Department of English

Chair: Alison Chapman
Director, Graduate Studies: Rebecca Bach
Director, Undergraduate Studies: Margaret Jay Jessee
Director, Creative Writing Program: Adam Vines
Director, Freshman Composition and Developmental Program: Lilian Mina
Director, Professional Writing: Cynthia Ryan
Director, Linguistics: David Basilico
Director, Departmental Honors: David Basilico
Director, Internships: Jeff Bacha

The Department of English offers programs of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major or minor in English. The department offers four tracks to the English major: an English major with a concentration in literature, an English major with a concentration in professional writing, an English major with a concentration in creative writing, and an English major with a concentration in linguistics. The department offers four different minors: a minor in English literature, a minor in professional writing, a minor in creative writing, and a minor in linguistics. The Department of English also offers courses leading to the Master of Arts degree in English. Further information about the department and its programs may be obtained from the department website ( or the department office; information on the graduate program may also be found in the UAB Graduate School Catalog.

English Literature

The study of English literature challenges students to develop their skills in reading, critical analysis, and written expression and also to develop a deeper appreciation of the aesthetic and historical contexts in which authors wrote.  Students may pursue a concentration in literature within the English major or a minor in literature.

Creative Writing

Students may pursue a concentration in creative writing within the English major or a minor in creative writing, taking workshops in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and writing for young people; one forms class; and special topics in creative writing.

Linguistics: Interdisciplinary Program

Students interested in a concentration in linguistics within the English major or a minor in linguistics are invited to participate in an interdisciplinary program. The linguistics concentration and minor are designed for students interested in careers represented by the participating disciplines that might involve detailed knowledge of natural or artificial languages. Note that the program is not necessarily one for “people who speak a lot of languages,” but rather is intended for students interested in the structure and function of language. Students should consult the program director for advising.

Professional Writing

Students interested in non-fiction writing for corporate and public life may pursue a concentration in professional writing within the English major or a minor in writing.


 Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English and a Concentration in Literature

Required Courses
Blazer Core Curriculum41
General Electives36
EH 245Introduction to the English Major1
EH 301Reading, Writing, and Research for Literature Classes3
Literature Sequence 1
The following two-course sequence:6
Forms of Literature
and Ideas in Literature
African, African American, or African Diasporic Literature
Select one of the following:3
African-American Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Literature pre-1800
Select two of the following:6
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Literature post-1800
Select two of the following:6
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Modern British and European Drama
Modern American Poetry
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Women's Literature and Theory
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Harlem Renaissance
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Professional Writing 2
Select one of the following:3
Editing in Professional Contexts
Introduction to Professional Writing
Multimodal Writing
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Digital Publishing
Science Writing
Study of English as a Language
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Literary Theory
Select one of the following:3
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
English Electives
Select two of the following:6
Writing in Birmingham
Introduction to Creative Writing
Interpreting Film
Introduction to Literature: Special Topics
Advanced Composition
Editing in Professional Contexts
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
English Internship
Introduction to Professional Writing
Science Fiction
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Topics in Rhetoric
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Capstone Internship
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Modern British and European Drama
Forms of Fiction
Modern American Poetry
Young Adult Literature
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Academic Writing
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Discourse Analysis
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Eng Honors Research for Non-Concentrators
English Honors Research
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Individual Studies
Language and Culture
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Literature for Adolescents
Capstone 3
Select one of the following:3
Capstone Internship
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Total Hours120

Completing this requirement may automatically satisfy the Blazer Core requirement. Students may transfer a literature sequence from other colleges/universities, which would satisfy the literature sequence for the English major. 


ELA (Education Language Arts) students may take EH 401 to fulfill this requirement.


EH 411 and EH 495 must be approved.  This requirement should be satisfied in the student’s final year.

Additional Requirements

  • Students majoring in English must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the major requirement.
  • Fifteen semester hours of English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • Eighteen semester hours of English courses must be at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement.

 Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English and a Concentration in Creative Writing

Required Courses
Blazer Core Curriculum41
General Electives36
EH 245Introduction to the English Major1
Literature Sequence 1
The following two-course sequence:6
Forms of Literature
and Ideas in Literature
African, African American, or African Diasporic Literature
Select one of the following:3
African-American Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Literature Pre-1800 2
Select one of the following:3
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Literature Post-1800
Select one of the following:3
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Modern British and European Drama
Modern American Poetry
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
The Harlem Renaissance
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Professional Writing 3
Select one of the following:3
Editing in Professional Contexts
Introduction to Professional Writing
Public Writing
Multimodal Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Digital Publishing
Science Writing
Study of English as a Language
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Beginning Creative Writing Genre Workshops 4
Select two different courses:6
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
Advanced Creative Writing Genre Workshops
Select six hours of the following (this can be two different courses or one course taken twice):6
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Forms of Fiction
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Creative Writing Elective
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Creative Writing
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Forms of Fiction
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Workshop in Writing for Young People
English Honors Research
English Elective
Select one of the following:3
Writing in Birmingham
Introduction to Creative Writing
Interpreting Film
Introduction to Literature: Special Topics
Reading, Writing, and Research for Literature Classes
Advanced Composition
Editing in Professional Contexts
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
English Internship
Introduction to Professional Writing
Science Fiction
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Topics in Rhetoric
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Capstone Internship
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Modern British and European Drama
Forms of Fiction
Modern American Poetry
Young Adult Literature
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Academic Writing
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Discourse Analysis
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Eng Honors Research for Non-Concentrators
English Honors Research
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Individual Studies
Language and Culture
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Computational Linguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Literature for Adolescents
Capstone 5
Select one of the following:3
Capstone Internship
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Total Hours120

Completing this requirement may automatically fulfill a Blazer Core requirement. Students may transfer a literature sequence from other colleges/universities, which would satisfy the literature sequence for the English major. 


All Creative Writing students are encouraged to take EH 376, Shakespeare, or EH 476, Shakespeare.


ELA (Education Language Arts) students may take EH 401 to fulfill this requirement.


Students may petition the Director of Creative Writing to allow one relevant course in English or a related discipline to count toward this requirement. Examples include, but are not limited to, EH 311, English Internship; THR 215, Playwriting I; and THR 216, Screenwriting I.


