EDL-Educational Leadership

EDL 601. Foundations of Instr. Ldrshp. 3 Hours.

The purpose of the course is to provide a strong foundation in strengthening knowledge and skills in instructional leadership. The student will be prepared to become an instructional leader who engages the school community in developing a shared mission, vision; will explore various leadership theories and application; and will review the purpose and process of leadership for continuous school improvement. Requires admission to either EDL Master's or Post-Master's Certification program.

EDL 602. Fld Exp: Found of Inst Ldrshp. 1 Hour.

Through observing, participating, and leading field-based experiences, Foundations of Instructional Leadership students will gain practical knowledge and skills needed to be effective school leaders. This course is for master's students in educational leadership and is taken in connection with EDL 601.

EDL 603. Data Driven Decision Making. 3 Hours.

This course prepares the future school leader to effectively use and interpret data in all forms to lead and monitor continuous school improvement. Students will become conversant with strategies and techniques that enhance classroom instruction. The students will lead in a school improvement project, identifying and addressing student achievement gaps. This course is required for all students earning a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership. Other students interested in studying data-based decision making to improve student learning are welcome to enroll.

EDL 604. Fld. Exp. in Data Driven Dec.. 1 Hour.

Through observing, participating, and leading field based experiences, Data Driven Decision Making for School Improvement students will gain practical knowledge and skills in using data and techniques to enhance leadership for learning in a school. This course is required for students earning their Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, but other students interested in studying data-based decision making for a school setting are welcome to enroll.

EDL 605. Residency in Inst. Leadership. 3 Hours.

The purpose of the Residency in Instructional Leadership is to give future instructional leaders authentic experiences in a continuum of observing, participating, and leading in K-12 schools without the distraction of teaching responsibilities or other coursework requirements. Students are required to complete their residency, in a school with children present, over 10 days. Students are required to attend two Residency Seminars during the term. Residency is a requirement for eligibility for Alabama Class A certification in Instructional Leadership.

EDL 606. Supervision/ Ment. Inst. Staff. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to prepare the future school leader to utilize knowledge of human resources to accomplish school and system goals. This involves developing the ability to design and implement effective professional development and facilitate teaching that will impact student achievement. Emphasis is placed on the observation of classroom teachers and developing systematic feedback processes in order to facilitate improvement in classroom instruction. A final unit will assist the future leader in seeking mentoring opportunities.

EDL 607. Fld Exp. in Super / Mentoring. 1 Hour.

Through observing, participating and leading field based experiences, students will gain practical knowledge and skills in implementing staff development, supervision of instructional staff, and creating mentoring opportunities for new teachers and oneself. This class is for students earning their Master of Arts in Educational Leadership.

EDL 608. Org. & Financial Mgt. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to prepare instructional leaders to develop the knowledge and skills to apply financial procedures for public schools in Alabama. An emphasis on strategies to utilize student data as the impetus for allocating financial resources will be part of the curriculum. In addition, students will conduct a technology audit and explore guidelines for creating safe school facilities.

EDL 609. Fld. Exp. in Org & Finc Mgmt. 1 Hour.

Through observing, participating, and leading field-based experiences, students will gain practical knowledge and skills in applying financial procedures, allocating resources and creating safe K-12 schools.

EDL 610. Legal & Ethical Foundations. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is twofold: (1) Candidates will give a fundamental knowledge of ethical principles based on the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics and guidelines of the State Ethics Commission and (2) Candidates will gain a working knowledge of legal principles established by local, state, and federal legislatures and judicial requirements.

EDL 611. Fld. Exp. in Legal/Eth Found. 1 Hour.

Through observing, participating and leading field based experiences assigned in EDL 610 Legal and Ethical Foundations of School Leadership, students will gain a working knowledge of legal and ethical principles necessary to employ in K12 school leadership.

