Department of Music

Chair: Dr. Patrick Evans

The Department of Music offers the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Music. Optional concentrations in Music Education (including teacher certification) and Music Technology are also available in the Bachelor of Arts degree program. Students majoring in other fields may complete a minor in Music or Music Technology and may take music courses as electives. The Department of Music is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.

The Department of Music offers instruction at a variety of levels to provide a balanced musical education for a broad spectrum of students. Areas of instruction include music theory and composition, music history and literature, music performance, music education, and music technology. Courses in music theory explore the materials and techniques employed in music composition. History and literature courses present the evolution of musical styles in the context of our cultural heritage, and identify certain works that represent the highest levels of artistic achievement. Performance activities develop individual musical skills through personal creative involvement. Music Education prepares students to teach music at the nursery through high school level. Music Technology explores current developments in computers and their applications to and impact on the creation, presentation, and recording of music. Full updated information is available on the Department of Music web site at

Mission Statement

The mission of the UAB Department of Music is to enrich the lives of a diverse student body and the surrounding community through the instruction and performance of music. This mission is consistent with UAB's primary purpose as a comprehensive urban universityFurther, we contribute to the mission of the UAB College of Arts and Sciences through the development of several of the College’s expected skills and competencies: Ethical and Moral Reasoning; Communication; Cultural Competence, and Confidence in the Place of Complexity. Faculty, staff, and students in the UAB Department of Music uphold the University’s stated shared values of Integrity; Respect; Diversity and Inclusiveness; Collaboration; Excellence and Achievement; Stewardship, and Accountability.

We are further committed to Equity and Access for all faculty, staff, students, and community partners, including thousands of audience members who attend our public concerts.

Department of Music Student Learning Outcomes

The Department of Music at UAB offers the BA degree in General Music, with concentrations in Music Technology and Choral or Instrumental Music Education.  The University of Alabama at Birmingham is a full member of the National Association of Schools of Music, a national specialized accrediting agency.

Graduates from the Department of Music will:

  • Perform music from a wide range of stylistic periods, genres, and cultural traditions on a primary instrument as a soloist and in varied ensemble settings at a level appropriate to the student's needs, interests, and degree path, and demonstrate keyboard proficiency.
  • Hear, identify, and work with the elements of music, which include melody, harmony, form, and rhythm.
  • Approach and interpret varied musical traditions with fully integrated aural skills, theoretical analysis, and cultural and historical knowledge.
  • Speak and write persuasively about music and its role in society in the 21st century.
  • Utilize technology appropriate to the particular concentration in which they have studied.

Additional Student Learning Outcomes for the Music Technology Concentration:

  • Music Technology majors will demonstrate knowledge of the principles of and skills in working with studio recording technology, digital audio workstations, electronic and digital synthesis techniques, and multimedia production, utilizing a wide range of industry-standard hardware and software.
  • Music Technology majors will demonstrate proficiency in all the competencies that lead to certification in AVID Sibelius and ProTools software.
  • Through a semester-long internship, Music Technology Majors will develop an understanding of expectations and requirements of a professional music technologist.

Additional Student Learning Outcomes for the Music Education Concentrations:

  • Demonstrate competencies in conducting and musical leadership of an ensemble, including physical gesturing, aural identification of inaccuracies in rehearsal, and pedagogical techniques to correct errors and improve technical accuracy and musical expression.
  • In addition to the skills required of all music majors, music education majors will be able to demonstrate functional abilities in voice and on brass, woodwind, percussion, and string instruments found in typical P-12 classrooms.
  • Music Education majors will be able to create and lead appropriate class lesson plans, assess effectiveness, and adjust curriculum as needed for the benefit of their P-12 students.
  • Music Education majors will have experience with diverse communities of students and be equipped to implement culturally responsive teaching strategies in any educational setting they encounter.
  • Music Education majors will be able to advocate persuasively for inclusion of music in state P-12 curricula.
  • Music Education majors will pass the national EdTPA certification exam with a score appropriate to teach in public P-12 schools in Alabama.
  • Through a semester-long internship, Music Education students will develop an understanding of expectations and requirements of a professional P-12 music teacher.

Music Ensembles

Students of all majors are invited to participate in a variety of musical ensembles: Blazer Band, Brass Ensembles, Chamber Singers, Computer Music Ensemble, Concert Choir, Gospel Choir, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Jazz Ensemble, Marching Band, Opera Workshop, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, Steel Drum Band, Electro-Acoustic Percussion Group, Piano Ensemble, Symphony Band, Wind Symphony, and Woodwind Ensembles. Other ensembles may become available depending on student interest and available resources.

Music Scholarships

The Myrtle Jones-Steele and James Darrell McAnnally Scholarships (piano), the W. Ronald Clemmons Endowed Music Scholarship, the Alys Robinson Stephens Scholarship (any instrument or voice), and other scholarships are awarded each year to qualified music majors. Choral, Opera, Wind Symphony, and Marching Band scholarships are also competitively based and are awarded to any full-time student enrolled in the university for participation in those ensembles. The Music Technology Scholarships, Stevie Wonder Scholarships, and Audiostate 55 Music Technology and Jazz Scholarships are awarded to students in the Music Technology program. Auditions are scheduled throughout the year for award for the next academic year. For an application or further information about music scholarships or any of the programs and activities described above, call the Department office, (205) 934-7376, or visit the departmental web page:

Admittance for Music Majors

Students who wish to pursue a degree in music must first apply for admission to the UAB Office of Undergraduate Admissions. In addition, students must complete an audition before members of the music faculty for admission to the Department of Music. Auditions are scheduled throughout the year. Examinations may also be required to determine the appropriate placement of students within the curriculum. Students should contact the music office at (205) 934-7376 or email for specific audition requirements and to schedule a date on which they may complete this requirement. Once the audition is complete, students will be informed of one of three outcomes:

  1. Admission to the Department is granted and they may enroll as a music major.
  2. Admission to the Department is conditional, in which case they are admitted as a Pre-Music major. Students admitted into this preliminary program have one year to gain full admission as a music major.
  3. Admission to the Department is denied.

In the case of number 2 above, students must re-audition in order to gain full admission as a music major. In the event they are not accepted, they will be advised to seek another major within the University. Once fully or conditionally admitted to the Department of Music, students will work closely with a music faculty adviser and an academic adviser within the College of Arts and Sciences, who will monitor their progress and advise in the selection of appropriate courses. All students must audition during the term preceding the expected entrance date. Admission to UAB does not guarantee admission to the Department of Music.

Music Theory Entrance Exams

All incoming students must take a music theory placement exam upon entering the music program. To sign up for the Music Theory Placement Exam, please contact the UAB Music Office at (205) 934-7376, or by email:

First-Year Music Theory Entrance Exam 

All new music students must either pass the placement examination with a minimum score of 70%, or successfully complete MU 100 Fundamentals of Music, with a grade of  “C” or higher, before they are eligible to enter MU 221 Music Theory I, and MU 224 Aural Skills I. Students will be notified of the results at least two days prior to the first day of classes.

In preparing to take the entrance exam, students may wish to review the first four chapters in the following textbooks:

- Tonal Harmony by Stefan Kostka and Dorothy Payne

- Music in Theory and Practice by Bruce Benward


A. Pre-enrollment Credit

Students who enroll and pass a music fundamentals course from an accredited college prior to enrolling at UAB may enroll in MU 221 and MU 224 A grade of “C” is considered passing.

B. Advanced Placement Exam Exemption (AP Music Theory)

Students who score a “3” or higher on both parts of the AP Music Theory Exam may place out of MU 221 and MU 224; students cannot test out of MU 222, Music Theory II, and/or MU 225, Aural Skills II.

AP exam scores must be sent to the Associate Chair of the Department, Dr. Denise Gainey, (, before the first day of fall classes. Students who fail to send their scores will not be allowed to enroll in MU 221 and MU 224

C. State Schools for the Fine Arts

Students who attend an accredited state sponsored school for the fine arts and pass its “Advanced Placement” music theory class with a grade of “B” may place out of MU 221 and MU 224 and enroll in MU 222 and MU 225 in the spring semester; students cannot test out of MU 222 and/or MU 225

Music Theory Placement Exam for Transfer Students

All transfer students with prior music theory credits are required to take a Music Theory Placement Exam.

For transfer credits to be considered equivalent to Music Theory I-IV and Aural Skills I- IV, courses taken at another college must have included an Aural Skills course. If a separate Skills course was taken, both the laboratory and the related music theory course must have been completed with a grade of “C” or higher. On the basis of placement exam results, the faculty will place the student in the appropriate course, which may be at a lower level than the student’s transfer credits indicate. Students must pass the placement examination with a minimum score of 70%. Students will be notified of the results of the placement exam at least two days prior to the first day of classes.

In preparing to take the placement exam, students may wish to review the following materials according to the last course successfully completed in their theory sequence:

- Theory I:      Fundamentals; diatonic harmony; basic part-writing; Roman numeral analysis;

- Theory II:     Diatonic harmony; part-writing; Roman numeral and non-chord tone analysis; basic musical form;

- Theory III:    Diatonic and chromatic harmony; form and analysis;

- Theory IV:    Diatonic and advanced chromatic harmony; form and analysis; late Romantic harmony; modes; 20th-century techniques (12-tone analysis and set theory).