Both EH 411, Capstone Internship, and EH 495, Honors Capstone Thesis, must be approved. Students should complete this requirement in their final year.

Additional Requirements

  • Students majoring in English must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the major requirement.
  • Fifteen semester hours of English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • Eighteen semester hours of English courses must be at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement. 


 Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English and a Concentration in Linguistics

Required Courses
Blazer Core Curriculum41
General Electives36
EH 245Introduction to the English Major1
LING 350Introduction to Linguistics3
Literature Sequence 1
The following two-course sequence:6
Forms of Literature
and Ideas in Literature
African, African American, or African Diasporic Literature
Select one of the following:3
African-American Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Literature Pre-1800
Select one of the following:3
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Literature Post-1800
Select one of the following:3
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Modern British and European Drama
Modern American Poetry
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
The Harlem Renaissance
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Professional Writing 2
Select one of the following:3
Editing in Professional Contexts
Introduction to Professional Writing
Multimodal Writing
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Digital Publishing
Science Writing
Study of English as a Language 3
Select four of the following:12
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
English Electives
Select two of the following:6
Writing in Birmingham
Introduction to Creative Writing
Interpreting Film
Introduction to Literature: Special Topics
Advanced Composition
Editing in Professional Contexts
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
English Internship
Introduction to Professional Writing
Science Fiction
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Topics in Rhetoric
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Capstone Internship
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Modern British and European Drama
Forms of Fiction
Modern American Poetry
Young Adult Literature
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Academic Writing
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Discourse Analysis
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Eng Honors Research for Non-Concentrators
English Honors Research
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Individual Studies
Language and Culture
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Computational Linguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Literature for Adolescents
Capstone 4
Select one of the following:3
Capstone Internship
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Total Hours120

Completing this requirement may also satisfy a Blazer Core requirement. Students may transfer a literature sequence from other colleges/universities, which would satisfy the literature sequence for the English major. 


ELA (Education Language Arts) students may take EH 401 to fulfill this requirement.


Note that students may petition the Program Director to have one relevant, non-Linguistics course in English or another discipline count toward this requirement.


 EH 411 and EH 495 must be approved. This requirement should be fulfilled in the student's final year.

Additional Requirements

  • Students majoring in English must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the major requirement.
  • Fifteen semester hours of English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • Eighteen semester hours of English courses must be at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement.

 Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English and a Concentration in Professional Writing

Required Courses
Blazer Core Curriculum41
General Electives36
EH 245Introduction to the English Major1
Literature Sequence 1
The following two-course sequence:6
Forms of Literature
and Ideas in Literature
African, African American, or African Diasporic Literature
Select one of the following:3
African-American Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Literature pre-1800
Select one of the following:3
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Literature post-1800 2
Select one of the following:3
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Modern British and European Drama
Modern American Poetry
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
The Harlem Renaissance
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Study of English as a Language
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Required Course in Professional Writing 3
Introduction to Professional Writing
Professional Writing Electives 2
Select five of the following:15
Writing in Birmingham
Advanced Composition
Editing in Professional Contexts
English Internship
Multimodal Writing
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Topics in Rhetoric
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Capstone Internship
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Academic Writing
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Discourse Analysis
English Honors Research
English Elective
Select one of the following:3
Writing in Birmingham
Introduction to Creative Writing
Interpreting Film
Introduction to Literature: Special Topics
Reading, Writing, and Research for Literature Classes
Advanced Composition
Editing in Professional Contexts
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
English Internship
Introduction to Professional Writing
Science Fiction
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Topics in Rhetoric
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Capstone Internship
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Modern British and European Drama
Forms of Fiction
Modern American Poetry
Young Adult Literature
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Academic Writing
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Discourse Analysis
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
Eng Honors Research for Non-Concentrators
English Honors Research
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Individual Studies
Language and Culture
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Computational Linguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Literature for Adolescents
Capstone 3
Select one of the following:3
Capstone Internship
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Total Hours120

Completing this requirement may automatically satisfy a Blazer Core requirement. Students may transfer a literature sequence from other colleges/universities, which would satisfy the literature sequence for the English major. 


Students may petition the Director of Professional Writing to have one relevant course in English or another discipline count toward this requirement.


EH 411 and EH 495 must be approved. This requirement should be satisfied in the student's final year.

Additional Requirements

  • Students majoring in English must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the major requirement.
  • Fifteen semester hours of English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • Eighteen semester hours of English courses must be at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement.

Bachelor of Arts in Writing and Media

Blazer Core Curriculum41
EH 205Introduction to Creative Writing3
or EH 315 Introduction to Professional Writing
EH 320Multimodal Writing3
EH 410History of Textual Practices 23
or EH 426 Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Writing Electives15
Writing in Birmingham
Writing for Health Professions
Editing in Professional Contexts
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
English Internship
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Forms of Fiction
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Media Electives12
The Historian's Craft
Drawing: Observations and Perceptions
Two-Dimensional Design Foundations
Spatial Solutions
Type and Image
Time and Duration
Visual Literacy & Application Foundations
Creativity and Imagination
Media, Culture and Society
History of Documentary Film
Ethnographic Filmmaking/SL
Principles of Computer Science
Introduction to Computer Science in Python
Web Development
Media Writing
Visual Media Production I
Investigative Reporting
Media Writing II
Introduction to Advertising
Audio Production
Publication Editing and Design
Feature Writing
Playwriting I
Screenwriting I
Drawing and Rendering for the Theatre
EH 411Capstone Internship3
General Electives40
Total Hours120

A grade of C or better is required for all classes applying to a major in Writing and Media.


Students may select EH 410 "History of Textual Practices" or EH 426 with the title "History of the Book".

