Administration Health Services

Degrees Offered: MS in Health Services Research and Ph.D in Administration-Health Services
Director: Ria Hearld, PhD
Phone: (205) 934-1670

Master of Science in Health Services Research

The Master of Science in Health Services Research (MSHSR) is a graduate degree that provides advanced training in the development, implementation, and management of health services research projects.  The MSHSR is only available to students enrolled in the Administration-Health Services, PhD. program.  The coursework focuses on the acquisition and development of research skills to study the delivery of health services.

Admission Requirements

An applicant should be accepted to the Administration-Health Services, PhD. program prior to applying to the Master of Science in Health Services Research degree program. Admission to the MSHSR occurs during the Spring semester and all students must apply  through the Graduate School. 

Program of Study

The program of study consists of 30 semester hours of coursework.

Regired coursework for the MSHSR Degree
HA 602Introduction to Health Care Systems3
HA 605Health Policy and Politics in the U.S.3
AH 701Administrative Theory3
AH 705Health Care Finance3
AH 710Comparative Health Systems3
HA 632Quantitative Methods in Health Services Admin3
AH 703Philosophy of Science3
AH 707Research Methods3
AH 722Regression Analysis3
NST 780Statistical Model II - Topics in Multivariate Analysis3
Total Hours30

Additional Information

Contact Information

For detailed information, contact the Office of Doctoral Programs in Administration–Health
Services, UAB School of Health Professions Building, 1705 University
Boulevard, Birmingham, AL 35294-1212.
Telephone 205-934-3113
Fax 205-975-6608

Prospective students should visit to obtain specific admissions requirements on how to apply.

Doctor of Philosophy Program Information

The Ph.D. program in Administration–Health Services is a degree program offered jointly and cooperatively by the Department of Health Services Administration in the School of Health Professions and the Graduate School of Management in the Collat School of Business. Faculty associated with the School of Public Health, School of Medicine, Lister Hill Center for Health Policy, Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education, and Center on Aging also contribute to student learning.

The Ph.D. program is for those who wish to pursue the conceptual, philosophical, and applied aspects of administrative processes in health services, health policy, and outcomes research in health care. It provides doctoral-level study and research in administration with specific application to health services. The pedagogical focus is on developing a strong research orientation through course work, research seminars, and mentoring relationships with faculty. Students who are interested in pursuing academic careers are also afforded the opportunity to develop their teaching skills through course work and teaching opportunities. Job placement occurs in regional, national, and international markets. To date, more than 100 graduates have taken positions in academic institutions as well as health service delivery, governmental, and consulting organizations.

Admission Requirements

An applicant should already possess a master's degree in a relevant discipline or have completed an undergraduate program with an outstanding record. Completed applications of well-qualified candidates received by January 1 may be considered for early admission. The application deadline is March 15. Although applications may be considered after March 15, admission and financial aid priority is given to those applicants whose materials are complete by January 1. Applications submitted after January 1 would be considered on a space-available basis only.

Admission recommendations are made by the Admissions and Policy Committee after examination of the candidate's qualifications. All applicants whose first language is not English are also required to submit a score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A TOEFL score of 80 is required if the TOEFL taken is based on the Internet version; if computer-based, the minimum score required is 213; and if the paper-based test version is taken, the minimum acceptable score is 550 or above. Consideration will also be given to the quality of the applicant's academic record, previous research experience and productivity, and estimated research potential as indicated by references.

Various forms of financial aid are available to students. Departmental research assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis and carry an obligation of 20 hours of work per week. Assistantships are awarded to incoming students for a period of one year and may be renewable for a second year based on satisfactory work and academic progress, depending on the availability of funds. Some students are able to secure funding for additional years in the program through research assistant positions or other part-time jobs funded by faculty members’ grants and contract activities. Other forms of financial assistance include minority fellowships offered through the UAB Graduate School, paid teaching opportunities in selected undergraduate programs, and federal student loans.


Prerequisite requirements include one graduate-level statistics course with computer usage, one graduate-level course on the U.S. health care system, and an introductory healthcare finance course. Incoming students who have not met these prerequisites during a master’s program may take courses prior to entering the program or during their first year of study in the program.

Program of Study

The program of study consists of five components

  1. Courses in administration and health systems,
  2. Courses in research methodology and statistics,
  3. Specialization courses,
  4. Comprehensive examinations, 
  5. The doctoral dissertation.

Specializations are currently available in strategic management, health services research, and health informatics. Students must complete all coursework in the first three areas and pass a comprehensive examination in each area before work can officially begin on the dissertation. The investigation and other special work leading to the dissertation must be performed directly under the guidance and supervision of a five-person committee of the UAB graduate faculty. The normal minimum period in which the doctoral degree can be earned is three to four years of full-time study.