Students may wish to consult the following textbooks:

- Tonal Harmony by Stefan Kostka and Dorothy Payne

- Music in Theory and Practice by Bruce Benward

            - Form in Tonal Music by Douglass M. Green

Piano Proficiency

Functional keyboard facility must be demonstrated by ALL music majors at UAB. This is accomplished by means of the required Piano Proficiency Exam. All Music majors are required to pass the Piano Proficiency Exam (MUP 125) before being permitted to enroll in MU 322, Music Theory IV. This may be accomplished by passing the proficiency exam upon entering UAB, or by taking two semesters of Class Piano (MUP 124) and successfully completing the proficiency exam requirements in the context of the course. Up to three semester hours of credit earned in Class Piano may be counted toward general electives.

Piano Proficiency Examination Requirements


To demonstrate functional keyboard skills at a level appropriate for students majoring in Music, Music Technology, or Music Education.


All Music, Music Technology, and Music Education majors must pass the Piano Proficiency Examination by the end of their third semester of study as a UAB Music Major. Students with considerable experience in piano may be allowed to take the examination during their first term without enrolling for Class Piano. In the event they are not successful, they should enroll in Class Piano until the proficiency exam has been passed. All other students should enroll in Class Piano and continue enrollment until the exam has been passed. Students should plan to pass the Piano Proficiency Examination at the end of their third semester of music study at UAB. All Music majors are required to pass the Piano Proficiency Examination MUP 125 before being permitted to enroll in MU 322 Music Theory IV. Proficiency examinations will be scheduled during the final examination week of each semester. The instructor of MUP 125 and two other faculty members will administer the exam. Students wishing to take the proficiency exam must contact the instructor at least one week before the last day of classes to schedule a time and place for the exam. The exam will be approximately fifteen minutes in duration and will cover examples from the areas listed below. The examination may be attempted once each semester until it is passed. Music Education majors cannot enter the TEP (Teacher Education Program) without first completing this requirement.

Students have two options leading to the completion of the Piano Proficiency requirement.

  • Incoming freshmen will be advised to enroll in class piano in their first semester. Passing the final exam of the second semester (advanced) course will count as passing the piano proficiency exam. They must still register for the piano proficiency exam for zero credit for transcript purposes.
  • Students may elect to take the piano proficiency exam in August, December, or April, without enrolling in the class piano sequence. If they pass the exam, they are not required to take class piano at all.  If they do not pass the exam, they must enroll in the two-semester sequence and pass the second-semester exam.
  • Transfer students who have a documented piano proficiency exam pass (either transcript or letter from department chair) will not be required to take the exam or the class. 
  • Transfer students who have not passed a proficiency exam, even if they have taken some class piano, must take the UAB piano proficiency exam in August. If they pass the exam, they have met the Piano Proficiency requirement; if not, they must enroll in either the two-semester sequence, or the second semester, depending on the results of the exam.
  • In all of the above circumstances, the student must register for MUP 125 (zero credit) for transcript purposes.

Required Skills

The student is expected to demonstrate proficiencies in the areas of sight reading, performance, technique, and related functional skills including transposing and improvising simple accompaniments.

  • Sight-reading of song arrangements and/or simple solo piano literature such as a selected example from Chapter 5, pages 195-219 in Progressive Class Piano by Elmer Heerema.
  • Performance:
    • Two patriotic songs: America and The Star-Spangled Banner. Music may be used.
    • A solo selected from the following list or from repertoire of comparable difficulty (memorization optional).
      • J.S. Bach - Little Preludes
      • Clementi - Sonatinas
      • Schumann - Album for the Young
  • Technique:
    • All major and white-key harmonic minor scales (i.e., minor scales with the tonic of A, B, C, D, E, F, or G): Two octaves in parallel motion, hands together.
    • All major and white-key minor arpeggios: Two octaves, hands together.
  • Functional Skills:
    • Accompaniment improvisations (see Progressive Class Piano; each chapter contains sections on harmonization and improvisation).
    • Transpose a simple accompaniment or song at sight (see Progressive Class Piano, Chapter 5 pages 195-204 for examples).
    • Play the progression I-IV–I 64–V7-I hands together in all major and white-key minor keys.

Performance Attendance Requirement

All Music majors are expected to attend Music Department concerts and programs, and are required to attend a minimum of 15 events per term. To satisfy the Department’s performance attendance requirement, all music majors must enroll in and successfully complete MUP 001 every term of enrollment, except during the term of the capstone experience (seven terms). A grade of P (pass) or NP (not pass) will be assigned accordingly for a student’s attendance at concerts, Music Convocation, Department-sponsored lectures, and other events approved previously by the Department. For more specific information concerning the Performance Attendance requirement, students are urged to consult the Department of Music’s Student Handbook.

Clarification for students that enter the UAB Department of Music as freshmen:
  • Once you have passed Performance Attendance for a total of seven terms, your PA requirement is complete.
  • You are not required to register for PA during your capstone semester.
  • You are only required to register for PA during the fall and spring semesters; summer registration is not required. Summers may be used to "make up" a term if needed, but it should be noted that successful completion during summer terms is more difficult.
Clarification for transfer students and students who change major to Music:
  • If you enter UAB with no Performance Attendance credits from another approved institution, you must enroll for and successfully complete PA every semester (fall and spring) you are a Music major at UAB. For example, if you are a UAB Music major for five semesters (including your capstone semester), you must pass PA four terms.
  • If you enter the UAB Department of Music with one or more credits in Performance Attendance from another approved institution, you must still pass PA for each semester (fall and spring) you are a Music major at UAB, except for the capstone semester.
  • You are not required to register for PA during your capstone semester.

Ensemble Participation Requirement

Students in the B.A. degree program in Music are required to participate for credit in at least one music ensemble per term for a minimum of seven terms. To fulfill the participation requirement, instrumental students must enroll in an instrumental ensemble, and vocal/choral students must enroll in a vocal/choral ensemble. At least six of the seven terms of the required ensemble participation must include involvement in one of the following major ensembles: Concert Choir, Marching Band, Wind Symphony, Symphony Band, and Orchestra. Other ensembles may be considered major ensembles, but only for students whose major instrument is listed here: Jazz Ensemble (Bass, Bass Guitar, Guitar, and Piano), Guitar Ensemble (Bass Guitar, Guitar), and Piano Ensemble (Piano). All other ensembles are considered minor ensembles. Credit earned in excess of the seven semester hour minimum requirement stated above may be applied toward electives.

Students in the Music Technology program may fulfill up to four of their required ensemble hours in Computer Music Ensemble or the UAB Jazz Ensemble. The remaining three hours must be in the major ensembles named above. Music Technology majors must enroll for at least two semesters in Computer Music Ensemble. Music Technology majors with principal performing instrument of guitar, bass guitar, piano, drum set, or percussion may satisfy the major ensemble participation requirement by enrolling in a UAB jazz combo or UAB Jazz Ensemble. Music Technology majors with principal performing instrument of saxophone, trombone, or trumpet may satisfy the major ensemble participation requirement by enrolling in the UAB Jazz Ensemble or Computer Music Ensemble for up to four semesters. The remaining three hours must be in the major ensembles named in the preceding paragraph. Music Technology Majors are required to take a minimum of two semesters in Computer Music Ensemble.

Clarification for students that enter the UAB Department of Music as freshmen:
  • Once you have earned credit in ensembles as stated above for a total of seven terms, your ensemble participation requirement is complete.
  • You are not required to register for an ensemble during your capstone semester.
Clarification for transfer students and students who change major to Music:
  • If you enter UAB with no ensemble credits from another approved institution, you must participate for credit every semester (fall and spring) you are a Music major at UAB, except for the capstone semester.
  • If you enter the UAB Department of Music with one or more ensemble credits from another approved institution, you must still participate for credit in an appropriate ensemble for each semester (fall and spring) you are a Music major at UAB, except for the capstone semester.
  • You are not required to register for an ensemble during your capstone semester.

Music Capstones

UAB policy states: "Freshman students entering UAB in fall 2009 or after, must successfully complete the capstone course or experience required by their major program or school in order to graduate. All students graduating in 2013 or later must complete a capstone requirement." This UAB policy is fulfilled by the Music Education and Music Technology internships for music majors with those concentrations. All other Music majors should complete MUP 497, Senior Recital/Project, during their last semester.

Teacher Certification

Students who wish to prepare for careers as music teachers in schools at the pre-college level will need to complete the requirements for the professional teaching certificate issued by the Alabama Department of Education. These requirements are met by completing the curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Music Education degree. Because the Alabama State Board of Education frequently changes or adds teacher certification requirements, it is essential that students stay informed about current certification requirements. Therefore, Music Education majors are required to meet with their Music adviser and an adviser in the School of Education before registration each semester.

The Alabama teaching certificate is issued for two teaching fields in music: instrumental music and vocal/choral music, both valid for kindergarten through grade twelve. Students in any of the teacher certification areas in Music Education are required to earn credit in at least one music ensemble per term for a minimum of seven terms. In fulfilling the participation requirement, instrumental students must enroll in an instrumental ensemble and vocal/choral students must enroll in a vocal/choral ensemble. At least six terms of the required ensemble participation must include involvement in the appropriate Major Ensemble (see above). Credit earned in excess of the minimum semester hour requirements for ensembles may be applied to music electives within the general studies portion of the teacher certification program.

Minor in Music or Music Technology

The minor consists of 26 semester hours of coursework in music. Students who minor in Music or Music Technology should have some prior musical experience and must audition on their performing instrument. Music courses in which a grade below C is earned may not be counted toward the minor. Minors are encouraged to participate in music ensembles throughout their academic program. Students should contact the music office at (205) 934-7376 or email for specific audition requirements and to schedule an audition.