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in English with a Concentration in Literature

First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 101, 106, or 1083EH 102, 107, or 1083
CAS 1123Blazer Core Quantitative Literacy3
Blazer Core Reasoning3Blazer Core Communicating in the Modern World3
Blazer Core Creative Arts3Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4
Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4Blazer Core Humans and their Societies3
 16 16
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 2123EH 2133
EH 2451EH 3013
Blazer Core City as a Classroom3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3 
 16 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
African, African-American, African Diasporic Literature 3English as a Language3
Literature pre-18003Literature pre-1800 (not previously taken)3
Professional Writing3Literature post-18003
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Literature post-1800 (not previously taken)3English Elective3
Literary Theory3Capstone13
English Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3 
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120

Capstone: EH 411, EH 495 or EH 496. This requirement should be satisfied in the student's final year.  Please note: EH 411 and EH 495 require approval

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing

First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 101, 106, or 1083EH 102, 107, or 1093
CAS 1123Blazer Core Quantitative Literacy3
Blazer Core Reasoning3Blazer Core Communicating in the Modern World3
Blazer Core Creative Arts3Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4
Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4Blazer Core Humans and their Societies3
 16 16
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 2123EH 2133
EH 2451Beginning Creative Writing Workshop3
Blazer Core City as a Classroom3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3 
 16 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
African, African-American or African-Diasporic Literature3Professional Writing3
Literature pre-18003English as a Language3
Beginning Creative Writing Workshop3Advanced Creative Writing Workshop3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Literature post-18003English Elective3
Advanced Creative Writing Workshop3Capstone13
Creative Writing Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3 
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120

Capstone: EH 411, EH 495 or EH 496. This requirement should be satisfied in the student's final year. Please note: EH 411 and EH 495 require approval

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in English with a Concentration in Linguistics

First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 101, 106, or 1083EH 102, 107, or 1093
CAS 1123Blazer Core Quantitative Literacy3
Blazer Core Reasoning3Blazer Core Communicating in the Modern World3
Blazer Core Creative Arts3Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4
Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4Blazer Core Humans & Their Societies3
 16 16
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 2123EH 2133
EH 2451LING 3503
Blazer Core City as a Classroom3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3 
 16 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
African, African-American or African-Diasporic Literature3Literature post-18003
Literature pre-18003Professional Writing3
English as a Language3English as a Language3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
English as a Language3English as a Language3
English Electives6Capstone13
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120

Capstone: EH 411, EH 495 or EH 496. This requirement should be satisfied in the student's final year. Please Note:  EH 411 and EH 495 require approval.

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in English with a Concentration in Professional Writing

First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 101, 106, or 1083EH 102, 107, or 1093
CAS 1123Blazer Core Quantitative Literacy3
Blazer Core Reasoning3Blazer Core Communicating in the Modern World3
Blazer Core Creative Arts3Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4
Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4Blazer Core Humans & Their Societies3
 16 16
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 2123EH 2133
EH 2451EH 3153
Blazer Core City as a Classroom3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3 
 16 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
African, African-American or African Diasporic Literature3English as a Language3
Literature pre-18003Literature post-18003
Professional Writing Elective3Professional Writing Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Professional Writing Electives6Professional Writing Elective3
English Elective3Capstone13
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 12
Total credit hours: 120

Capstone: EH 411, EH 495 or EH 496. This requirement should be satisfied in the student's final year. Please Note: EH 411 and EH 495 require approval.

Proposed Program of Study for a Major in Writing and Media

First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 101, 106, or 1083EH 102, 107, or 1093
CAS 1123Blazer Core Quantitative Literacy3
Blazer Core Reasoning3Blazer Core Communicating in the Modern World3
Blazer Core Creative Arts3Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4
Blazer Core Scientific Inquiry4Blazer Core Humans & Their Societies3
 16 16
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Blazer Core History & Meaning3Blazer Core Thinking Broadly Elective3
EH 205 or 3153Media Elective3
Blazer Core City as a Classroom3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
EH 3203EH 410 or 4263
Writing Elective3Writing Elective3
Media Elective3Writing Elective3
General Elective3Media Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 15
First TermHoursSecond TermHours
Writing Elective3EH 4113
Media Elective3General Elective3
Writing Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective1
 15 13
Total credit hours: 120

 Minor in English Literature

Required Courses 1
EH 301Reading, Writing, and Research for Literature Classes3
Literature Pre-1800
Select one of the following:3
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Literature Post-1800
Select one of the following:3
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Modern British and European Drama
Modern American Poetry
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
The Harlem Renaissance
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
English Electives 2
Select three of the following:9
Writing in Birmingham
Introduction to Creative Writing
Interpreting Film
Introduction to Literature: Special Topics
Advanced Composition
Editing in Professional Contexts
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
Introduction to Professional Writing
Science Fiction
Multimodal Writing
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Literature of the Vikings
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Topics in Rhetoric
African American Literature, 1746-1954
African American Literature, 1954-Present
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Capstone Internship
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Modern British and European Drama
Forms of Fiction
Modern American Poetry
Young Adult Literature
African Literature
African Women's Literature
African-American Special Topics
Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics
Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics
English Elective: Special Topics
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Special Topics in Film
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Academic Writing
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century
Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present
Women's Literature and Theory
African American Autobiography
African American Dramatic Tradition
African American Poetry Tradition
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Discourse Analysis
American Literature, 1620 - 1820
American Literature, 1820 - 1870
American Literature, 1870 - 1914
American Literature, 1914 - 1945
The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions
Black Women Writers
The Harlem Renaissance
Medieval Culture: Literature and Society
Arthurian Legend
Beowulf in Context
Introduction to Old English
English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare)
English Renaissance Poetry and Prose
The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture
The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
British Romanticism
British Victorian Poetry
Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Nineteenth-Century British Novel
British Novel: The Modern Age
James Joyce
English Honors Research
Honors Capstone Thesis
Capstone Seminar
Individual Studies
Introduction to Linguistics
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Generative Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
Literature for Adolescents
Total Hours18

Required except where already taken as part of a concentration in PW, CW, or Ling 


Students may not use EH 311 to satisfy this requirement. Only three hours may be satisfied by a Creative Writing course (EH 305, EH 307, EH 309, EH 405, EH 407, EH 409, EH 412, EH 413EH 415EH 436 ).

Additional Requirements

  • Students minoring in English Literature must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the minor.
  • English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • At least nine of the eighteen hours required for the minor must be taken at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement.