EDL 612. Best Prac. Inst. Ldrship. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to prepare instructional leaders who can create positive learning environments for all students. Special emphasis will be placed on using data to assess and improve student achievement. Students will explore the needs of diverse and underrepresented populations, including racial/ethnic minorities, students with special needs, LGBTQ students, and others. Students will also examine legal mandates for providing services to diverse student populations.

EDL 613. Fld Exp in Best Practices for Inst Ldrshp for Diverse Populations. 1 Hour.

Through observing, participating leading field based experiences, students will gain practical experience needed to meet the instructional needs of diverse populations, including racial/ethnic minorities, students with special needs, LGBTQ students, and others. This course is required for all students earning a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership.

EDL 651. Leadership to Promote Ethics and Well-Being. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is for candidates to develop a deep understanding of how to promote well-being among P-12 students and teachers in a school setting. Candidates will explore the professional ethics of school leadership which will serve as a guide to understanding and developing a school culture committed to the academic and non-academic well-being of students and the professional well-being of faculty and staff members and other stakeholders in the school context.

EDL 652. Leadership for Student Support. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is for candidates to develop a deep understanding of a range of academic and non-academic student support systems. Candidate will research, observe, and reflect on how K-12 schools identify and support student learning through multi-tiered intervention systems for academic learning and behavioral support. Candidates will become familiar with current technology systems designed to support student learning and enhance classroom instruction.

EDL 653. Leading Action Research for School Improvement. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to provide candidates with a strong foundation in conducting evidence-based action research, developing necessary knowledge and skills to promote current and future success and well-being of each student and adult. Candidates will demonstrate an understanding of the elements of a high-quality action research project aimed at identifying, planning, and conducting site-based action research to improve instruction and learning at the school and district levels. The course will address identifying and articulating a problem of practice; reviewing relevant, empirical literature; strategizing and implementing interventions, and collecting and analyzing baseline and post-intervention sources of data.

EDL 654. Survey of Instructional Leadership. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to provide candidates with a strong foundation in instructional leadership, developing necessary knowledge and skills to promote current and future success and well-being of each student and adult. Candidates will demonstrate the ability to lead, design, and implement a shared school mission, vision, values, and process for continuous school improvement. The course will explore various leadership and organizational theories and their application. Candidates will demonstrate capacity to use data to evaluate, design, cultivate, and advocate for a supportive and inclusive school culture.

EDL 655. Systematic Inquiry for School Improvement. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to provide candidates with a strong foundation in planning for continuous improvement for a school. Candidates will develop knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to evaluate, develop, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports and assessments for student learning. Focus will be placed on improving management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operations systems to address the learning needs and well-being of students and adults in the school community.

EDL 656. Supervision & Instructional Leadership. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to prepare the future school leader to utilize knowledge of human resources to accomplish school and system goals. This involves building the school’s professional capacity, developing a professional culture of learning, and improving systems for staff supervision, evaluation, support, and professional learning. Emphasis is placed on the observation of classroom teachers and developing systematic feedback processes to promote the success and well-being of each student and adult in the school.

EDL 657. Law & Ethics for School Leaders. 3 Hours.

A core course in educational leadership preparation, this course prepares educators to make decisions based on legal and ethical principles. Candidates learn about the legal framework of public education and evaluate scenarios to consider the legal and ethical implications of decisions.

EDL 658. Leadership for Diversity and Inclusive Education. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to prepare instructional leaders who can develop and maintain supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive learning environments for all students. Emphasis will also be placed on developing the ability to engage families, community, and school personnel in strengthening student learning, supportive school improvement, and advocating for the needs of their school and community. Students will explore the needs of diverse and underrepresented populations, including racial/ethnic minorities, students with special needs, LGBTQ students, and others. Students will also examine legal mandates for providing services to diverse student populations.

EDL 659. Residency in Instructional Leadership. 3 Hours.

The purpose of the Residency in Educational Leadership is to give future instructional leaders authentic experiences in a continuum of observing, participating, and leading in K-12 schools without the distraction of teaching responsibilities or other coursework requirements. Students are required to complete their residency in a school with children present over 10 days. Students are required to attend two Residency Seminars during the term. Residency is a requirement for eligibility for Alabama Class A certification in Instructional Leadership.