If entering with a baccalaureate degree, a student is required to earn a minimum of 72 credit hours comprised of the following:

1. Completion of 48 credit hours of course work prior to candidacy

  •  Up to 16 credits of the 48 can be non-dissertation research credits
  • Up to 10 credits can be lab rotation, seminar, or directed study credits

2. Completion of 24 credit hours of research-based work which can be designated as either:

  • Completion of at least two semesters in candidacy and accumulation of at least 24 semester credit hours in 799 dissertation research OR
  • Completion of at least two semesters in candidacy and accumulation of at least 12 semester credit hours in 799 dissertation research AND, either during or before candidacy, 12 semester credit hours in other appropriate research-based coursework which has been approved by the graduate student’s program

If entering with a previously earned master’s degree appropriate to the doctoral degree field, a student is required to earn a minimum of 51 credit hours comprised of the following. These requirements also apply to students with previously earned M.S., D.V.M., D.M.D., D.D.S., etc.:

1. Completion of 27 credit hours of course work prior to candidacy

  • Up to 6 credits of the 27 can be non-dissertation research credits
  • Up to 6 credits can be lab rotation, seminar, or directed study credits

2. Completion of 24 credit hours of research-based work which can be satisfied by either:

  • Completion of at least two semesters in candidacy and accumulation of at least 24 semester credit hours in 799 dissertation research OR
  • Completion of at least two semesters as a student in candidacy and accumulation of at least 12 semester credit hours in 799 dissertation research AND, either during or before candidacy, 12 semester credit hours in other appropriate research-based coursework which has been approved by the graduate student’s program.

Typical Program of Study

HA 602Introduction to Health Care Systems3
HA 605Health Policy and Politics in the U.S.3
HA 632Quantitative Methods in Health Services Admin3
AH 700Health Economics3
AH 701Administrative Theory3
AH 703Philosophy of Science3
AH 705Health Care Finance3
AH 706Strategic Management Theory and Research3
AH 707Research Methods3
AH 710Comparative Health Systems3
AH 712Research in Organizational Behavior3
AH 714Marketing Strategy and Research3
AH 715Research in Organizational Theory3
AH 720Continuing Seminar2
AH 722Regression Analysis3
AH 755Dissemination and Implementation Science in Health Care3
AH 716Macroenvironmental Analysis3
AH 775Strategic Planning and Management Health Care Organizations3
AH 780Strategic Information Systems3
AH 798Non-Dissertation Research1-6
AH 799Dissertation Research12
NST 777Multivariate Statistical Methods For Clinical Nursing Research3
GRD 717Principles of Scientific Integrity3
Specialization Electives*18

*The specialization electives should be 600+ level and chosen from any of the following departments/schools:  Public Health, Sociology, Psychology, Engineering, Education, and Business.

Degree Completion

The granting of the Ph.D. degree is based on completion of all required coursework, residency requirements, comprehensive examinations, dissertation requirements, and the recommendation of the Administration–Health Services graduate program director and the dissertation committee.

Mission, Vision, and Values Statements

Because outstanding teaching and research are essential to the future of health care delivery in our nation and abroad, the Ph.D. program in Administration–Health Services provides doctoral-level training to individuals who will be our future health care leaders in academic and nonacademic research organizations.
We seek to recruit a diverse and talented group of national and international students who are attracted to careers in research and teaching. The educational experience in the Ph.D. program is characterized by exposure to the various disciplines relevant to health administration and policy from across the university, as well as one-on-one mentoring relationships with faculty. These experiences are expected to serve as a foundation for future research throughout the graduate careers.

Additional Information

Deadline for Entry Term(s): January 1st
Deadline for All Application Materials to be in the Graduate School Office: March 15th
Number of Evaluation Forms Required: Three
Entrance Tests: TOEFL is required for international applicants whose native language is not English
Comments: Stipend support available

Contact Information

For detailed information, contact the Program Office of the Doctoral Programs in Administration–Health
Services, UAB School of Health Professions Building, 1705 University
Boulevard, Birmingham, AL 35294-1212.
Telephone 205-934-3113
Fax 205-975-6608


AH 701. Administrative Theory. 3 Hours.

History of, recent contributions to, and current issues in administrative theory and management; focus on evolution of management thought and research and on developing areas of research interest that will contribute to field.

AH 703. Philosophy of Science. 3 Hours.

Systems of thought and activities in theory-building process, deriving hypotheses from literature, understanding scientific theory, philosophy of science; applications to health services administration.

AH 705. Health Care Finance. 3 Hours.

Financial management functions, third-party reimbursement, determination of costs and charges, analysis of financial positions, working capital management, budgeting, capital expenditure analysis, and case studies.

AH 706. Strategic Management Theory and Research. 3 Hours.

Current and historically important research in field of strategic management, including major streams of research, role of strategic management in management disciplines, relationships to other disciplines, and pedagogical approaches used in graduate and undergraduate strategy courses.

AH 707. Research Methods. 3 Hours.

Issues of research design and research methods for organizational studies and health services research; integration of knowledge from quantitative courses with areas of research interest in students' chosen fields.

AH 710. Comparative Health Systems. 3 Hours.

This course allows students to compare the U.S. health care delivery system with approaches used in other countries and to identify health system reform efforts occurring in selected global regions. Emphasis will be placed on the role of the health system within selected forms of government and at various levels of economic development.

AH 712. Research in Organizational Behavior. 3 Hours.