 Minor in Professional Writing

Required Course3
Introduction to Professional Writing
Professional Writing Electives
Select five of the following:15
Writing in Birmingham
Advanced Composition
Editing in Professional Contexts
English Internship
Multimodal Writing
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Public Writing
Developing Digital Documents
Topics in Rhetoric
Tutoring Writing
Writing in Popular Periodicals
Business Writing
Technical Writing
Capstone Internship
Professional Writing: Special Topics
Public Discourse: Special Topics
Academic Writing
Digital Publishing
Visual Rhetoric
Writing and Medicine
Science Writing
Discourse Analysis
Total Hours18

Additional Requirements

  • Students minoring in Writing must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the minor.
  • English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • At least nine of the eighteen hours required for the minor must be taken at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement.

 Minor in Creative Writing

Creative Writing Workshops
Select 9 hours of the following (you may take one of these workshops twice):9
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
Advanced Creative Writing Workshops
Select 6 hours of the following (you may take one of the workshops twice):6
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Forms of Fiction
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Creative Writing Elective
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Creative Writing
Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop
Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop
English Internship
Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar)
Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop
Forms of Creative Nonfiction
Forms of Fiction
Creative Writing: Special Topics
Workshop in Writing for Young People
Total Hours18

Additional Requirements

  • Students minoring in Creative Writing must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the minor.
  • English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • At least six of the eighteen hours required for the minor must be taken at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement.

 Minor in Linguistics

Required Courses
EH/LING 350Introduction to Linguistics3
EH/LING 451Generative Grammar3
Linguistics Electives 1, 2
Select four of the following:12
Structure of English
The Structure of English Words
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Special Topics in Linguistics
Advanced Grammar
Grammar and Usage for English Teachers
History of the English Language
The Biology of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Special Problems in Linguistics
Total Hours18

Must be approved:  LING 393/EH 393, LING 493/EH 493, LING 494/ANTH 494 & LING 495/ANTH 495.


Students may petition the Program Director to have one relevant non-Linguistics course in English or another discipline that does not appear on this list count toward this requirement.

Additional Requirements

  • Students minoring in Linguistics must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses applied toward the minor.
  • English courses at the 300 and 400 levels must be taken at UAB.
  • At least nine of the eighteen hours required for the minor must be taken at the 400 level.
  • A single course may not count toward more than one departmental requirement.

Honors in English


The English Honors program is designed for outstanding majors in the English BA. In their senior year, qualified students write a Senior Thesis under the supervision of an Honors Thesis Committee.


Benefits of participating in the Honors Program in English include individual mentoring by exceptional faculty and useful practice in undertaking extended work in the area of English, American, African American, and world literatures; creative writing; linguistics; or professional writing and rhetoric. Writing the thesis gives students the chance to work one-on-one with outstanding research faculty in all fields of English study. Our honors students thus gain valuable writing and critical experience, personalized writing instruction, and the opportunity to acquire especially strong letters of recommendation from committee members. Students completing the program are recognized at the English Department Awards Reception and will graduate from UAB "With Honors in English" at their UAB commencement.


To be eligible for the Honors Program in English, a student must be enrolled as a UAB English major, and have earned a 3.5 GPA in English courses taken and a 3.0 GPA overall. Writing and Media BA majors are not eligible to write an Honors Thesis.


Qualified students electing to enter and complete the Honors Program in the English BA must submit a completed English Honors Program application form to the Director of Departmental Honors for approval. Once approved, students complete the Honors thesis over two consecutive terms; generally, they take EH 494 in the first term and EH 495 in the second. (However, if the student is writing a thesis in an area *different* from his or her concentration -- for instance, if the student is a Creative Writing concentrator writing a thesis in Literature -- the student replaces EH 494 with EH 491.) At the end of the process, students will present their work at a departmental symposium. Students who earn an A in EH 495  will graduate with Departmental Honors. Students who earn a B or C will not graduate with Departmental Honors but will still fulfill the capstone requirement.


Program descriptions are available from the department website ( or the department office.

Internships in English

The English Department, in cooperation with university-wide and off-campus partners, offers its majors and minors internship experiences that enhance their attractiveness to prospective employers. Many internships have resulted in part-time or full-time employment after the semester has concluded. Opportunities for internships include assisting the editors of PMS: poemmemoirstory and Birmingham Poetry Review. Students also intern in other parts of the university; past collaborations have included the School of Education and UAB Health Systems Marketing. Organizations within the Birmingham community specializing in magazine and book publishing, non-profit fund raising, and business communications round out possibilities for acquiring the practical experience that will enhance students' resumes while helping them to build a professional portfolio demonstrating their knowledge and skills.

English and Writing and Media majors interested in internships should meet with Dr. Jeff Bacha, Director of Internships, to discuss available internship opportunities. English BA majors enroll in either EH 311 or EH 411EH 311 requirements include at least the following: performance of 10-15 hours of research or publications activities per week, as defined by the on-site supervisor, completion of journal entries that draw on the intern's experiences, and completion of a written report addressing an aspect of the internship approved by Dr. Bacha in consultation with the student. On-site supervisors also provide written evaluations of interns, feedback that can assist students as they pursue careers following graduation. EH 411 satisfies the Capstone requirement for the English BA major and is a required course for the Writing and Media BA major. The internship involves academic work, including more extensive journal assignments, regular meetings with the Director and other EH 411 students, participation in discussion sessions with scheduled speakers, and a final professional portfolio and exit interview. Students who wish to enroll in EH 411 should be late-term juniors or seniors. Internships are graded classes, and final grades are based on the student's work ethic and written work and are determined by the Director in consultation with the student's on-site internship supervisor.

Eligibility and Procedures

Students in the Writing and Media BA major must meet the following requirements to enroll for EH 411:

  • Must be enrolled full-time as English majors or minors at UAB.
  • Must have at least junior standing or the equivalent course credits.
  • Must be approved for the internship by the Director of Internships.
  • Must be able to work the required number of hours (10-15) to fulfill commitments to the employer.
  • Must enroll in EH 411 for the internship semester and—under the supervision of the Internship Director—must fulfill all requirements for that course.