EDL 661. Simulation in Educational Leadership. 3 Hours.

This is a course designed to provide practice for prospective school administrators in observing teachers in the classroom. Emphasis is placed on developing the skill base of school leaders in observing, note-taking, and providing meaningful feedback to classroom teachers regarding the delivery of instruction and student response. Skills are also developed in assisting teachers in writing their own professional development plans based upon classroom observation.

EDL 700. School and District Resource Allocation. 3 Hours.

This course explores the principles of effective resource management (e.g., financial, human, material, and facilities) for school leaders, with an emphasis on accountability, adequacy, efficiency, and equity and the strategic deployment of human and material resources to address inclusiveness and educational opportunity. Students learn about the U.S. system of school finance, the various approaches to school funding, and examine the mechanisms for funding schools in Alabama. The course provides students with an understanding of legal and ethical issues related to management of school facilities and auxiliary services. Students will learn about decision making and leadership, and the roles of stakeholders in the context of acquiring and managing educational resources.

EDL 704. Educational Law and Policy Development. 3 Hours.

This course examines judicial, legislative, and regulatory law that affect public schools and considers implications for ethical decision making. Furthermore, the processes, responsibilities, and multiple roles in the development of school and district policy will be explored.

EDL 710. Mentoring for Educational Leadership. 3 Hours.

In this course, students will develop their knowledge base and skill sets in mentoring instructional staff in the development of their own practice as classroom instructors. Concepts of mentoring as a key process in professional development of teachers will be examined. Specific mentoring skills and strategies will be emphasized. Studetns will be required to examine current mentoring program goals and processes as well as practice their own skills in mentoring.

EDL 717. Leading Change Through Action Research. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to strengthen knowledge and skills in the areas of effective leadership and systemic organizational change. This course will teach participants the skills and strategies to prepare for and introduce change in their schools through an identified school-based problem solving project. Candidates will be required to lead a collaborative effort of analyzing and applying strategies and quality tools in addressing a school-based problem, preferably one that is impacting student achievement. Course content will include: an introduction to quality tools (TQM), shared decision-making, group processes, effective teaming, and using data to make decisions.

EDL 717L. Field Experience for Leading Change Through Action Research. 1 Hour.

The course is designed to give Ed.S. candidates authentic, practical experience in leading in a school. A minimum of 20 hours of field experience, spent in leadership activities correlating to the core course, at the school site, will be required as the field experience for EDL 717-L. the Field Experience Course is taken concurrently with the core course.

EDL 718. Essential Skills for Organizational Leadership. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to strengthen knowledge and skills essential to effective leadership in the school setting. Candidates will increase their understanding of and skills in utilizing participatory /shared decision making; using data focused on student learning to drive the decision making process; communicating high expectations for student learning; and enhancing human resource development. Candidates will demonstrate the ability to analyze various situations involving community and stakeholder relationships through the structural, human resource, political, and symbolic frames and devise appropriate courses of action based on this analysis of school programs.

EDL 718L. Field Experience for Essential Skills for Organizational Leadership. 1 Hour.

The course is designed to give Ed.S. candidates authentic, practical experience in leading in a school. A minimum of 20 hours of field experience, spent in leadership activities correlating to the core course, at the school site, will be required as the field experience for EDL 718-L. The Field Experience Course is taken concurrently with the core course.

EDL 719. Mentoring & Coaching Skills for School Leaders. 3 Hours.

In an era of ensuring highly qualified teachers through embedded, research-based staff development, the role of supervision and mentoring has taken on an unprecedented role in successful schooling. Supervision and mentoring are at the ¿heart¿ of schooling. In addition, future school leaders need to understand their own mentoring needs, and be comfortable with seeking a mentor for themselves. In this course, candidates will conduct a comprehensive critical examination of mentoring concepts, both for personal development and for instructional supervision of classroom teachers. The skills of supervision through cognitive coaching will be learned and practiced. Implications for individual and group development and the improvement of instruction are emphasized. The field experience, EDL 719L will involve candidates seeking a mentor for themselves, as well as engaging in mentoring a new teacher.

