
HY 601. Historiography. 3 Hours.

Seminar on various theoretical perspectives and methodologies of professional historians. What historians do, how they do it, and why.

HY 602. Historical Research and Writing. 3 Hours.

Methods of historical research, including research in primary sources, and the distinctive characteristics of historical writing.

HY 612. Seminar in Early America. 3 Hours.

Topics and issues in the history and historiography of Colonial North America, circa 1500-1775.

HY 614. Seminar in Recent American History. 3 Hours.

Topics in the politics of modern America.

HY 615. Seminar in American Myths American Values. 3 Hours.

Recommended for students teaching at the secondary-education level and for traditional history students alike. Examines the major myths that inform, and that are informed by, traditional American values and how both shape social relationships.

HY 621. Seminar in Old South History. 3 Hours.

Subjects pertaining to the Old South era to Reconstruction.

HY 622. Seminar in New South History. 3 Hours.

Subjects pertaining to the New South era since Reconstruction.

HY 631. Seminar: Topics in American History. 3 Hours.

Historical topics of American History, (e.g. Conservatism, Crime and Punishment).

HY 632. Seminar in U.S. Urban History. 3 Hours.

Topics in Urban History.

HY 634. Seminar in African American History. 3 Hours.

Selected topics related to the African-American experience.

HY 635. Seminar in American Social History. 3 Hours.

A reading and research seminar examining the history of the structure and power of social groups in America.

HY 637. Seminar in U.S. Labor History. 3 Hours.

Development of labor force and movements in U.S. 19th and 20th centuries.

HY 638. Seminar in Civil Rights History. 3 Hours.

An analysis of history and historiography of Civil Rights Movement in America since the 19th century.

HY 639. Seminar in Women's History. 3 Hours.

An analysis of the changing economic, political, and social roles of women from colonial period to the present.

HY 641. Seminar in Latin American History. 3 Hours.

Issues in history of Latin America since the late 18th century; economic development, dependency and popular resistance, role of the Catholic Church,social revolution, and nationalism.

HY 650. Seminar: Topics in European History. 3 Hours.

Seminar in Historical topics in European History.

HY 651. Seminar in Medieval History. 3 Hours.

Examine political, economical, and religious interaction in the world prior to 1500.

HY 653. Seminar in Modern Europe. 3 Hours.

Reformation to the present; major topics such as soceity and politics, warfare, religious trends, state-building, and industrialization.

HY 654. Seminar in British History. 3 Hours.

Focuses on a particular period or problem in British history. Reading and discussion of current publications on the topic.

HY 655. Seminar in Russian/Soviet History. 3 Hours.

Analysis of primary sources and secondary works dealing with political and social history of Imperial Russia or Soviet Union and their succesor states.

HY 656. Seminar in French History. 3 Hours.

Seminar dealing with various periods and issues in the history of France.

HY 670. Eminar in Pre-Modern History. 3 Hours.

Examine political, economical, and religious interaction in the Mediterranean or Middle Eastern world prior to 1500.

HY 671. Seminar in Asian History. 3 Hours.

Topics in Asian History.

HY 672. Seminar: Topics in World History. 3 Hours.

Seminar in historical topics of world history.

HY 673. Seminar in World Environmental History. 3 Hours.

Comparative examination of cultures and their relationship with the natural environment in a modern world context.

HY 674. Seminar in Comparative History. 3 Hours.

Explores through reading and research varied issues in comparative history;revolution, war, slavery, labor cities, industrialization, and social and cultural topics.

HY 675. Seminar-World Economic History. 3 Hours.

This seminar examines the diverse social, political and ecological contexts in which humans have provided for their material needs.

HY 681. Directed Readings in History. 3-6 Hours.

Individually designed course of readings in various fields. May be repeated. Only two directed reading courses will count toward degree requirements for history majors.

HY 682. Internship in Public Hist/SL. 3 Hours.

Individually designed program that places students in local historical museums and sites to gain professional experience in public history. Service Learning.

HY 683. Seminar in Public History. 3 Hours.

Explores the diverse approaches and methods of presenting history to public audiences, museums, historic sites, architectural preservation, documentary editing, and archival preservation.

HY 693. Special Topics in History. 3 Hours.

Seminar exploring the historiography of a specialized topic in history.

HY 694. Special Topics in History. 3 Hours.

Seminar exploring the historiography of a specialized topic in history.

HY 698. Non-Thesis Research. 3-6 Hours.

Individual research project.

HY 699. Thesis Research. 1-6 Hour.

Research culminating in master's thesis in history.
Prerequisites: GAC M

HY 771. Special Projects in History. 1-3 Hour.

Open only to those who hold the M.A. degree.