Students in the English BA major must meet the following requirements for the Internship

  • Normally must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 or higher for an off-campus internship or an on-campus research internship, and a 2.5 overall GPA or higher for a publications Internship. This requirement may be waived with the approval of the Director of Internships.
  • Must be enrolled full-time as English majors or minors at UAB.
  • Must have at least junior standing or the equivalent course credits.
  • Must be approved for the internship by the Director of Internships.
  • Must be able to work the required number of hours (10-15) to fulfill commitments to the employer.
  • If approved for an internship, must enroll in EH 311 or EH 411 for the internship semester and—under the supervision of the Internship Director—must fulfill all requirements for that course.

Students who qualify for English internships should follow these procedures:

  • Make an appointment with the Director of Internships, Dr. Jeff Bacha, at the beginning of the semester prior to the semester in which you hope to hold an internship or enroll in EH 411.
  • Following the meeting, complete the Internship Application Form, available from the Director of Internships or from
  • Stay in contact with the Internship Director for information about scheduling interviews with potential employers and prepare -- with the assistance of the Internship Director -- for interviews.
  • Once accepted by the on-site supervisor for an internship, contact the Internship Director to enroll in EH 311 or EH 411.


For more information about the Internship program in English, contact Dr. Jeff Bacha at UH 5053, (205) 934-4250.

EH-English Courses

EH 091. Introduction to College English. 5 Hours.

Focuses on connections between reading and writing, especially as they relate to a writer's purpose and development of academic writing. Includes review of grammar, punctuation, and usage, with emphasis on editing skills and writing effective paragraphs and expository essays. Required for students who score below 20 on the English or Reading portions of the ACT test. Prepares students for EH 101; may not be used for fulfillment of any degree requirement.

EH 096L. Introduction to Freshman Writing I. 1 Hour.

EH 096L provides individualized, hands-on support to students in EH 106 through writing studio sessions with their EH 106 instructor and tutors in the University Writing Center. Graded pass/fail. Co-requisite with EH 106. Students must pass EH 096L in order to make a C or above in EH 106.

EH 097L. Introduction to Freshman Writing II. 1 Hour.

EH 097L provides individualized, hands-on support to students in EH 107 through writing studio sessions with their EH 107 instructor and tutors in the University Writing Center. Graded pass/fail. Co-requisite with EH 107. Students must pass EH 097L in order to make a C or above in EH 107.
Prerequisites: EH 106 [Min Grade: C] and EH 096L [Min Grade: P]

EH 101. English Composition I. 3 Hours.

Process and final product of expository and analytical essays. Research and documentation required on most essays. Students must receive grade of C or higher in EH 101 and 102 to complete Core Curriculum requirement in English language. (Also see CLEP examinations and AP examinations.) This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 091 [Min Grade: C] or ELI 205 [Min Grade: C] or ELI 206 [Min Grade: C](Can be taken Concurrently) or ELI 054 [Min Grade: C] or (A01 20 and A03 20) or (S01 480 or SATR 26) or (EHWS 29 and EHRS 18) or (TCW 23 or TIW 23) or IEW 6.0 or TEW 7.0 or EPL

EH 102. English Composition II. 3 Hours.

Process and final product of argumentative essays. Research and documentation required on most essays. Students must receive grade of C or higher in EH 101 or EH 102 to complete Core Curriculum requirement in English Language. (Also see CLEP examinations and AP examinations.) This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 101 [Min Grade: C] or EH 101 [Min Grade: P]

EH 105. Ada Long Creative Writing Workshop. 1 Hour.

Introductory course in creative writing for high school students with demonstrated creative writing abilities.

EH 106. Introduction to Freshman Writing I. 3 Hours.

English 106 provides a hands-on, individualized study of expository and analytical writing, including developing strong processes of drafting, revising and editing. Co-requisite with EH 096L. EH 106 and EH 096L are required for students who score below 20 on the English or Reading portions of the ACT test. Students must receive grade of C or higher in EH 106 and grade P for EH 096L and grade of C or higher in EH 107 and grade P for EH 097L to complete Core Curriculum in English Language.(Also see CLEP examinations and AP examinations). This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum Writing.

EH 107. Introduction to Freshman Writing II. 3 Hours.

English 107 provides a hands-on, individualized study of research, academic writing, and argumentation, including developing strong processes of drafting, revising and editing. Co-requisite with EH 097L. EH 107 and EH 097L are required for students who score below 20 on the English or Reading portions of the ACT test. Students must receive grade of C or higher in EH 106 and grade P for EH 096L and grade of C or higher in EH 107 and grade P for EH 097L to complete Core Curriculum in English Language.(Also see CLEP examinations and AP examinations). This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 106 [Min Grade: C] and EH 096L [Min Grade: P]

EH 108. English Composition I for Second Language Writers. 3 Hours.

Process and final product of expository and analytical essays with support for second language writers. Research and documentation required on most essays. Students must receive grade of C or higher in EH 108 and 109 to complete core curriculum requirement in English language. (Also see CLEP examinations and AP examinations.) This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum Writing.
Prerequisites: IEW 5.5 or TIW 16 or TCW 16 or TEW 6.5 or ELI 205 [Min Grade: B](Can be taken Concurrently) and ELI 101 [Min Grade: B])

EH 109. English Composition II for Second Language Writers. 3 Hours.

Process and final product of argumentative essays with support for second language writers. Research and documentation required on most essays. Students must receive grade of C or higher in EH 108 and EH 109 to complete Core Curriculum requirement in English Language. (Also see CLEP examinations and AP examinations.) This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 108 [Min Grade: C]

EH 202. English Composition II: Scientific and Technical Communication. 3 Hours.

This course will be paired with EH 102, enrolling students from the Science and Technology Honors Program who have already completed (or received credit for) EH 102. In addition to covering material required for all sections of EH 102, this course introduces students to the specific rhetorical elements of scientific and technical discourse.
Prerequisites: EH 101 [Min Grade: C] and (EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 203. Writing in Birmingham. 3 Hours.

Improvement of skills for public writing, using Birmingham as geographical, historical, and institutional context. Emphasis on issues related to Birmingham's past and present, including the ethics and civic responsibilities of Birmingham residents. This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum City as a Classroom with a flag in Post-Freshman Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 204. Reading in Birmingham. 3 Hours.