Transfer Students

A student may not apply more hours of transfer credit toward any requirement for a major or minor in music than are awarded for the equivalent courses at UAB. Excess hours in any required area may be applied as electives. Music majors must complete at least nine semester hours in music at UAB. Minors must complete at least six semester hours in music at UAB. See the section of the catalog titled “Completion of a Degree” for additional residency requirements.

The stated requirements for majors and minors in music are intended to assure a balanced academic program. In evaluating transfer credits, therefore, course content as well as the number of credits in particular areas must be considered in order to determine whether courses taken at other colleges satisfy UAB requirements. To be considered equivalent to Music Theory I–IV and Aural Skills I–IV, courses taken at another college must have included “aural skills.” If a separate “theory laboratory” was taken, both the laboratory and the related music theory course must have been satisfactorily completed. Transfer students will be required to demonstrate by examinations, auditions, and other means that their current knowledge and skills meet expected standards. Auditions will be required to determine placement in applied music courses and conducting. Transfer students majoring in music will be required to pass the UAB Piano Proficiency Examination unless written verification is provided from the appropriate official at the former college which shows that they have passed an equivalent examination at that institution.

Music majors who transfer to UAB and students who change their major from another field to music may either:

  1. Complete the normal ensemble participation requirement for their degree program.
  2. Participate in an ensemble during each term they are enrolled as a music major at UAB, with no fewer than three terms of participation in UAB ensembles.

In either case, the semester hour ensemble requirement must be met by transfer and/or UAB credit. Students must be officially enrolled in an ensemble in order to fulfill the participation requirement.

Music majors who transfer to UAB and students who change their major from another field to music may either:

  1. Complete the normal performance attendance requirement.
  2. Enroll in and successfully complete MUP 001 during each term they are enrolled as a music major at UAB, with no fewer than three terms.

Courses transferred from a two-year college cannot be used to satisfy requirements for work at advanced levels (courses numbered 300 or higher). No more than 60 semester hours may be transferred from a two-year college.  

Scheduling of Courses

Certain music courses are offered one time each year or once every two years, according to a Department plan. A copy of this plan may be obtained from the Department of Music. Several courses are offered irregularly, according to need.

Academic Advising

Each music major is assigned a Departmental academic adviser. The student MUST meet with his/her adviser before registering for classes each semester. Music Education majors must also meet with an academic adviser in the School of Education each semester.


Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Music

Music Fundamentals
MU 100Fundamentals of Music 13
Computer Music
MU 115Computer Music I3
Music Theory and Aural Skills 2
MU 221
MU 224
Music Theory I
and Aural Skills I
MU 222
MU 225
Music Theory II
and Aural Skills II
MU 321
MU 324
Music Theory III
and Aural Skills III
MU 322
MU 325
Music Theory IV
and Aural Skills IV
Music Theory V Elective
Select 3 hours from the following courses:3
Modal Counterpoint (Removed MU 359 from Theory V elective options.)
Tonal Counterpoint
Topics in Music Theory
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Techniques
Composition II
Music History and Literature
MU 366Music in World Cultures2
MU 471Music History and Literature to 17503
MU 472Music Hist/Lit 1750-Present3
Music History and Literature Elective
Select one of the following courses:3
Introduction to Music Literature
American Music
The Evolution of Jazz
Seminar in Music Literature
Music Elective
Select three hours from the following Music (MU) or Music Performance (MUP) courses:3
The Music Business
Jazz Styles: History and Appreciation
Independent Studies
Special Topic
Recording Studio Workshop
English and Italian Diction
French and German Diction
Recording Technology I
Introduction to Music Literature
Independent Studies
Marching Band Techniques
Band Literature
Computer Music II
Computer Music III
Recording Technology II
American Music
The Evolution of Jazz
Introduction to Ethnomusicology
Independent Studies
Advanced Conducting/Techniques
Multimedia Productions
Modal Counterpoint
Tonal Counterpoint
Topics in Music Theory
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Techniques
Composition II
Seminar in Music Literature
Independent Studies
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Concert Choir
Jazz Combo
Symphony Band
Guitar Ensemble
Marching Band
Clarinet Choir
Percussion Ensemble
Wind Symphony
Jazz Ensemble
Blazer Band
Brass Ensemble
Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Jazz Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Jazz Saxophone
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Jazz Trumpet
Private Lessons: Jazz Trombone
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Jazz Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Bass
Chamber Singers
Women's Chorale
Private Lessons: Voice
Computer Music Ensemble
Commercial Music Ensemble
Private Lessons: Piano
Piano Ensemble
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Opera Workshop
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
MU 329Conducting2
Music Ensemble 37
Major Ensembles: Take at least 6 hours
Concert Choir
Symphony Band
Guitar Ensemble
Marching Band
Wind Symphony
Jazz Ensemble
Piano Ensemble
Minor Ensembles
Gospel Choir
Jazz Combo
Percussion Ensemble
Blazer Band
Chamber Singers
Women's Chorale
Computer Music Ensemble
Commercial Music Ensemble
Opera Workshop
Applied Music
Select six hours from the following courses designated "Private Lessons" at the 200 level or higher (each course may be repeated for credit.)6
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Jazz Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Jazz Saxophone
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Jazz Trumpet
Private Lessons: Jazz Trombone
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Jazz Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Bass
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Piano Proficiency
MUP 125Piano Proficiency Exam0
Performance Attendance (take for seven terms)
MUP 001Performance Attendance0
Music Capstone
MUP 497Senior Recital/Project0
Total Hours54

MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.


Each level of Music Theory and Aural Skills is co-­requisite, i.e., they must be taken at the same time.  A grade of "C" or better must be earned in order to proceed to the next level. After this is accomplished, a student may retake one of the two co-­requisite courses for the purpose of improving their grade.


Students must participate in at least one semester hour of Music Ensemble per term for a minimum of seven terms. Music Ensembles are divided into two groups, "Major Ensembles" and "Minor Ensembles." Music majors must complete at least six hours in a Major Ensemble, with the remaining hour in either a Major or Minor Ensemble.

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Music and a Concentration in Music Technology

Fundamentals of Music
MU 100Fundamentals of Music 13
Music Theory and Aural Skills 2
MU 221
MU 224
Music Theory I
and Aural Skills I 3. MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.
MU 222
MU 225
Music Theory II
and Aural Skills II
MU 321
MU 324
Music Theory III
and Aural Skills III
MU 322
MU 325
Music Theory IV
and Aural Skills IV
Music Theory V Elective
Select three hours from the following courses:3
Modal Counterpoint (Removed MU 359 from the list of options for the Theory V elective.)
Tonal Counterpoint
Topics in Music Theory
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Techniques
Composition II
Music History and Literature
MU 366Music in World Cultures2
MU 472Music Hist/Lit 1750-Present3
Music Technology
MU 115Computer Music I3
MU 245Recording Technology I3
MU 341Computer Music II3
MU 342Computer Music III3
MU 345Recording Technology II3
MU 441Multimedia Productions3
Music Ensembles 37
Major Ensembles: Take at least 6 hours
Concert Choir
Symphony Band
Guitar Ensemble
Marching Band
Wind Symphony
Jazz Ensemble
Piano Ensemble
Minor Ensembles:
Gospel Choir
Jazz Combo
Percussion Ensemble
Blazer Band
Chamber Singers
Women's Chorale
Computer Music Ensemble
Commercial Music Ensemble
Opera Workshop
Applied Music
Select four hours from Music Performance (MUP) courses designated "Private Lessons" at the 200-level or higher (each course may be repeated for credit)4
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Jazz Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Jazz Saxophone
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Jazz Trumpet
Private Lessons: Jazz Trombone
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Jazz Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Bass
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Piano Proficiency
MUP 125Piano Proficiency Exam0
Performance Attendance (take for seven terms)
MUP 001Performance Attendance0
Music Technology Capstone
MU 498Music Technology Internship1-2
Total Hours57-58

MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.


Each level of Music Theory and Aural Skills is co-­requisite, i.e., they must be taken at the same time.  A grade of "C" or better must be earned in order to proceed to the next level. After this is accomplished, a student may retake one of the two co-­requisite courses for the purpose of improving their grade.


Students must participate in at least one semester hour of Music Ensemble per term for a minimum of seven terms. Music Ensembles are divided into two groups, "Major Ensembles" and "Minor Ensembles." Students completing the Music Technology concentration have two options for fulfilling this requirement:

  • Option A requires at least six hours in a Major Ensemble, with the remaining hour in either a Major or Minor Ensemble
  • Option B allows students to take up to four hours in the Minor Ensemble course MUP 341 Computer Music Ensemble, with the remaining hours in Major Ensembles.

Students are required to take three semesters of MUP 341 Computer Music Ensemble. Music Technology students must take MU 120 as one of their Blazer Core Creative Arts courses.