EDL 719L. Field Experience for Mentoring & Coaching Skills for School Leaders. 1 Hour.

The course is designed to give Ed.S. candidates authentic, practical experience in leading in a school. A minimum of 20 hours of field experience, spent in leadership activities correlating to the core course, at the school site, will be required as the field experience for EDL 719-L. the Field Experience Course is taken concurrently with the core course.

EDL 720. Proposal Writing. 3 Hours.

In this course, students enrolled in the Doctorate of Education program work closely with their course instructor to develop their proposal for dissertation research. The content and structure of the proposal and dissertation are examined, including conducting a comprehensive review of the relevant literature and the techniques and strategies of data collection, analysis, and development of conclusions and implications related to research findings. The anticipated culminating field project is the development and defense of the proposal for doctoral dissertation research.

EDL 725. Current Issues and Problems in School Administration. 3 Hours.

This is a seminar type course that explores current issues affecting the profession of school leadership. Various topics of concern will be presented and discussed. Multiple guest speakers with expert knowledge of selected issues may be invited to present in this class. Students will be required to reflect carefully about their own positions relative to select issues and problems.

EDL 727. Leading the Adult Learning Community. 3 Hours.

This course is divided into the following conceptual units: a. Teachers as Adult Learners b. Understanding Adult Learning Theories c. Applying Adult learning Theories to Professional Learning Communities d. Creating Collaborative Teams to support learners e. Shared Leadership to improve academic achievement of diverse learners f. Developing and Utilizing Shared Leadership Strategies The purpose of this course is to prepare candidates with the ability to and the knowledge of skills and strategies required to Lead the Adult Learning community in schools. An in-depth analysis of adult learning theories and strategies to develop shared leadership capacity in school communities will provide the impetus of this course. Candidates will learn about characteristics of adult learners and various theories of how adults learn, develop, and interact in professional learning communities. The second focus of this course is how to develop and implement shared leadership in schools.

EDL 727L. Field Experience for Leading the Adult Learning Community. 1 Hour.

The course is designed to give Ed.S. candidates authentic, practical experience in leading in a school. A minimum of 20 hours of field experience, spent in leadership activities correlating to the core course, at the school site, will be required as the field experience for EDL 727-L. the Field Experience Course is taken concurrently with the core course.

EDL 728. Management of the Learning Organization. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to strengthen knowledge of and skills in essential management functions within the school or district setting, as noted in specified ISLLC and Alabama Administrative Code Standards. The course will focus on practices and procedures that are vital to the efficient and effective operation of a school or a school district.

EDL 728L. Field Experience for Management of the Learning Organization. 1 Hour.

The course is designed to give Ed.S. candidates authentic, practical experience in leading in a school. A minimum of 20 hours of field experience, spent in leadership activities correlating to the core course, at the school site, will be required as the field experience for EDL 728-L. The Field Experience Course is taken concurrently with the core course.

EDL 731. Law, Ethics, and Policy for Educational Leaders. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is twofold: 1) Candidates will gain a fundamental knowledge of ethical principles based on the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics and the guidelines of the State Ethics Commission. 2) Candidates will gain a working knowledge of legal principles established by local, state, and federal legislative and judicial requirements. Candidates will be able to demonstrate an understanding of legal and ethical principles related to underrepresented populations within the school setting. Candidates will be able to demonstrate a knowledge and application of the ethical principles stipulated in the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics and accompanying legal precepts. Candidates¿ ability to make sound legal and ethical decisions will be enhanced through a better understanding of board policies and politics as well as through reflection on and clarification of personal values and beliefs.

EDL 731L. Field Experience for Law, Ethics, and Policy for Educational Leaders. 1 Hour.