Study of literature related to the city of Birmingham and the surrounding area. Themes vary by section: consult the English Department website for a list of section themes. Emphasis on the ways in which works of literature engage with and interrogate cultural ideas of local and regional communities. This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum City as a Classroom with a flag in Post-Freshman Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 205. Introduction to Creative Writing. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the writing of fiction, poetry, and the creative essay. Emphasis on fundamentals of writing creatively, with students producing original work in each of the three genres. This course meets Blazer Core Creative Arts with a Flag in Post-Freshman Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 206. Writing for Health Professions. 3 Hours.

Teaches students the skills and conventions required for clear and effective writing in health professions.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 210. Interpreting Film. 3 Hours.

Introduction to film analysis, surveying the language of film, the structure of film narrative, major genres, and the relationship between film and its social context. This course meets Blazer Core History and Meaning with a Flag in Post-Freshman Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 212. Forms of Literature. 3 Hours.

Study of literary forms and genres such as poems, short stories, novels, plays, films, and other kinds of literature. Emphasis on techniques of each form. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets Blazer Core History and Meaning with a Flag in Post-Freshman Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 213. Ideas in Literature. 3 Hours.

Investigation of an idea or theme as it appears in a diverse set of literary works. Themes vary by section: consult the English Department website for a list of section themes. Emphasis on the ways in which works of literature engage with and interrogate broader cultural ideas. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets Blazer Core History and Meaning with a Flag in Post-Freshman Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 214. Introduction to Literature: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

Study of an individual author, a specific genre, or an important literary movement. Selections will vary according to instructor. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 217. World Literature I: Before 1660. 3 Hours.

World literature before 1660. Emphasis on writing and literary analysis. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets the Core Curriculum requirements for Area II: Literature.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 218. World Literature II: 1660-Present. 3 Hours.

World literature since 1660. Emphasis on writing and literary analysis. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets the Core Curriculum requirements for Area II: Literature.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 221. British and Irish Literature I: Before 1800. 3 Hours.

British/Irish literature from Anglo-Saxon period to end of eighteenth century with emphasis on writing and literary analysis. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets the Core Curriculum requirements for Area II: Literature.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 222. British and Irish Literature II: 1800-Present. 3 Hours.

British/Irish literature from end of eighteenth century into twentieth century with emphasis on writing and literary analysis. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets the Core Curriculum requirements for Area II: Literature.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 223. American Literature I: Before 1865. 3 Hours.

American literature from 1620 to 1865 with emphasis on writing and literary analysis. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets the Core Curriculum requirements for Area II: Literature.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 224. American Literature II: 1865-Present. 3 Hours.

American literature 1865 to present with emphasis on writing and literary analysis. Writing is a significant component of this course. This course meets the Core Curriculum requirements for Area II: Literature.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 245. Introduction to the English Major. 1 Hour.

Orientation to the English major at UAB, emphasizing the aims of English as a discipline, the different concentrations offered at UAB, special opportunities students can pursue within the program, and typical career paths for English majors.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 300. Engineering Communication. 2 Hours.

Introduces engineering students to the theory and practice of communicating effectively in various organizational contexts. Subjects covered include managing and producing professional reports, proposals, and feasibility studies; communicating ethically in the workplace; and presenting ideas to multiple audiences in written and oral formats. Required for most undergraduate engineering majors.
Prerequisites: (EGR 110 [Min Grade: C] and EGR 111 [Min Grade: C]) or EGR 200 [Min Grade: C] or EGR 100 [Min Grade: C] or HC 111 [Min Grade: C] and (EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 301. Reading, Writing, and Research for Literature Classes. 3 Hours.

Designed to improve skills for critical writing about literary texts. Strong emphasis on analytical thinking and on the ethics of argumentation. Required for English majors; recommended prior to taking 400-level courses.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 302. Intermediate Writing. 3 Hours.

This course is designed for non-English majors who wish to improve the quality of their writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 303. Advanced Composition. 3 Hours.

Improvement of skills for academic and public writing, focusing on analysis and critique. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 304. Editing in Professional Contexts. 3 Hours.

Theory and practice of editorial/rhetorical concerns throughout writing process, particularly as related to professional contexts. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 305. Beginning Poetry Writing Workshop. 3 Hours.

Fundamentals for beginners; emphasis on techniques and style through readings and student's own writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 307. Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop. 3 Hours.

Seminar teaching fundamentals for beginners; emphasis on techniques and style through readings and student's own writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 309. Beginning Fiction Writing Workshop. 3 Hours.

Fundamentals for beginners; emphasis on techniques and style through readings and student's own writing.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 311. English Internship. 3 Hours.

On-campus and off-campus training positions in fields utilizing language and writing skills, with some positions offering external funding. Students should contact the Director of Internships to discuss available positions and application procedures. May be counted as elective only in professional writing concentration and writing minor with approval of the Undergraduate Director.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 315. Introduction to Professional Writing. 3 Hours.

Introduces students to professional writing as a discipline and teaches them to compose professional documents. Recommended prior to taking 400-level courses.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 318. Science Fiction. 3 Hours.

Modern science fiction, including novels and short stories by Asimov, Heinlein, LeGuin, and others.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 320. Multimodal Writing. 3 Hours.

This course provides students with foundational skills in understanding, analyzing, and critiquing multimodal texts. Specifically, students will analyze how multimodal components add meaning to written text, learn how to critique the effectiveness of multimodal texts, and apply what they learn in the production of their own multimodal texts. Students will also be introduced to ethical issues inherent in multimodal composition, such as questions of fair use, licensing, and copyright.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 324. African-American Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See Class Schedule for Topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 326. Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 327. Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See Class Schedule for Topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 328. English Elective: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 329. Literature of the Vikings. 3 Hours.

Old Norse mythology, poetry, and sagas in translation. Background for Beowulf.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 330. Professional Writing: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic. May be repeated.

EH 332. Public Discourse: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic. May be repeated.

EH 335. Public Writing. 3 Hours.

Instruction in concepts of public communities and the kinds of writing that public institutions, such as non-profit organizations, require. Public writing includes ethnographic research, problem-solving proposals, grant applications, and social media campaigns.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 340. Developing Digital Documents. 3 Hours.