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Music and a Concentration in Music Education (Instrumental)

Blazer Core Curriculum41
As a part of the Blazer Core take the following:
English Composition I
English Composition II
Public Speaking
Introduction to Psychology
Finite Mathematics
Music Fundamentals
MU 100Fundamentals of Music 13
Computer Music
MU 115Computer Music I3
Music Theory and Aural Skills 2
MU 221
MU 224
Music Theory I
and Aural Skills I 6. MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.
MU 222
MU 225
Music Theory II
and Aural Skills II
MU 321
MU 324
Music Theory III
and Aural Skills III
MU 322
MU 325
Music Theory IV
and Aural Skills IV
Music History and Literature
MU 366Music in World Cultures2
MU 471Music History and Literature to 17503
MU 472Music Hist/Lit 1750-Present3
MU 329Conducting2
MU 429Advanced Conducting/Techniques2
Music Ensemble 37
Major Ensemble: Take at least 6 hours
Symphony Band
Marching Band
Wind Symphony
Minor Ensemble: Take remaining hours
Jazz Combo
Guitar Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble
Blazer Band
Computer Music Ensemble
Commercial Music Ensemble
Piano Ensemble
Applied Music
Select seven hours from Music Performance (MUP) courses designated "Private Lessons" at the 200-level or higher (each course may be repeated for credit). Four of the seven credit hours must be at the 300 level or higher:7
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Piano Proficiency
MUP 125Piano Proficiency Exam0
Performance Attendance (take for seven terms)
MUP 001Performance Attendance0
Applied Methods
MUP 122Class Voice1
MUP 132Class Woodwinds1
MUP 134Class Brass1
MUP 136Class Percussion1
MUP 138Class Strings1
This course must be taken PRIOR TO admission to TEP:
EDU 200Education as a Profession3
Students may take NO MORE THAN FOUR of the following courses PRIOR to admission to TEP. Students who ignore this admonition assume responsibility for their own mistakes.
EDF 362Foundations of Education I: Social, Historical, Philosophical3
EPR 363Foundations of Education II: Psychological3
Methods Block 1
MU 431Methods of Teaching Music N-6 3
EDR 421Reading in Content Areas1
Methods Block 2
MU 433Methods I: Instrumental Music3
ECY 300Survey of Special Education3
Methods Block 3
MU 463Methods II: Instrumental Music3
EPR 411Measurement and Evaluation in Education3
EHS 497Special Problems in Education3
These courses must be taken AFTER admission to TEP.
EMU 490Internship in Music Education 46
EMU 499Internship Seminar in Music Education N - 12 41
Total Hours129

MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.


Each level of Music Theory and Aural Skills is co-requisite, i.e., they must be taken at the same time. A grade of "C" or better must be earned in order to proceed to the next level. After this is accomplished, a student may retake one of the two co-requisite courses for the purpose of improving their grade.


Students must participate in at least one semester hour of Music Ensemble per term for a minimum of seven terms. Music Ensembles are divided into two groups, Major Ensembles and Minor Ensembles. Music majors must complete at least six hours in a Major Ensemble, with the remaining hour in either a Major or Minor Ensemble.


Students must take EMU 490 and EMU 499 in the same term.

Additional Requirements for Teacher Certified Programs

Teacher Education Program

A student must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program and complete all of the requirements.

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Music and a Concentration in Music Education (Vocal)

Blazer Core Curriculum 41
As a part of Blazer Core take the following:
English Composition I
English Composition II
Public Speaking
Introduction to Psychology
Pre-Calculus Algebra
Finite Mathematics
Music Fundamentals
MU 100Fundamentals of Music 13
Computer Music
MU 115Computer Music I3
Music Theory and Aural Skills 2
MU 221
MU 224
Music Theory I
and Aural Skills I 6. MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.
MU 222
MU 225
Music Theory II
and Aural Skills II
MU 321
MU 324
Music Theory III
and Aural Skills III
MU 322
MU 325
Music Theory IV
and Aural Skills IV
Music History and Literature
MU 366Music in World Cultures2
MU 471Music History and Literature to 17503
MU 472Music Hist/Lit 1750-Present3
MU 329Conducting2
MU 429Advanced Conducting/Techniques2
Music Ensemble 37
Major Ensemble: Take for a minimum of 6 terms
Concert Choir
Minor Ensemble
Gospel Choir
Chamber Singers
Women's Chorale
Commercial Music Ensemble
Opera Workshop
Applied Music
Select seven hours from the following courses (each course may be repeated for credit). Four credit hours must be at the 300 level or higher.7
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Piano Proficiency
MUP 125Piano Proficiency Exam0
Performance Attendance (take for seven terms)
MUP 001Performance Attendance0
Applied Methods
MUP 132Class Woodwinds1
MUP 134Class Brass1
MUP 136Class Percussion1
MUP 138Class Strings1
This course must be taken PRIOR TO admission to TEP:
EDU 200Education as a Profession3
Take NO MORE THAN FOUR of the following courses PRIOR to admission to TEP. Students who ignore this admonition assume responsibility for their own mistakes.
EDF 362Foundations of Education I: Social, Historical, Philosophical3
EPR 363Foundations of Education II: Psychological3
Methods Block 1
MU 431Methods of Teaching Music N-6 3
EDR 421Reading in Content Areas1
Methods Block 2
MU 432Methods I: Choral Music3
ECY 300Survey of Special Education3
Methods Block 3
MU 462Methods II: Choral Music3
EPR 411Measurement and Evaluation in Education3
EHS 497Special Problems in Education3
These courses must be taken AFTER admission to TEP.
EMU 490Internship in Music Education 46
EMU 499Internship Seminar in Music Education N - 12 41
Total Hours128

MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.


Each level of Music Theory and Aural Skills is co-requisite, i.e., they must be taken at the same time. A grade of "C" or better must be earned in order to proceed to the next level. After this is accomplished, a student may retake one of the two co-requisite courses for the purpose of improving their grade.


Students must participate in at least one semester hour of Music Ensemble per term for a minimum of seven terms. Music Ensembles are divided into two groups, Major Ensembles and Minor Ensembles. Music majors must complete at least six hours in a Major Ensemble, with the remaining hour in either a Major or Minor Ensemble.


 Students must take EMU 490 and EMU 499 in the same term.

Additional Requirements for Teacher Certified Programs

Teacher Education Program

A student must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program and complete all of the requirements.

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in Music

First TermHoursSecond TermHours
CAS 1123EH 102 or 107 (or EH 109)3
EH 101 or 106 (or EH 108)3Blazer Core: Reasoning3
Blazer Core: Quantitative Literature3MU 120 or 165 (or MU 205 (or other Creative Arts course))3
MU 2213MU 2223
MU 2241MU 2251
MUP 0010MUP 0010
MUP 1241MUP 1241
Applied Lessons1Applied Lessons1
 16 16
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Blazer Core: City as a Classroom3Blazer Core: Humans & Their Society3
Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4
MU 1153MU 3223
MU 3213MU 3251
MU 3241MU 3662
MUP 0010MUP 0010
MUP 1241Applied Lessons1
MUP 1250Ensemble1
Applied Lessons1 
 17 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Blazer Core: Thinking Broadly (additional selection)3Blazer Core: Communicating in the Modern World3
MU 3292Blazer Core: History & Meaning3
Music Theory V Elective3General Elective3
 MU 4723
 MUP 0010
 Applied Lessons2
MU 4713 
MUP 0010 
Applied Lessons2 
 14 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Music History and Literature Elective3Electives12
Music Elective (if needed)
 Applied Lessons2
 MUP 4970
MUP 0010 
Applied Lessons2 
 15 14
Total credit hours: 122

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in Music Education (Choral)

First TermHoursSecond TermHoursSummer TermHours
CAS 1123EDU 2003Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4
EH 101 or 1063EH 102 or 1073Blazer Core: Thinking Broadly - Creative Arts3
MU 120 or 165 (or MU 205 (or other Creative Arts Course))3MU 1153 
MU 2213MU 2223 
MU 2241MU 2251 
MUP 0010MUP 0010 
MUP 124 (Optional - Not Required)1MUP 124 (Optional - Not Required)1 
Applied Lessons1Applied Lessons1 
 16 16 7
First TermHoursSecond TermHoursSummer TermHours
CMST 1013PY 1013Blazer Core: Reasoning3
EDF 3623EPR 3633Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4
MA 105 or 110 (or higher)3MU 3223 
MU 3213MU 3251 
MU 3241MU 3662 
MUP 0010MUP 1361 
MUP 1321MUP 0010 
MUP 1250Applied Lessons1 
Applied Lessons1Ensemble1 
 16 15 7
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
Blazer Core: History and Meaning3ECY 3003 
EDR 4211MU 4292 
MU 3292MUP 0010 
MU 4313MU 4323 
MU 4713MU 4723 
MUP 0010MUP 1341 
MUP 1381Applied Lessons2 
Applied Lessons1Ensemble1 
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
Blazer Core: City as a Classroom3EMU 4906 
EHS 4973EMU 4991 
EPR 4113  
MU 4623  
MUP 0010  
Applied Lessons1  
 14 7
Total credit hours: 128

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in Music Education (Instrumental)

First TermHoursSecond TermHoursSummer TermHours
CAS 1123EDU 2003Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4
EH 101 or 1073EH 102 or 1073Blazer Core: Thinking Broadly - Creative Arts3
MU 120 or 165 (or MU 205 (or other Creative Arts course))3MU 1153 
MU 2213MU 2223 
MU 2241MU 2251 
MUP 0010MUP 0010 
MUP 124 (Optional - Not Required)1MUP 124 (Optional - Not Required)1 
Applied Lessons1Applied Lessons1 
 16 16 7
First TermHoursSecond TermHoursSummer TermHours
CMST 1013EPR 3633Blazer Core: Reasoning3
EDF 3623MU 3223Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4
MA 105 or 110 (or higher)3MU 3251 
MU 3213MU 3662 
MU 3241MUP 0010 
MUP 0010MUP 1361 
MUP 1221PY 1013 
MUP 1250Applied Lessons1 
MUP 1321Ensemble1 
Applied Lessons1  
 17 15 7
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
Blazer Core: History & Meaning3ECY 3003 
EDR 4211MU 4292 
MU 3292MU 4333 
MU 4313MU 4723 
MU 4713MUP 0010 
MUP 0010MUP 1341 
MUP 1381Applied Lessons2 
Applied Lessons1Ensemble1 
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours 
Blazer Core: City as a Classroom3EMU 4906 
EHS 4973EMU 4991 
EPR 4113  
MU 4633  
MUP 0010  
Applied Lessons1  
 14 7
Total credit hours: 129

