepare themselves for teaching. The STEM Education Minor also includes an elective pathway designed to allow UABTeach students who elect not to complete Apprentice Teaching (EHS 425) and their certification requirements to add education electives to bring their minor coursework up to the required minimum of 18 hours.

EHS 125Inquiry Approaches to Teaching1
EHS 126Step 2: Inquiry Based Lesson Designs1
EHS 325Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science3
EHS 326Classroom Interactions3
PHL 270Science, Knowledge, and Reality3
or HY 275 Perspectives on Science & Mathematics
Teaching Courses
TEP Admission required before taking the following:
EHS 327Problem-Based Instruction3
EHS 425Apprentice Teaching6
EHS 426Apprentice Teaching Seminar1
Total Hours21

EDU-Education Courses

EDU 100. Touch the Future. 2-3 Hours.

Introduction to education for students with the intent to be teachers and students entering professions where a degree in education would be beneficial. Students own experiences will be used as input for developing habits of mind and dispositions necessary for success in the field of education. Required for entering freshmen education majors. This course meets Blazer Core Local Beginnings Requirement with a flag in First Year Experience.

EDU 200. Education as a Profession. 3 Hours.

Formal introduction to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Using writing and discussion, the class provides a clear and realistic understanding of issues involved in choosing education as a career. Writing is a significant component of this course.

EDU 210. Writing and Speaking Skills for the Education Professional. 3 Hours.

Development of essential writing and speaking skills required for successful education practice. Writing is a significant component of this course.

GEO-Geography Courses

GEO 101. Intro to Geography. 3 Hours.

This course examines the heuristics employed by geographers to analyze social, cultural, environmental, political, economic, and regional factors that give locations unique identities. Students will also learn about the Five Themes of Geography and apply these concepts to articulate the unique dynamics and identities of cities in Alabama. Finally, students will learn about factors that make a location within the Birmingham metropolitan area a food desert as well as causes for a food desert in a local community through independent research. This course satisfies the Blazer Core City as a Classroom requirement and Civic engagement and Undergraduate Research flags.

GEO 109. Intro to Urban Geography. 3 Hours.

External and internal spatial processes of cities and city systems with emphasis on contemporary urban problems.

GEO 121. World Regional Geography. 3 Hours.

Modern worlds great culture realms using basic ideas and concepts in field of geography.

GEO 221. Geography of North America. 3 Hours.

Nature and character of places, especially as caused by relationship between human beings and environment.

GEO 491. Environmental Policy. 3 Hours.

Institutions,processes, actors and key issues in environmental policy.