
KIN 500. Organization & Admin of PE. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to provide aspiring educators and coaches with opportunities to enhance their comprehension of challenges and solutions associated with organizing physical education and coaching programs, including traditional sports and eSports, in elementary and secondary school settings.

KIN 508. Adapted Physical Education. 3 Hours.

This methods course provides knowledge and skills for assessing, interpreting, programming, and instructing K-12 students with disabilities in physical education. Topics include the law, inclusion, IEP writing, differentiation, modifications, instructional delivery, and generalities of specific disabilities. The course will engage students through lecture, peer teaching, and problem-based learning activities. Best practices teaching children with disabilities will be applied through clinical experiences in select schools.

KIN 509. Assessment in Physical Education. 3 Hours.

This course emphasizes the development, implementation, and analysis of assessments within K-12 physical education programs, including assessment of the cognitive, physical, and psychomotor domains including program assessment.

KIN 511. Elementary School Physical Education. 3 Hours.

This course will include the nature and content of a developmentally appropriate elementary physical education program.

KIN 511L. Educational Dance & Gymnastics. 1 Hour.

This course will provide candidates with the knowledge and skills required to teach the key elements for various dance and gymnastics routines. Candidates will demonstrate their own proficiency and their ability to teach dance and gymnastics to elementary aged students.

KIN 520. Fitness and Motor Skill Acquisition. 3 Hours.

This course will enable candidates to acquire the knowledge and the skills necessary to analyze and appropriately teach motor skills and design developmentally appropriate fitness activities for secondary school students.

KIN 520L. Sport Skill Proficiency. 1 Hour.

This course will enable candidates to acquire the knowledge and the skills necessary to teach the critical elements needed to perform all basic sport skills. Candidates will demonstrate skill proficiency in the sport skills as well as the ability to teach others to perform the skills.

KIN 523. Techniques of Teaching Fitness and Nutrition in Schools. 3 Hours.

This course will enable candidates to learn techniques and strategies for teaching fitness and nutrition in physical education programs.

KIN 530. Introduction to eSports. 3 Hours.

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of eSports, covering its historical development, cultural significance, and economic impact. Students will analyze the factors that have propelled eSports to become a dominant sports phenomenon, including technological advancements, online platforms, and streaming services. They will compare eSports to traditional sports, examining controversies, challenges, and opportunities for integration within the sports ecosystem. Additionally, students will investigate the role of eSports in educational institutions and professional settings exploring structures organizations and career opportunities.

KIN 531. eSports in Action. 3 Hours.

This course immerses students in the world of competitive gaming. Through gameplay and analysis, students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, making strategic decisions and adapting to dynamic situations. They will evaluate the game's met, understanding player roles and archetypes. Teamwork and communication will be emphasized, enabling students to coordinate with teammates and make quick decisions.

KIN 555. eSports Management. 3 Hours.

This course introduces students to fundamentals of effective eSports management. Students identify best practices in eSports management by examining case studies of the emerging eSports industry and associated stakeholders. Students explore financial, legal & ethical, governance, marketing, sponsorship, and operational issues surrounding the eSports industry.

KIN 585. Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription. 3 Hours.

This course studies participant screening, risk stratification, and exercise assessment/testing and prescription for apparently healthy, special and diseased populations.

KIN 589. Physical Education Instructional Strategies. 6 Hours.

This course will focus on information to help potential physical educators attain teaching skills and knowledge necessary to design, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate K-12 physical education programs. Students will gain hands-on teaching experience with students in school settings.

KIN 601. Introduction to Sports Administration. 3 Hours.

This course will explore the field of sport administration. Students will learn about the many skills needed to be an effective administrator.

KIN 606. Sport Law. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to provide an introduction to basic legal principles and their application to the sport industry, specifically sports at the high school, university and professional levels. This course provides broad strokes of areas of law such as legal procedures, contracts, torts, and constitutional/labor law.

KIN 607. Principles of Coaching. 3 Hours.

This course will explore the principles of coaching regarding sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport physiology, and sport management.

KIN 615. Sport Facility Planning. 3 Hours.

Principles of planning and managing sport facilities and events.

KIN 630. Mechanical Analysis of Motor Skills. 3 Hours.

Analysis of motor skills in children, youth, and adults.

KIN 631. Foundations of Physical Education. 3 Hours.

Basic foundations of physical education in the school setting.

KIN 632. Supervision of Physical Education. 3 Hours.

Principles of supervising and maintaining a physical education program.

KIN 635. Principles of Management in Sports. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to give students an overview of the duties, responsibilities and problems facing athletic administrators in today's sports-conscious society.

KIN 636. Current Readings in Physical Education. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to assist the student in locating, analyzing, and synthesizing professional literature relative to current trends, issues and research in physical education.

KIN 637. Physiology of Exercise I. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of energy metabolism and cardiovascular, respiratory and skeletal muscle physiology during exercise.

KIN 638. Physiology of Exercise II. 3 Hours.

Advanced instruction on human physiological responses to exercise and exercise training, altitude and climate, and spaceflight.

KIN 639. Exercise Prescription for High Risk Populations. 3 Hours.

Advanced exercise prescription for special populations including cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic disease conditions.

KIN 640. Advanced Techniques in Conditioning the Athlete. 3 Hours.

Advanced endurance, resistance, and flexibility training for conditioning the athlete.

KIN 641. Advanced Planning/Management of Fitness Facilities. 3 Hours.