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in Music Technology

First TermHoursSecond TermHours
CAS 1123EH 102 or 107 (or EH 109)3
EH 101 or 106 (or EH 108)3Blazer Core: Quantitative Literature3
MU 1153MU 2223
MU 2213MU 2251
MU 2241MU 2453
MUP 0010MUP 0010
MUP 1241MUP 1241
Applied Lessons1Applied Lessons1
 16 16
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Blazer Core: City as a Classroom3Blazer Core: Reasoning3
MU 120 or 165 (or MU 205 (or other Creative Arts course))3Blazer Core: Humans & Their Society3
MU 3413MU 3223
MU 3213MU 3251
MU 3241MU 3423
MUP 0010MU 3662
MUP 1241MUP 0010
MUP 1250Applied Lessons1
Applied Lessons1Ensemble1
 16 17
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4Blazer Core: History & Meaning3
Blazer Core: Communicating in the Modern World3Blazer Core: Scientific Inquiry with Lab4
MU 3453General Elective3
Music Theory V Elective3MU 4723
 MUP 0010
 MUP 3411
MUP 0010 
 14 14
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Blazer Core: Thinking Broadly (additional selection)3MU 4981-2
MU 4413Electives (any discipline)11-12
Electives (any discipline)9 
MUP 0010 
MUP 3411 
 16 12-14
Total credit hours: 121-123

 Minor in Music

Music Fundamentals
MU 100Fundamentals of Music 13
Music Theory
MU 221Music Theory I3
MU 222Music Theory II3
Aural Skills
MU 224Aural Skills I1
MU 225Aural Skills II1
Music History and Literature
MU 471Music History and Literature to 17503
MU 472Music Hist/Lit 1750-Present3
Music Ensemble
Select six hours from the following courses (all courses may be repeated for credit)6
Gospel Choir
Concert Choir
University Chorus
Jazz Combo
Symphony Band
Guitar Ensemble
Marching Band
Percussion Ensemble
Wind Symphony
Jazz Ensemble
Blazer Band
Chamber Singers
Women's Chorale
Computer Music Ensemble
Commercial Music Ensemble
Piano Ensemble
Opera Workshop
Applied Music
Select three hours from Music Performance (MUP) courses designated "Private Lessons" (each course may be repeated for credit)3
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Jazz Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Jazz Saxophone
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Jazz Trumpet
Private Lessons: Jazz Trombone
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Jazz Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Bass
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Music Elective
Select three hours from the following courses:3
The Music Business
Jazz Styles: History and Appreciation
Independent Studies
Recording Studio Workshop
Recording Technology I
Introduction to Music Literature
Independent Studies
Marching Band Techniques
Band Literature
Computer Music II
Computer Music III
Recording Technology II
Composition I
American Music
The Evolution of Jazz
Music in World Cultures
Introduction to Ethnomusicology
Independent Studies
Advanced Conducting/Techniques
Multimedia Productions
Modal Counterpoint
Tonal Counterpoint
Topics in Music Theory
Form and Analysis
Contemporary Techniques
Composition II
Seminar in Music Literature
Independent Studies
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Concert Choir
Jazz Combo
Symphony Band
Guitar Ensemble
Marching Band
Clarinet Choir
Percussion Ensemble
Wind Symphony
Jazz Ensemble
Blazer Band
Brass Ensemble
Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Chamber Singers
Women's Chorale
Private Lessons: Voice
Computer Music Ensemble
Commercial Music Ensemble
Private Lessons: Piano
Piano Ensemble
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Opera Workshop
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Total Hours29

MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.

Minor in Music Technology

Music Fundamentals
MU 100Fundamentals of Music 13
Music Theory
MU 221Music Theory I3
MU 222Music Theory II3
Aural Skills
MU 224Aural Skills I1
MU 225Aural Skills II1
Music History and Literature
MU 366Music in World Cultures3
Music Ensemble4
Select four hours from the following courses (all courses may be repeated for credit)
Gospel Choir
University Chorus
Concert Choir
Jazz Combo
Symphony Band
Guitar Ensemble
Marching Band
Percussion Ensemble
Wind Symphony
Jazz Ensemble
Blazer Band
Chamber Singers
Women's Chorale
Computer Music Ensemble
Commercial Music Ensemble
Piano Ensemble
Opera Workshop
Applied Music2
Select two hours from the following courses:
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Jazz Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Jazz Saxophone
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Jazz Trumpet
Private Lessons: Jazz Trombone
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Jazz Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Guitar
Private Lessons: Jazz Bass
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Private Lessons: Voice
Private Lessons: Piano
Private Lessons: Flute
Private Lessons: Oboe
Private Lessons: Clarinet
Private Lessons: Saxophone
Private Lessons: Bassoon
Private Lessons: Trumpet
Private Lessons: French Horn
Private Lessons: Trombone
Private Lessons: Euphonium
Private Lessons: Tuba
Private Lessons: Percussion
Private Lessons: Violin
Private Lessons: Viola
Private Lessons: Cello
Private Lessons: Bass
Private Lessons: Guitar
Music Technology
MU 115Computer Music I3
MU 245Recording Technology I3
MU 341Computer Music II3
Total Hours29

MU 100 must be passed with a grade of C or higher, or Music Theory Placement Test affirming equivalent proficiency as MU 100.

Music Honors Program


The Music Honors Program is designed for highly talented, self-motivated students majoring in music. Through individual instruction and mentoring by the student’s applied faculty member, he/she will present a full public recital on his/her major instrument or present a series of original compositions. In the Department of Music this program is also referred to as the Young Performing Artists Program.


Acceptance to the Music Honors Program requires the student to:

  • Be a music major.
  • Be of at least sophomore standing in music.
  • Be admitted to 300-level private lessons.
  • Earn and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 in all music courses.


  • Have permission of his/her applied instructor.
  • Be recommended and accepted to the program by members of the music faculty by way of an end-of-semester jury.
  • Present a 30 minute (junior year) and/or 1 hour (senior year) preliminary recital before the music faculty. Permission from the faculty must be granted before proceeding to a public recital.
  • In consultation with the applied teacher, arrange and program a recital, write program notes, and assemble the program.
  • Present a 30 minute (junior year) and/or 1 hour (senior year) public recital.


Students will receive valuable individual attention and a public recital sponsored by the Department of Music. On most occasions, the performance is accompanied by a professional accompanist and is recorded onto compact disc. This recording is of great use to students when they are applying for music positions, graduate schools, fellowships, and assistantships. Students who complete the program will graduate “With Honors in Music.”


For more information concerning the Department of Music Honors Program, please contact:

Dr. William Price, Coordinator
Young Performing Artists Program
234 Hulsey Center
Campus Phone: (205) 934-8056

Dr. Denise Gainey, Associate Chair
Department of Music
243 Hulsey Center
Campus Phone: (205) 975-0558

EMU-Music Education Courses

EMU 402. Methods of Teaching Music N-6. 3 Hours.

Organization of appropriate music concepts and musical experiences for all elementary children; development of methods and skills needed for direct student involvement in musical experiences for each grade level.

EMU 403. Methods of Teaching Music N-6 Lab. 1 Hour.

Public school observation experiences for music education students enrolled in EMU 402.

EMU 404. Methods of Teaching Music in Secondary Education. 3 Hours.

Aims, principles, and philosophies of music; various methods of teaching in secondary schools for both non-performance music classes and instrumental and vocal activities. Laboratory includes direct method application in secondary music classrooms.

EMU 405. Methods of Teaching Music in Secondary Education Lab. 1 Hour.

Public school observation experiences for music education students enrolled in EMU 404.

EMU 490. Internship in Music Education. 6-9 Hours.

Supervised capstone teaching experience in grades N-12 as appropriate to student's teaching field (general music, instrumental music, or vocal/choral music).

EMU 499. Internship Seminar in Music Education N - 12. 1-3 Hour.

Capstone course for the B.A. in Music Education. Students will demonstrate the skills expected of a professional music educator. This course is a supervised teaching course where the student is expected solve problems in all issues related to classroom management, assessment, and music making. Incldued in the assessment will be the creation of professional documents, appropriate budgets, and supervised teaching experiences. Prerequisites: Completion of methods courses with no grade below C. Corequisite: EMU 490. 1 hour.

MU-Music Courses

MU 100. Fundamentals of Music. 3 Hours.

Basic elements of music and music notation: rhythm, scales, keys, and chords.

MU 105. Introduction to Music Technology for Non-Majors. 3 Hours.

Introductory survey course for non-music majors with emphasis placed on exposing the general student to the vast array of software, hardware, and basic principles of recording and editing sound and music. The foundations of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), digital audio, and computer and mobile applications for music creation and manipulation are explored, as well as the impact these technologies now have on careers in the recording and entertainment industry. No prior experiences as a musician or music technologist are required.

MU 115. Computer Music I. 3 Hours.

Introduction to hardware and software for creating and performing music with computers. Concepts include digital sampling, binary computation, properties of waveforms, graphical notation, and audio sequencing. Quantitative Literacy is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: MU 100 [Min Grade: B]

MU 120. Music Appreciation. 3 Hours.

Guided listening and class discussion covering variety of styles. Emphasis on European concert music of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This course meets Blazer Core Creative Arts with flags in Justice and Global and Multicultural Perspectives.

MU 141. Musical Acoustics. 3 Hours.

Physical nature of musical tones (pitch, loudness, and timbre) and numerical basis of scales, tuning, and musical instrument design. Laboratory/discussion including use of oscilloscope to study actual acoustic systems.