The course is designed to give Ed.S. candidates authentic, practical experience in leading in a school in the area of law, ethics, and policy. A minimum of 20 hours of field experience, spent in leadership activities correlating to the core course, at the school site, will be required as the field experience for EDL 731-L. The Field Experience Course is taken concurrently with the core course.

EDL 732. Leadership of Special Programs. 3 Hours.

Leadership of Special Programs coalesces the knowledge of and ability to lead special programs within a school site. Candidates will apply leadership skills in developing a comprehensive home school collaborative project and a comprehensive technology integration project. In addition, candidates will develop curriculum which will align state standards unique to career and technical education. Emphasis will be placed on models of communication, problem solving, conflict resolution and team building principles and skills. Focus will also be placed on best practices in the development of community information, networking, public relations, and media. The technology portion of this class will focus on the total integration of technology into a school community.

EDL 732L. Field Experience for Leadership of Special Programs. 1 Hour.

The course is designed to give Ed.S. candidates authentic, practical experience in leading in a school. A minimum of 20 hours of field experience, spent in leadership activities correlating to the core course, at the school site, will be required as the field experience for EDL 732-L. The Field Experience Course is taken concurrently with the core course.

EDL 733. Organizational Behavior. 3 Hours.

Students will have the opportunity to explore historical, organizational, and theoretical foundations of educational leadership including open systems and social systems models. Emphasis will be given to developing student leadership skills and styles in communication, policy formation, negotiation, decision making, distributed leadership, conflict management, and implementation of effective organizational change models to impact organizational culture focused on supporting academic progress and well-being of all students.

EDL 734. Ethical Dimension of Leadership. 3 Hours.

Students will examine ethical theories and frameworks from multiple perspectives and from across cultures and explore the application of ethical theories to professional practice as an educational leader. Students will examine ethical leadership in an educational environment to identify the need for ethical leadership, common traits and characteristics of ethical leaders, and how leaders can apply ethical models to decision making, organizational analysis, and development of an ethical educational culture.

EDL 735. Professional Leadership. 3 Hours.

Provides an overview of key issues related to professional leadership from the perspective of the teacher leader. Special emphasis will be give to the following course themes: Alabama Educator Code of Ethics, ethical and professional conduct, school law and policy, and adult learning.

EDL 736. Leadership and the Learning Spectrum. 3 Hours.

Educational leaders can enhance their abilities to lead effectively, promote positive learning environments, and drive continuous school and organizational improvement. Emphasis will be placed on developing cultural responsiveness in schools, and on engaging stakeholders in the process of school and district improvement in providing equitable and accessible educational services for students. Various leadership and learning theories will be explored and applied to the practice of school district leadership, as well as strategies to impact high levels of professional development and learning for themselves and other educational professionals.

EDL 737. Instructional Supervision & Human Resources. 3 Hours.

An analysis of leadership techniques necessary to produce instructional improvement in educational organizations and of the technical methodology that distinguishes instructional supervision from other positions of school leadership. In addition, examines systems for hiring and retaining and developing instructional and leadership capacity.

EDL 738. Leading Inclusive Organizations and Building Engagement. 3 Hours.

Students will examine community engagement, cultural dynamics, and collaboration among school district stakeholders to foster school quality, student achievement, and parent involvement. Emphasis will be placed on effective communication strategies to develop inclusive school and district cultures in diverse contexts. Students will analyze community-related challenges in schools and formulate strategic solutions and understand the objectives of a robust school community relations emphasis and programming.

EDL 739. Program Evaluation. 3 Hours.

Educators, policy makers, organizational leaders, and stakeholders have an interest in understanding how programs work and how they succeed or fail. This course focuses on the theoretical and practical craft of program evaluation research, with emphasis on evaluation ethics and cultural competency.

EDL 746. Practicum in Instructional Leadership. 1 Hour.

Course required in the Ed.S. program for candidates who completed the Class A Administrative Certification before 2009, before program redesign. The practicum in Institutional Leadership allows for authentic leadership experiences in K-12 schools. The Practicum consists of developing projects and documents /artifacts, throughout the four-semester Educational Specialist Program, that outline leadership experiences in all areas of the Alabama Standard for Instructional Leaders.