Provides students the opportunity to plan, write, and design documents using computer aided publishing technologies.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 345. Topics in Rhetoric. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the foundational texts and key concepts in the theory and practice of rhetoric. Each section emphasizes a specific topic within the larger subject of rhetoric.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 350. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the scientific study of language with a main focus on principles underlying phonology morphology, syntax and semantics. Relationship between language and society, psycholingustics and language typology may also be addressed.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 352. The Structure of English Words. 3 Hours.

Introduction to English vocabularyelements and word formation, including topics in history of English and sound patterns as these topics relate to word formation. Does not count as literature for Core Curriculum requirement.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 356. Semantics. 3 Hours.

Meaning in language with reference to questions of synonymy, ambiguity, and language use.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 360. Phonology. 3 Hours.

Sound patterning of languages.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 365. African American Literature, 1746-1954. 3 Hours.

Cultural values from colonial writer Lucy Terry, through slavery and emancipation, to Ralph Ellison and writers of early 1950s. Emphasis on role of diversity and how historical issues of race relate to modern contexts. Ethics and Civic Responsibility are significant components of this course.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 366. African American Literature, 1954-Present. 3 Hours.

Cultural values from James Baldwin in 1950s, through black nationalist, civil rights, and black feminist movements, to contemporary writers such as Ishmael Reed, Charles Johnson, and Toni Morrison. Emphasis on role of diversity and how historical issues of race relate to modern contexts. Ethics and Civic Responsibility are significant components of this course.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 376. Shakespeare. 3 Hours.

Five or six plays: one history, one comedy, three major tragedies. Intensive study of two or more tragedies.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 393. Special Topics in Linguistics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 401. Tutoring Writing. 3 Hours.

Seminar focusing on the improvement of writing skills through understanding theories of tutoring. Preparation of future teachers for tutor training and writing center development. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: (EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C]) or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C] or EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C]

EH 402. Writing in Popular Periodicals. 3 Hours.

Current theory regarding production, distribution, and consumption of popular periodicals, with extensive practice contributing to these sources. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 403. Business Writing. 3 Hours.

Advanced writing course focusing on writing clearly and ethically in professional business contexts, with particular emphasis on memos, letters, resumes, and reports. Writing, Ethics and Civic Responsibility are significant components of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 204 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 404. Technical Writing. 3 Hours.

Advanced writing concentrating on short informal and long formal reports. Quantitative literacy is a significant component of the course.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 405. Poetry Writing Workshop (Seminar). 3 Hours.

Intermediate poetry seminar conducted through critique of student writing.
Prerequisites: EH 305 [Min Grade: C] or EH 306 [Min Grade: C]

EH 407. Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop (Seminar). 3 Hours.

Intermediate creative nonfiction seminar conducted through critique of student writing.
Prerequisites: EH 307 [Min Grade: C] or EH 308 [Min Grade: C]

EH 409. Fiction Writing Workshop (Seminar). 3 Hours.

Intermediate prose fiction seminar conducted through critique of student writing.
Prerequisites: EH 309 [Min Grade: C] or EH 310 [Min Grade: C]

EH 410. History of Textual Practices. 3 Hours.

Introduces students to different textual practices of the past. Students will learn how questions of materiality and technological production have historically influenced how texts have been read, used, and understood. Students will learn how creators of digital texts today face structurally similar choices to composers in the past.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C]

EH 411. Capstone Internship. 3 Hours.

This course is available to qualified English majors who wish to apply their knowledge and skills to a work setting. Students will fulfill the requirements for a university capstone course by reflecting on the applicability of disciplinary knowledge to internship responsibilities. Students should contact the Director of Internships to discuss available positions and application procedures.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 412. Forms of Poetry Writing Workshop. 3 Hours.

Study of prosody and works of major formalist poets. Includes writing poems in received forms and modes and critiquing those in workshop setting.
Prerequisites: EH 405 [Min Grade: C] or EH 406 [Min Grade: C]

EH 413. Forms of Creative Nonfiction. 3 Hours.

Intensive study of one or more major nonfiction forms such as memoir, essay, or literary journalism. Includes writing nonfiction forms and critiquing them in a workshop setting.
Prerequisites: EH 407 [Min Grade: C] or EH 408 [Min Grade: C] or EH 409 [Min Grade: C]

EH 414. Modern British and European Drama. 3 Hours.

Techniques and problems of modern European drama: Ibsen, Shaw, Chekhov, Synge, Pirandello, Brecht, Beckett, and others.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 415. Forms of Fiction. 3 Hours.

Intensive study of one or more aspects of fiction. Includes writing and critique in a workshop setting.
Prerequisites: EH 407 [Min Grade: C](Can be taken Concurrently) or EH 408 [Min Grade: C] or EH 409 [Min Grade: C] or EH 410 [Min Grade: C]

EH 416. Modern American Poetry. 3 Hours.

Selections from Frost, Stein, Stevens, Pound, Eliot, Williams, Doolittle, Jeffers, Moore, McKay, Loy, Toomer, Crane, Hughes, and others.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 419. Young Adult Literature. 3 Hours.

Close reading of young adult literature and study of its form and history, its assumptions about adolescent psychology, and its literary relationship to the traditional canon.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 422. African Literature. 3 Hours.

Selected novels, short stories, autobiographies, folk tales, drama, essays, films, songs from pre-colonial Africa to the present, including works by Emecheta, wa Thiongo'o, Head, Achebe, Ba, Armah, Laye, Salih, Soyinka, and Abrahams.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 423. African Women's Literature. 3 Hours.

Writing in all genres by African women from pre-colonial Africa to the present.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 424. African-American Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See Class Schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 426. Pre-1800 Literature: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See Class Schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 427. Post-1800 Literature: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 428. English Elective: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 429. Creative Writing: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

Seminar in creative writing: see class schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: EH 305 [Min Grade: C](Can be taken Concurrently) or EH 306 [Min Grade: C] or EH 307 [Min Grade: C] or EH 308 [Min Grade: C] or EH 309 [Min Grade: C] or EH 310 [Min Grade: C]

EH 430. Professional Writing: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See Class Schedule for topic. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 431. Special Topics in Film. 3 Hours.