MU 145. The Music Business. 3 Hours.

Business aspects of music industry.

MU 159. Introduction to Composition. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the craft of musical composition.
Prerequisites: MU 221 [Min Grade: C] and MU 224 [Min Grade: C]

MU 160. First Year Experience in Music. 1 Hour.

The objective of this course is to introduce incoming freshmen to an education in music and music education in context of the university. It is meant to help prepare students for a successful collegiate career in the study of music. 1 hour.

MU 165. Jazz Styles: History and Appreciation. 3 Hours.

American jazz with emphasis on instrumental and vocal performers, jazz bands, and combos. Development of big band, swing, and popular music. This course meets Blazer Core Creative Arts with a flag in Global and Multicultural Perspectives.

MU 199. Independent Studies. 1-3 Hour.

Directed projects in music. Permission of Department Chair based on written proposal submitted prior to registration.

MU 203. Introduction to Music Education. 2 Hours.

An introduction to the expectations of the modern-day public school music teacher, including the role of the teacher, curricular and legal expectations of teaching, and historical and philosophical underpinnings of public school music teaching.

MU 205. African-American Music 1619-Present. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to help the student understand the musical forms and structures, historical background, stylistic richness, and cultural impacts of the many genres of African-American music in North America from 1619 to the present. This course meets Blazer Core Creative Arts with a flag in Global and Multicultural Perspectives.

MU 210. Special Topic. 1-3 Hour.

Specialized subjects taught as opportunity allows. May be repeated for credit.

MU 211. Recording Studio Workshop. 1-3 Hour.

Specialized subjects taught as opportunity allows. May be repeated for credit.

MU 213. Wellbeing in Performance. 1 Hour.

Many of us perform in many areas of our lives, and not just on stage. We perform, in a sense, each time we give a class presentation, teach, take a job interview, ask a boss for a raise, or have a difficult conversation with a loved one. This class addresses many of the ways we can function at our peak when under pressure of any sort. This course focuses on proven coping skills developed especially for those aged 18-30. More than ever before, especially since the pandemic began in 2020 and perhaps partially because of societal changes in recent decades, college students struggle with anxiety and depression. Unhelpful thought patterns often contribute to a cycle of poor physical habits, resulting in a downward spiral affecting one’s work, sense of self-worth, and ability to enjoy life.

MU 221. Music Theory I. 3 Hours.

Melody, harmony, and rhythm; their interaction in music. Diatonic musical materials with emphasis on choral and simple keyboard idioms.
Prerequisites: MU 100 [Min Grade: C]

MU 222. Music Theory II. 3 Hours.

Continuation of MU 221.
Prerequisites: MU 221 [Min Grade: C] and MU 224 [Min Grade: C]

MU 224. Aural Skills I. 1 Hour.

Required laboratory for MU 221.

MU 225. Aural Skills II. 1 Hour.

Required laboratory for MU 222.
Prerequisites: MU 224 [Min Grade: C]

MU 232. Instrumental Literature I. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the layout of instrumental scores, a history and development of the orchestra, extensive work with transpositions, ranges, and tone colors of instruments, and a survey of instrumental literature.

MU 233. Piano Literature I. 3 Hours.

Survey of the important piano solo repertoire from Bach through Schubert. Examination of the development of keyboard repertoire from the time of the harpsichord through the time of the early piano through playing, analysis and listening. Two terms of Applied Piano required.
Prerequisites: MUP 150 [Min Grade: C]

MU 234. Vocal Literature I. 3 Hours.

Introductory survey of representative non-operatic solo vocal repertoire of North America, the British Isles, and Italy. Techniques of song study, interpretation, and performance practice. Two terms of Applied Voice required.
Prerequisites: MUP 140 [Min Grade: C]

MU 235. English and Italian Diction. 2 Hours.

Instruction in standard English and Italian stage pronunciation.

MU 236. French and German Diction. 2 Hours.

Instruction in the standard French and German stage pronunciation.

MU 245. Recording Technology I. 3 Hours.

Concepts and techniques of music production in recording studios. Limited enrollment. First class meets on campus.
Prerequisites: MU 115 [Min Grade: C] and MU 221 [Min Grade: C] and MU 224 [Min Grade: C]

MU 261. Introduction to Music Literature. 3 Hours.

Score reading and elementary analysis. Chronological survey of styles and forms of each historical period. Basic music reading ability.

MU 282. Accompanying. 3 Hours.

Principles of accompanying singers and instrumentalists; practical experience in accompanying; and facility in sight-reading for keyboard performers. Experience is gained through assigned projects and/or assigned studio accompanying.

MU 298. Introduction to Technology in the Arts. 3 Hours.

Applications of computer-based technology to the arts: music, theatre, video, and visual arts. Demonstrations of multimedia capabilities.

MU 299. Independent Studies. 1-3 Hour.

May be repeated for credit. Permission of Department Chair based on wriiten proposal submitted prior to registration.

MU 303. Foundations of Music Education. 3 Hours.

Analysis into the historical, social, and philosophical foundations of music education by studying the application of education principles to music and emphasizing the development of a personal philosophy towards music education.
Prerequisites: MU 203 [Min Grade: C]

MU 321. Music Theory III. 3 Hours.

Emphasizes chromatic harmony, modulation, and the analysis of musical form.
Prerequisites: MU 222 [Min Grade: C] and MU 225 [Min Grade: C]

MU 322. Music Theory IV. 3 Hours.

Emphasizes chromatic harmony and voice-leading, the expansion of tertian harmony, and includes an overview of 20th century and contemporary compositional and analytical techniques.
Prerequisites: MU 321 [Min Grade: C] and MU 324 [Min Grade: C] and MUP 125 [Min Grade: C]

MU 324. Aural Skills III. 1 Hour.

Required laboratory for MU 321. Ethics and Civic Responsibility are significant components of this course.
Prerequisites: MU 225 [Min Grade: C] and MU 222 [Min Grade: C]

MU 325. Aural Skills IV. 1 Hour.

Required laboratory for MU 322.
Prerequisites: MU 324 [Min Grade: C] and MU 321 [Min Grade: C] and MUP 125 [Min Grade: P]

MU 329. Conducting. 2 Hours.

Basic conducting techniques and rehearsal procedures.

MU 330. Marching Band Techniques. 3 Hours.

Organizing and administering a marching band, including show design and computer-assisted drill-writing experience.

MU 331. Band Literature. 3 Hours.

Frequently performed modern concert band literature.

MU 332. Instrumental Literature II. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the layout of instrumental scores, a history and development of the orchestra, extensive work with transpositions, ranges, and tone colors of instruments, and a thorough study of instrumental literature including orchestral, wind, and chamber music.
Prerequisites: MU 232 [Min Grade: C]

MU 333. Piano Literature II. 3 Hours.

Survey of the important solo repertoire from the early Romantic era through the present. Examination of the development of piano technique from Chopin and Liszt through Cage and Crumb by playing, analyzing and listening.
Prerequisites: MU 233 [Min Grade: C]

MU 334. Vocal Literature II. 3 Hours.

Introductory survey of representative non-operatic solo vocal repertoire of France, Germany, and Austria. Techniques of song study, interpretation, and performance practice.
Prerequisites: MU 234 [Min Grade: C] and MU 236 [Min Grade: C]

MU 341. Computer Music II. 3 Hours.

Using computer applications, including MIDI and sampling technology, in the creation of musical compositions.
Prerequisites: MU 115 [Min Grade: C] and MU 221 [Min Grade: C] and MU 224 [Min Grade: C]

MU 342. Computer Music III. 3 Hours.

Continuation of MU 341. Advanced computer music projects utilizing sound synthesis, sound file manipulation, and hard disk recording techniques.
Prerequisites: MU 222 [Min Grade: C] and MU 225 [Min Grade: C] and MU 245 [Min Grade: C] and MU 341 [Min Grade: C]

MU 345. Recording Technology II. 3 Hours.

Advanced concepts and techniques of multitrack recording in project and professional recording studio, including signal processing mixing and mastering.
Prerequisites: MU 115 [Min Grade: C] and MU 221 [Min Grade: C] and MU 224 [Min Grade: C] and MU 245 [Min Grade: C]

MU 359. Composition I. 1-2 Hour.

Discussions and creative projects designed to help beginning composers or arrangers gain experience in handling variety of musical styles, and in shaping musical ideas. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours credit.
Prerequisites: MU 322 [Min Grade: C]

MU 364. American Music. 3 Hours.

Music in United States from colonial times to the present.
Prerequisites: MU 120 [Min Grade: C] or MU 261 [Min Grade: C]

MU 365. The Evolution of Jazz. 3 Hours.

Origins and survey of jazz types and styles. Lectures, recordings, and readings.
Prerequisites: MU 120 [Min Grade: C] or MU 261 [Min Grade: C]

MU 366. Music in World Cultures. 2-3 Hours.

Characteristics of musical styles found in various cultures throughout the world. 3-hour option requires semester project directed by the instructor.

MU 367. Introduction to Ethnomusicology. 3 Hours.

Holistic approach to study of music. Musicians' training, instruments, and role in society. Methods for documenting and transcribing, social functions and economic context, and theories of performance and creativity. Ghanaian and Indian traditions, with other music, including Western, as appropriate. Six semester hours of ANTH, MU or MUP courses required.
Prerequisites: MU 120 [Min Grade: C] or MU 120 [Min Grade: C]

MU 381. Instrumental Pedagogy. 3 Hours.