Examination of topics and empirical research in organizational behavior; emphasis on important issues in field, including areas of controversy and contemporary interest.
Prerequisites: AH 706 [Min Grade: C]

AH 715. Research in Organizational Theory. 3 Hours.

Topics and research in organization and management theory applied to health services organizations, including organization-environment relations, population ecology, interorganization relations, and strategic alliances.

AH 716. Macroenvironmental Analysis. 3 Hours.

Examination of research literature that addresses external and internal environmental factors affecting strategic management.
Prerequisites: AH 706 [Min Grade: C]

AH 720. Continuing Seminar. 2 Hours.

Presentations by faculty and Ph.D. candidates concerning issues in particular areas of specialization. May be repeated for credit.

AH 722. Regression Analysis. 3 Hours.

Various approaches to regression analysis, including ordinary least squares and probability models, such as logit and probit.

AH 727. Applied Multivariate Statistic. 3 Hours.

This is a survey course on the application of multivariate techniques in health care management research. The course focuses on application of multivariate statistical methods to health administration research questions, with emphasis on interpretation within real healthcare management problems.

AH 755. Dissemination and Implementation Science in Health Care. 3 Hours.

Historical, scientific, and theoretical underpinnings of dissemination and implementation science; conceptual and methodological challenges of conducting dissemination and implementation science research.

AH 760. Foundations for Health Policy Research and Evaluation. 3 Hours.

Provide historical, theoretical, and analytical foundations to conduct research in health policy.

AH 770. Special Topics in Administration - Health Services. 1-4 Hour.

Exploration of current issues in Administration - Health Services.

AH 775. Strategic Planning and Management Health Care Organizations. 3 Hours.

Assessment of strategic management literature applied to health services organizations, exploration of strategy formulation, strategic content, and implementation and evaluation of topics for health care organizations.
Prerequisites: AH 706 [Min Grade: C]

AH 777. Mixed Methods Research I: Introduction. 3 Hours.

Introduction to mixed methods research: essence of mixed methods research, rationale for using it, fundamental principles and key characteristics, major design applications, and means of assessing the quality of mixed methods inferences.

AH 778. Mixed Methods Research II: Designing and Conducting Mix Mthds Study. 3 Hours.

Knowledge and skills of designing and conducting mixed methods studies in social and health sciences: types of research problems addressed, specification of mixed methods purpose statements and research questions, types of mixed methods designs, data collection and analysis strategies within mixed methods designs, procedures for reporting and evaluating mixed methods studies, and visually presenting mixed methods procedures.

AH 779. Mixed Methods Applications in Action and Community-Based Participatory Research. 3 Hours.

Overview of how mixed methods can be applied in designing and conducting community-based action research studies: community-based action research, its purposes and cross-disciplinary utilization; a mixed methods methodological framework for action research; steps in designing and conducting mixed methods action research studies in community settings; specific types of mixed methods action research designs; sampling, data collection, analysis, validation, and evaluation of mixed methods action research projects.

AH 783. Writing Effective Mixed Methods Grant Proposals. 3 Hours.

Logistics of developing competitive mixed methods grant applications for K and R type funding mechanisms; special focus on specific aims, innovation and significance, research plan, human subject protection, project team, resources, and budget; integrating multiple methods and data sources, establishing analytical rigor, and addressing reviewer feedback.

AH 785. Qualitative Research: Analysis and Interpretation. 3 Hours.

Applied knowledge of data analysis and interpretation in qualitative inquiry as related to its five basic approaches (narrative, case study, ethnography, grounded theory, and phenomenology). Students will develop basic skills in using qualitative research software NVivo for data organization, management and analysis.

AH 788. Independent Studies. 3 Hours.

AH 790. Independent Study and Research. 1-12 Hour.

Independent Study and Reserch in Administration Health Services. Can be taken from 1-12 hours graduate credit.

AH 798. Non-Dissertation Research. 1-9 Hour.

Non dissertation research credits. Can be taken for 1 to 9 graduate credits.

AH 799. Dissertation Research. 1-9 Hour.

Dissertation Research. Must be admitted to doctoral candidacy. Must have 2 semesters before graduation.
Prerequisites: GAC Z


Aswani, Monica S., Assistant Professor, 2019, DrPH (UAB)
Borkowski, Nancy, Professor, 2014, DBA (Nova Southeastern)
Feldman, Sue, Professor and Director, Graduate Programs in Health Informatics, 2016, PhD (Claremont Graduate University)
Hall, Allyson G., Professor and Director, MS in Healthcare Quality & Safety Program, 2015, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)
Hearld, Kristine Ria, Professor and Program Director, Doctoral Program in Administration Health-Health Services, 2013, PhD (University of Pennsylvania)
Hearld, Larry R, Professor, 2009, PhD (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor),
Hernandez, S. Robert, Distinguished Service Professor, Program Director, Doctoral Program in Healthcare Leadership, 1972, DrPH (UNC - Chapel Hill)
Mehta, Tapan, Associate Professor and Director of Research, 2013, PhD (UAB)
Weech-Maldonado, Robert, Professor and L. R. Jordan Endowed Chair of Health Administration, 2009, PhD (Temple University)
Zengul, Ferhat, Associate Professor, 2015, PhD (UAB)