AS-American Studies Courses


AS 201. Studies in American Culture. 3 Hours.

Team-taught, interdisciplinary study of American society and culture through selected readings from American literature and history, as well as other "texts" from art, mustic, industrial and technological developments, folk and popular culture. Specific topics vary with instructors; materials for study include culutral experiences and expressions of diverse groups within American society, including native Americans, African American, immigrants and women.

AS 202. Studies in American Culture. 3 Hours.

Team-taught, interdisciplinary study of American society and culture through selected readings from American literature and history, as well as other texts from art, music, industrial and technological developments, and folk and popular culture. Specific topics vary with instructors; materials for study include cultural experiences and expressions of diverse groups within American society, including Native Americans, African Americans, immigrants, and women.

AS 301. Studies in American Culture. 3 Hours.

Team-taught, interdisciplinary study of American society and culture throuh selected readings from American literature and history, as well as other texts from art, music, industrial and technological developments, and folk and popular culture. Specific topics vary with instructors; materials for study include cultural experiences and expressions of diverse groups within American society including Native Americans, African Americans, immigrants, and women.

AS 401. Senior Seminar in American Studies. 3 Hours.

Topics of national and regional interest from any discipline but sufficiently broad to allow focus on specific intellectual problems using analytical skills and interdisciplinary methods learned in Core Curriculum courses, required elective courses, and chosen major. Should be taken during senior year.
Prerequisites: AS 201 [Min Grade: D] and AS 202 [Min Grade: D]