Overview of important components of teaching instrumental music in the secondary school program, including developing a personal philosophy of music education and teaching strategies. Prerequisites: Four terms of Applied Lessons (MUP 161 - 195).

MU 382. Piano Pedagogy. 3 Hours.

Study of teaching objectives, techniques, literature, methods and materials (including observation) for the pre-college student as well as the study of the history of the piano and piano mechanism. Two terms of Applied Piano required.
Prerequisites: MUP 150 [Min Grade: C]

MU 383. Vocal Pedagogy. 3 Hours.

Principles of healthy voice production as the foundation for an approach to teaching voice. Two terms of Applied Voice required.
Prerequisites: MUP 140 [Min Grade: C] or MUP 240 [Min Grade: C]

MU 399. Independent Studies. 1-3 Hour.

Permission of Department Chair based on written proposal submitted prior to registration.

MU 410. Music Technology Workshop. 1-3 Hour.

Workshop in Music Technology.

MU 429. Advanced Conducting/Techniques. 2 Hours.

Rehearsal techniques, expression, and interpretation. May occasionally work with University ensembles.
Prerequisites: MU 329 [Min Grade: C]

MU 431. Methods of Teaching Music N-6. 3 Hours.

Organization of appropriate music concepts and musical experiences for all young learners; elementary children; development of methods and skills needed for direct student involvement in musical experiences for each grade level.

MU 432. Methods I: Choral Music. 3 Hours.

Introduction to teaching choral music to adolescent learners. Developing basic skills in planning, instruction, and assessment.

MU 433. Methods I: Instrumental Music. 3 Hours.

Introduction to teaching instrumental music to adolescent learners. Developing basic skills in planning, instruction, and assessment.

MU 441. Multimedia Productions. 3 Hours.

Techniques for producing music for television, film, video, computer presentations, and slide shows using computer-based technologies.
Prerequisites: MU 321 [Min Grade: C] and MU 324 [Min Grade: C] and MU 342 [Min Grade: C] and MU 345 [Min Grade: C]

MU 445. Modal Counterpoint. 3 Hours.

Important characteristics of vocal polyphonic writing based on modal scales with emphasis on style of Palestrina and other Renaissance composers.
Prerequisites: MU 222 [Min Grade: C]

MU 446. Tonal Counterpoint. 3 Hours.

Important characteristics of polyphonic writing based on major and minor scales with emphasis on style of J.S. Bach and other eighteenth century composers.
Prerequisites: MU 322 [Min Grade: C]

MU 448. Orchestration. 3 Hours.

Scoring techniques for orchestra, band, and other instrumental groups.
Prerequisites: MU 322 [Min Grade: C]

MU 451. Topics in Music Theory. 3 Hours.

Aspects of music theory and analysis. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MU 322 [Min Grade: C]

MU 455. Form and Analysis. 3 Hours.

Principles and techniques of organization in tonal music; analytical methods.
Prerequisites: MU 322 [Min Grade: C]

MU 458. Contemporary Techniques. 3 Hours.

Techniques and materials employed in contemporary music, including nonfunctional and nontertian harmony, polyharmony, atonal and serial music, contemporary notation.
Prerequisites: MU 322 [Min Grade: C]

MU 459. Composition II. 1-2 Hour.

Directed individual projects in composition and discussions on related topics. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MU 359 [Min Grade: C] or MU 322 [Min Grade: C]

MU 461. Seminar in Music Literature. 3 Hours.

Selected topics concerning specific periods, genres, and forms. May be repeated for credit.

MU 462. Methods II: Choral Music. 3 Hours.

Preparation to plan, teach and assess choral music with adolescent learners: making informed decisions about context, learners, learner differences, teaching strategies, methodologies, curricula, and assessment.
Prerequisites: MU 432 [Min Grade: C]

MU 463. Methods II: Instrumental Music. 3 Hours.

Preparation to plan, teach, and assess instrumental music with adolescent learners: making informed decisions about context, learners, learner differences, teaching strategies, methodologies, curricula, and assessment.
Prerequisites: MU 433 [Min Grade: C]

MU 471. Music History and Literature to 1750. 3 Hours.

Major developments of music styles and forms from pre-Christian era through Baroque. Includes critical listening to selected musical examples.
Prerequisites: MU 222 [Min Grade: C]

MU 472. Music Hist/Lit 1750-Present. 3 Hours.

A course taken in the student¿s junior or senior year that studies the major developments of musical styles and forms from the classical period through the present. This includes critical listening to selected musical examples as well as critical analysis, research and writing. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: MU 222 [Min Grade: C]

MU 498. Music Technology Internship. 1-2 Hour.

This capstone experience provides students in Music Technology with practical experience in.
Prerequisites: MU 342 [Min Grade: C] and MU 345 [Min Grade: C] and MU 441 [Min Grade: C]

MU 499. Independent Studies. 1-3 Hour.

Directed studies in music. Permission of Department Chair. Written proposal must be submitted prior to registration.

MUP-Music Courses

MUP 001. Performance Attendance. 0 Hours.

Attendance at Department-approved musical events such as concerts, recitals, and festivals. Required of music, music technology, and music education majors.

MUP 110. Gospel Choir. 1 Hour.

Primarily performs choral literature from the Major Eras of American Gospel Music. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 120. University Chorus. 1 Hour.

Non-auditioned ensemble open to students of all majors, performing larger masterworks for choir and orchestra. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 122. Class Voice. 1 Hour.

Fundamentals of singing for teaching or performance. Group and individual instruction.

MUP 124. Class Piano. 1 Hour.

Basic keyboard skills for adult beginner. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours of credit.

MUP 125. Piano Proficiency Exam. 0 Hours.

Required of music majors for graduation and music education majors before entering Teacher Education Program (TEP).

MUP 126. Advanced Class Piano. 1 Hour.

Advanced Keyboard Skills for the adult beginner, including the competencies required to pass a Piano Proficiency standard of the National Association of Schools of Music.
Prerequisites: MUP 124 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 127. Gospel Keyboard Traditions and Skills. 1 Hour.

Students will learn gospel keyboard chord patterns, licks, passing chords and improvisational techniques. They will apply the techniques and chord pattens learned through traditional and contemporary gospel music. They will gain an understanding of how gospel keyboard chord patterns relate to other styles of popular music. They will develop aural skills to identify particular gospel patterns sonically.
Prerequisites: MUP 124 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 130. Class Guitar. 1 Hour.

Beginning course in basic guitar techniques and music reading. Student must have a classic or acoustic guitar.

MUP 132. Class Woodwinds. 1 Hour.

Basic materials and performance techniques, primarily for music education students.

MUP 134. Class Brass. 1 Hour.

Basic materials and performance techniques, primarily for music education students.

MUP 136. Class Percussion. 1 Hour.

Basic materials and performance techniques, primarily for Music Education students.

MUP 138. Class Strings. 1 Hour.

Basic materials and performance techniques, primarily for Music Education students.

MUP 140. Private Lessons: Voice. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in voice. Limited to Music Majors and Minors.

MUP 150. Private Lessons: Piano. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in Piano. Open to all majors by audition.

MUP 161. Private Lessons: Flute. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in flute. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 162. Private Lessons: Oboe. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in oboe. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 163. Private Lessons: Clarinet. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in clarinet. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 164. Private Lessons: Saxophone. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in saxophone. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 166. Private Lessons: Bassoon. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in bassoon. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 171. Private Lessons: Trumpet. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in trumpet. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 172. Private Lessons: French Horn. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in french horn. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 173. Private Lessons: Trombone. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in trombone. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 174. Private Lessons: Euphonium. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in euphonium. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 175. Private Lessons: Tuba. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in tuba. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 180. Private Lessons: Percussion. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in percussion. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 191. Private Lessons: Violin. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in violin. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 192. Private Lessons: Viola. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in viola. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 193. Private Lessons: Cello. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in cello. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 194. Private Lessons: Bass. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in bass. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 195. Private Lessons: Guitar. 1 Hour.

Private instruction in guitar. Limited to Music majors and minors.

MUP 220. Concert Choir. 1 Hour.

Performs choral music representing a variety of periods and styles. Some sight-reading ability necessary. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 220L. Concert Choir Learning Lab. 0 Hours.

Required Learning Lab for MUP 220 Concert Choir. Performs choral music representing a variety of periods and styles. Some sight-reading ability necessary. .

MUP 221. Jazz Combo. 1 Hour.

Performs repertoire of traditional and contemporary jazz for small ensembles. Rehearsals will focus on reading from "Real Books" and will include harmonic analysis as well as a study of basic improvisation, form and style.

MUP 222. Advanced Woodwind Methods. 1 Hour.

Methods and materials for music educators in the specialized techniques of woodwind (flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon) pedagogy; emphasis on learning through performance and preparing and teaching in-class lessons.
Prerequisites: MUP 132 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 224. Advanced Brass Methods. 1 Hour.

Methods and materials for music educators in the specialized techniques of brass (trumpet, trombone, horn, euphonium, tuba) pedagogy; emphasis on learning through performing and teaching in-class lessons.
Prerequisites: MUP 134 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 225. Symphony Band. 1 Hour.

Performs concert band literature. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 226. Advanced Percussion Methods. 1 Hour.

Methods and Materials for music educators in the specialized techniques of percussion pedagogy; emphasis on learning through performance and preparing and teaching in-class lessons.
Prerequisites: MUP 136 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 230. Guitar Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Performs original and pre-arranged selections of guitar ensemble literature. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 231. Orchestra. 1 Hour.

Participation in community orchestra. Open to string students; wind or percussion players must enroll concurrently in MUP 225, MUP 235 or MUP 236.