Advanced knowledge and skills needed for successful management, marketing, operational leadership, evaluation, and planning principles of commercial, corporate, clinical, and community health/fitness facilities.

KIN 642. Practicum in Physiology. 3 Hours.

Pre-thesis research.
Prerequisites: (KIN 637 [Min Grade: C] or PE 637 [Min Grade: C]) and (KIN 638 [Min Grade: C] or PE 638 [Min Grade: C])

KIN 643. Curriculum Development in Physical Education. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on the development of curricula in physical education grades K-12. Principles of curriculum development, existing curriculum models and current trends and contemporary issues related to curriculum development are covered.

KIN 644. Application of Exercise Physiology to Fitness and Performance. 3 Hours.

Students in this course will learn the scientific principles that underlie exercise physiology. In this course you will learn about exercise tests to evaluate fitness, and exercise training to promote performance and health, and disease prevention throughout the lifespan.

KIN 645. Advanced Motor Development. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to provide graduate students the opportunity to develop skill and knowledge related to lifespan motor development. Through online discussion, readings, and laboratory activities, students will be exposed to information regarding physical growth, maturation, and aging; motor skill acquisition from infancy through adulthood; perceptual-motor development; physiological changes and exercise over the lifespan; and sociocultural influences on motor development.

KIN 647. Teaching Strategies and Issues in K-12 PE. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to update graduate students who are currently teaching physical education or seeking initial certification regarding new teaching strategies and methodologies as well as current state and national issues affecting K-12 physical education programs.

KIN 649. Advanced Adapted Physical Education. 3 Hours.

This course prepares students to make informed decisions about curriculum and instructional strategies for students with disabilities in physical education settings.

KIN 650. Social Aspects of Sport. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to study sport from a sociological perspective. The course will explore the importance of sports in people’s lives and the sports connection with culture and society.

KIN 651. Issues and Problems in Coaching. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to allow the students to approach issues and problems from a practical perspective, particularly related to legal duties.

KIN 652. Measurement and Evaluation of Athletes. 3 Hours.

This course is primarily designed to help athletic coaches locate, select, and construct quality sport skill tests. Additional attention will be given to body composition, fitness, and psychological assessment of athletes. Students will review reasons why coaches should measure and evaluate athletes, and survey sound testing procedures.

KIN 653. Plan/Conduct Act Prog for Indiv with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge and skills needed to meet the unique fitness and physical activity needs of individuals with various disabilities. Through class discussions and course assignments, students will learn to design and implement personal training/fitness programs and disability sports/recreation programs for individuals with disabilities based on assessments of health related strengths and needs.

KIN 655. Motor Learning. 3 Hours.

Principles of teaching and learning motor skills.

KIN 656. Advanced Sport Psychology. 3 Hours.

Psychological principles of sports.

KIN 672. Advanced Treatment of Athletic Injuries. 3 Hours.

Advanced treatment of athletic injuries.

KIN 674. Advanced Sports Nutrition. 3 Hours.

Advanced exploration of nutrient absorption, digestion and metabolism in the athlete prior to, during and following training and athletic competition.

KIN 681. eSports in the Mass Media. 3 Hours.

In this course, students will be able to examine eSport's evolution in the mass media. The course will review the history of eSports, its growth and evolution in modern-day society, and how mass media has played a role in the industry's rapid growth. Additionally, the course will look at the different types of media (social, digital, broadcast, etc.) used in eSports from a branding and marketing perspective. The course will evaluate the impact of media in eSports and the different careers available in the mass media industry.

KIN 690. Seminar in Sports Administration. 1-3 Hour.

Overview of administration of sports programs.

KIN 693. Advanced Field Experience in Physical Education. 3-6 Hours.

Field Experience in Physical Education applying the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

KIN 694. Special Projects in Kinesiology. 1-6 Hour.

Special topics course in kinesiology.

KIN 695. Problems in Physical Education. 3-6 Hours.

Development of a project that addresses a current problem in Physical Education with a researched solution.

KIN 696. Elementary/Secondary Physical Education Internship. 9 Hours.

Student teaching provides an opportunity for physical education teacher education candidates to synthesize and apply all knowledge and skills acquired during previous coursework. Interns teach for 15 weeks at two levels, elementary and either middle or high school. The candidates must pass edTPA assessments to receive teacher certification.

KIN 697. Advanced Field Experience in Kinesiology. 1-6 Hour.

Culminating field experience in Kinesiology.

KIN 698. Coaching Internship (Individual Sport). 1-3 Hour.

Culminating internship in coaching.

KIN 699. Thesis Research. 1-6 Hour.

Kinesiology Thesis Research.
Prerequisites: KIN 642 [Min Grade: C]

KIN 710. Special Topics in Physical Education. 3 Hours.

Special topics course in physical education.

KIN 715. Advanced Field Experience in Physical Education. 3-6 Hours.

Within your current teaching environment, demonstrate your teaching practice of the National Standards for Advanced Physical Education Teacher Education.

KIN 718. Practicum in Exercise Physiology. 3 Hours.

Practicum in Exercise Physiology.

KIN 720. Research Design and Methodology. 3 Hours.

Research and design methods in kinesiology.
Prerequisites: EPR 692 [Min Grade: C]

KIN 726. Supervised Research in Physical Education. 3-6 Hours.

Design and implement a research project in the field of physical education.

KIN 728. EdS Thesis Research. 3-6 Hours.

Completion of indepth research in the field of kinesiology.

KIN 729. Physical Education Seminar. 3 Hours.

This course involves the completion of a research project and presentation.