EDL 755. Advanced School System Administration. 3 Hours.

An advanced course for practicing school leaders examining the various aspects of leadership of a school district from the level of the principalship and beyond. This course explores systems theory and systems thinking relative to the various systems enacted in the leadership of a school district.

EDL 756. Advanced Educational Law. 3 Hours.

An advanced course for practicing school leaders examining the various aspects and implications of educational state and national level case law and policy governing and related to leadership of a school district from the level of the principalship and beyond.

EDL 775. Leadership Theory. 3 Hours.

An examination of historical and contemporary theories, models, concepts, and practices for effective and efficient approaches to leadership across a variety of disciplines, and how these apply to educational settings.

EDL 776. Advanced Organizational Theory. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on the theoretical assertions and empirical knowledge regarding organizational behavior and its implications for leadership. Systems theory, power and authority, ethics, and culture are addressed, with emphasis on the complexities of the school organization.

EDL 777. Ethics & Policy. 3 Hours.

This is an advanced course designed to equip doctoral candidates with a comprehensive understanding of ethical theories, principles, and frameworks in the context of public policy development and implementation. The course explores the intricate relationship between ethics and policy-making, emphasizing critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to navigate complex ethical dilemmas inherent in various policy domains.
Prerequisites: EDL 734 [Min Grade: B]

EDL 778. Policy Development Theory & Analysis. 3 Hours.

To prepare students to navigate policy processes and influence education policy decisions, this course introduces basic theoretical approaches to studying public policy processes, develops analytic skills in identifying policy problems in education, and requires students to develop communication skills related to policy analysis.

EDL 779. Politics & Education. 3 Hours.

This course examines the politics of the United States education system, past and present, by examining political, social, and economic dimensions shaping education governance and policy initiatives.

EDL 780. Education Finance & Policy. 3 Hours.

This course explores issues in education finance and policy by focusing on the core concepts of the economics of education and applying policy analysis to school finance policy. Students examine the implementation and consequences of school finance policy, budget and policy alternatives, and interactions of school finance policy with other educational policy decisions.

EDL 781. Advanced Education Law & Policy. 3 Hours.

This course examines the relationship between law, policy, ethics, and the U.S. public education system. Understanding school law, drafting model legislation, and advocating for the common good are emphasized in the course.

EDL 790. Special Topics. 3 Hours.

Covers topics in educational leadership, policy, and ethics of immediate or special interest to a faculty member and students. Course varies in content depending on topic. Students may enroll in this course multiple times, but topic may not be repeated. See specific course syllabi for course content.

EDL 792. Directed Study in Educational Leadership. 3 Hours.

EDL 795. Dissertation Seminar. 3 Hours.

In this course, candidates enrolled in the Educational Leadership, Policy, and Ethics (PhD) program work closely with their course instructor to develop their proposal for dissertation research. The content and structure of the proposal and dissertation are examined, including conducting a comprehensive review of the relevant literature and the techniques and strategies of data collection, analysis, and development of conclusions and implications related to research findings. The anticipated culminating field project is the development and defense of the proposal for doctoral dissertation research.

EDL 796. Individual Readings in School Law. 3-6 Hours.

EDL 798. Non-Dissertation Research. 1-12 Hour.

This course is for doctoral students in educational leadership who have completed their preliminary course work but who have not yet attained candidacy (i.e., developed or defended their proposal for doctoral/dissertation research).

EDL 799. Dissertation Research. 1-12 Hour.

This course is for doctoral students in educational leadership who have completed their preliminary course work, passed their comprehensive written exam, and have successfully defended their proposal for doctoral/dissertation research and who, upon the recommendation of their dissertation committee, are entered into doctoral candidacy through the Graduate School. A minimum of 12 hours of EDL 799 is required for the EdD program.
Prerequisites: GAC Z