MUP 232. Marching Band. 1 Hour.

Supports UAB football program by performing pre-game and half time shows. May also perform for other special University or community events. Open to students of all majors with marching band experience. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 233. Clarinet Choir. 1 Hour.

Performs works for clarinet choir in a chamber setting. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 234. Percussion Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Performs original and pre-arranged selections of concert percussion literature. Advanced percussion skill necessary. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 235. Wind Symphony. 1 Hour.

Performs finest concert band literature. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 235L. Wind Symphony Learning Lab. 0 Hours.

Required Learning Lab for MUP 235 Wind Symphony. Performs finest concert band literature. Open to students of all majors.

MUP 236. Jazz Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Performs classic and contemporary jazz, swing, and rhythm and blues. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 237. Blazer Band. 1 Hour.

Supports UAB basketball program by performing at games. May also perform for other special University or community events. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 238. Brass Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Performs works for brass ensemble in a chamber setting. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 239. Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Performs works for low brass ensemble in a chamber setting. Open to students of all majors. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 240. Private Lessons: Voice. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 250. Private Lessons: Piano. 1-2 Hour.

Private instruction in piano, including weekly performance class. Open to all majors by audition.

MUP 253. Private Lessons: Jazz Piano. 1,2 Hour.

Limited to Music Technology majors and minors. Weekly private lesson to be scheduled with the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 261. Private Lessons: Flute. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be.

MUP 262. Private Lessons: Oboe. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 263. Private Lessons: Clarinet. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 264. Private Lessons: Saxophone. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be.

MUP 265. Jazz Improvisation. 3 Hours.

Jazz theory and improvisational techniques. Emphasis on basic repertory of standards and typical jazz forms. Stresses both performance and theory.

MUP 266. Private Lessons: Bassoon. 1-2 Hour.

Private instruction in bassoon. Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with instructor, are required. may be repeated for credit.

MUP 267. Private Lessons: Jazz Saxophone. 1,2 Hour.

Limited to Music Technology majors and minors. Weekly private lesson to be scheduled with the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 271. Private Lessons: Trumpet. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be.

MUP 272. Private Lessons: French Horn. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 273. Private Lessons: Trombone. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be.

MUP 274. Private Lessons Euphonium. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 275. Private Lessons: Tuba. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 276. Private Lessons: Jazz Trumpet. 1,2 Hour.

Limited to Music Technology majors and minors. Weekly private lesson to be scheduled with the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 277. Private Lessons: Jazz Trombone. 1,2 Hour.

Limited to Music Technology majors and minors. Weekly private lesson to be scheduled with the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 280. Private Lessons: Percussion. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 281. Private Lessons: Jazz Percussion. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Technology majors and minors Weekly private lesson to be scheduled with the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 291. Private Lessons: Violin. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 292. Private Lessons: Viola. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 293. Private Lessons: Cello. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 294. Private Lessons: Bass. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 295. Private Lessons: Guitar. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 296. Private Lessons: Jazz Guitar. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Technology majors and minors. Weekly private lesson to be scheduled with the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 297. Private Lessons: Jazz Bass. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Technology majors and minors. Weekly private lesson to be scheduled with the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 320. Chamber Singers. 1 Hour.

Advanced choral group. Performs variety of choral music representing different periods and styles. By audition only. Advanced music-reading skills required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 321. Women's Chorale. 1 Hour.

Performs choral music for women s voices and covers a variety of periods and styles. Some sight-reading ability necessary. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 340. Private Lessons: Voice. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be.

MUP 341. Computer Music Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Performs computer and other electronically generated music of various styles.
Prerequisites: MU 222 [Min Grade: C] and MU 225 [Min Grade: C] and MU 341 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 342. Commercial Music Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Open to ALL UAB students though audition, the UAB Commercial Music Ensemble provides a unique and structured environment for students to learn about performing in a professional commercial music ensemble. The ensemble will consist of a rhythm section (2 keyboards, drummer, percussionist, bassist, and two guitarists), background singers, lead vocalists, horn section (alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, trombone, and baritone sax), and four dancers. Music performed by this section of the CME will come from Billboard-charting hits ranging from musical genres such as Pop, R & B, and Country. Students must successfully pass an audition and be chosen for the ensemble before being allowed to register for the course. Please contact the ensemble director, Craig Brandwein, at or (205) 996-0640, for further information about audition requirements, time, and location. For Music major degree requirements, MUP 342 is classified as a MINOR ensemble.

MUP 350. Private Lessons: Piano. 1-2 Hour.

Private instruction in piano, plus weekly performance class. Open to all majors by audition.

MUP 353. Piano Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Explores piano literature for multiple performers. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 361. Private Lessons: Flute. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 362. Private Lessons: Oboe. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 363. Private Lessons: Clarinet. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 364. Private Lessons: Saxophone. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 366. Private Lessons: Bassoon. 1-2 Hour.

Private instruction in bassoon. Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with instructor, are required. may be repeated for credit.

MUP 371. Private Lessons: Trumpet. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 372. Private Lessons: French Horn. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 373. Private Lessons: Trombone. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 374. Private Lessons: Euphonium. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 375. Private Lessons: Tuba. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 380. Private Lessons: Percussion. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors.Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 391. Private Lessons: Violin. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 392. Private Lessons: Viola. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 393. Private Lessons: Cello. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 394. Private Lessons: Bass. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 395. Private Lessons: Guitar. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 397. Junior Recital. 0 Hours.

Thirty-minute recital presented in the junior year.

MUP 420. Opera Workshop. 1 Hour.

Select member group. Performs staged productions of operas, opera scenes, and musical theater excerpts. Requires advanced music-reading skills. May be repeated for credit.

MUP 440. Private Lessons: Voice. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 340 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 450. Private Lessons: Piano. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be.
Prerequisites: MUP 350 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 461. Private Lessons: Flute. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 361 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 462. Private Lessons: Oboe. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 362 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 463. Private Lessons: Clarinet. 1-2 Hour.

Private instruction in clarinet. Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with instructor, are required. may be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 363 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 464. Private Lessons: Saxophone. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 364 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 466. Private Lessons: Bassoon. 1-2 Hour.

Private instruction in bassoon. Limited to Music majors and minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 366 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 471. Private Lessons: Trumpet. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 371 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 472. Private Lessons: French Horn. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 372 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 473. Private Lessons: Trombone. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 373 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 474. Private Lessons: Euphonium. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 374 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 475. Private Lessons: Tuba. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 375 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 480. Private Lessons: Percussion. 1-2 Hour.

Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 380 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 491. Private Lessons: Violin. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 391 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 492. Private Lessons: Viola. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 392 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 493. Private Lessons: Cello. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 393 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 494. Private Lessons: Bass. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 394 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 495. Private Lessons: Guitar. 1-2 Hour.

Limited to Music Majors and Minors. Weekly performance class and private lesson, to be scheduled with the instructor, are required. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUP 395 [Min Grade: C]

MUP 497. Senior Recital/Project. 0 Hours.

A co-curricular course taken in the student's last 30 hours that, together with their last semester of applied lessons, will culminate in a Senior Recital or Lecture-Recital. This is a capstone course for all students seeking a Bachelor of Arts (general) degree.


Brandwein, Craig, Assistant Professor of Music, 2016, B.S., M.A. (Long Island)
Cho, Won, Associate Professor of Music, 2011, B.M. (Manhattan), M.M. (Boston), D.M.A. (Memphis)
Evans, Patrick, Professor and Chair, 2015, B.M., B.M.E. (Montevallo), M.M., D.M. (Florida State)
Fambrough, R. Eugene, Professor of Music, 2001, B.M. (Georgia), M.M. (East Carolina), D.M.A. (Alabama)
Gainey, Denise, Distinguished Professor in Music, 2002, B.M.E. (Florida State), M.M. (North Texas), D.M.A. (Kentucky)
Hurst-Wajszczuk, Kristine, Professor of Music, 2007, B.M., M.M. (Westminster Choir-Rider), D.M.A. (Colorado-Boulder)
Irving, Howard L., Professor of Music, 1981, B.Mus. (Centenary), M.M., Ph.D. (Louisiana State)
Jackson, Reginald, Assistant Professor of Music, 2018, B.S. (Alabama), M.M. (Northwestern), Ph.D. (Florida State)
Kasman, Yakov, Distinguished Professor in Music; Artist in Residence, 2002, B.M. (Music College of Moscow Conservatory), M.M., D.M.A. (Moscow State Conservatory)
Kittredge, Brian, Associate Professor of Music; Director of Choral Activities, 2010, B.M. (Mansfield), M.M. (Eastman), D.M.A. (LSU)
Morantz, Cara, Associate Professor of Music, 2014, B.M. (Miami), M.M., Ed.D. (Georgia)
Murray, Sean P., Associate Professor of Music, 2017, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Florida State)
Panion III, Henry, University Professor of Music, 1987, B.S. (Alabama A&M), M.A., Ph.D. (Ohio State)
Phillips, Scott L., Associate Professor of Music, 2008, B.A. (Brigham Young), M.A. (Central Florida), Ph.D. (Iowa)
Price, William, Professor of Music, 2006, B.M.E. (UNA), M.M., D.M.A. (LSU)
Roberts, Steve, Associate Professor of Music, 2007, B.M. (Oberlin), M.M., D.M.A. (Illinois)
Wilson, Lara, Assistant Professor of Music, 2021, B.M. (Cincinnati), M.M. (Indiana), D.M.A. (South Carolina)
Zingara, James, Professor of Music, 2011, B.S. (Wisconsin-La Crosse), M.M. (East Carolina), D.M.A. (Illinois)