In-depth study of a specialized topic in film, for example, a particular national cinema, one or more directors, a development in film history or genre, or issues in visual representation.
Prerequisites: EH 210 [Min Grade: C](Can be taken Concurrently) or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 432. Public Discourse: Special Topics. 3 Hours.

See course schedule for topics. Counts as Public Discourse in the English major concentration in Professional Writing and the English minor in Writing.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 433. Academic Writing. 3 Hours.

Introduction for students in all disciplines, to the processes of scholarly inquiry and the most common genres of academic writing , including critiques, bibliographies, proposals, conference presentations, and articles. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 436. Workshop in Writing for Young People. 3 Hours.

Intermediate workshop in writing for young people through critique of student writing.
Prerequisites: EH 307 [Min Grade: C] or EH 308 [Min Grade: C] or EH 309 [Min Grade: C] or EH 310 [Min Grade: C]

EH 441. Literary Theory and Criticism, the Ancients to the Nineteenth Century. 3 Hours.

Introduction to theories of art and literary production in the contexts of aesthetics and culture from Plato to the end of the nineteenth century.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 442. Literary Theory and Criticism, the Twentieth Century to the Present. 3 Hours.

Introduction to theories of art and literary production in the contexts of aesthetics and culture from Russian formalism to the present.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 444. Women's Literature and Theory. 3 Hours.

Literary works and theoretical perspectives of Angelou, Chopin, Hong, Kingston, Hurston, Walker, Woolf, Plath, and others.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 446. African American Autobiography. 3 Hours.

Personal narratives by African Americans, including texts by Wheatley, Douglass, Jacobs, Wilson, DuBois, Johnson, Hurston, Hughes, Wright, Baldwin, Angelou, and Moody.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 447. African American Dramatic Tradition. 3 Hours.

Development of African American dramatic tradition from the nineteenth century through the Harlem Renaissance and Black Arts movement to contemporary postmodernism, including Brown, Hurston, Baraka, and Wilson.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 448. African American Poetry Tradition. 3 Hours.

Development of African American poetry from its early works to the present, including Wheatley, Dunbar, Hughes, Brooks, and Angelou.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 450. Advanced Grammar. 3 Hours.

Present-day English grammar.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 451. Generative Grammar. 3 Hours.

Introduction to Chomskian linguistc theory. Knowing a language involves knowing an intricate set of rules; this course gives one approach to modeling this linguistic knowledge.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 452. Grammar and Usage for English Teachers. 3 Hours.

Overview of English grammer and usage, focusing on those topics that are presented in the classroom. Topcis will include the difference between prescriptive and descriptive grammar, parts of speech, types of verbs, grammatical functions, agreements, sentence structure, tense, aspect, voice finite clauses, nonfinite clauses, clause types, Focus also on Reed-Kellogg sentence diagramming.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 453. History of the English Language. 3 Hours.

Overview of language evolution from Proto-Indo-European to modern English dialects, including phonological shifts, dialectial distinctions, language families, and orthographical and syntactical changes.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 455. Digital Publishing. 3 Hours.

Introduces students to new technologies for digital communication and the ways in which these technologies influence how people read, write, interact with, and share information.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 456. Visual Rhetoric. 3 Hours.

Analysis of the rhetorical characteristics of texts that incorporate both images and words in order to persuade audiences. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 457. Writing and Medicine. 3 Hours.

This course examines how the realm of medical knowledge and practice is written or constructed according to particular social and ethical values. Overarching institutional assumptions and norms as well as specific texts and practices will be considered in our study of medical discourse. Writing, Ethics and Civic Responsibility are significant components of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 458. Science Writing. 3 Hours.

Instruction in the research methods and writing genres characteristic of science writing. Emphasis on understanding scientific language and composing documents about science in multiple formats and for multiple audiences.
Prerequisites: (PH 103 [Min Grade: D] or PHS 101 [Min Grade: D] or AST 101 [Min Grade: D] or AST 102 [Min Grade: D] or AST 104 [Min Grade: D] or AST 105 [Min Grade: D] or BY 101 [Min Grade: D] or BY 108 [Min Grade: D] or BY 111 [Min Grade: D] or BY 123 [Min Grade: D] or BY 124 [Min Grade: D] or CH 105 [Min Grade: D] or CH 107 [Min Grade: D] or CH 115 [Min Grade: D] or CH 117 [Min Grade: D] or CH 125 [Min Grade: D] or CH 127 [Min Grade: D] or ES 101 [Min Grade: D] or ES 103 [Min Grade: D]) and (EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C])

EH 459. Discourse Analysis. 3 Hours.

Advanced practice in the analysis and writing of public discourse, with emphasis on the social politics of linguistic choices. Writing is a significant component of this course.
Prerequisites: EH 203 [Min Grade: C] or EH 205 [Min Grade: C] or EH 210 [Min Grade: C] or EH 214 [Min Grade: C] or EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 461. American Literature, 1620 - 1820. 3 Hours.

Representative American writing from colonial period to Washington Irving.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 462. American Literature, 1820 - 1870. 3 Hours.

Representative writers such as Alcott, Cooper, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Emerson, Fuller, Fern, Harper, Thoreau, Jacobs, Whitman, Stowe, and Dickinson.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 463. American Literature, 1870 - 1914. 3 Hours.

Realism and naturalism: Twain, James, Howells, Crane, Jewett, Wharton, Dreiser, Norris, and Chopin, among others.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 464. American Literature, 1914 - 1945. 3 Hours.

Selected fiction, poetry, and drama of major American writers such as Eliot, Faulkner, Hemingway, Hurston, O'Neill, and Wright.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 466. The Slave Narrative and Its Literary Expressions. 3 Hours.

Genre of slave narrative, its critical theories, and its nineteenth- and twentieth-century literary expressions. Includes Equiano, Jacobs, Wilson, Douglass, DuBois, Wright, Angelou, and Morrison.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 467. Black Women Writers. 3 Hours.

Evolution of Afrocentric feminist consciousness through early and contemporary writings including works by Aiddo, Conde, Cooper, Chase-Riboud, Marshall, Morrison and Naylor.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 468. The Harlem Renaissance. 3 Hours.

Black writers during Harlem Renaissance movement. Includes Johnson, Toomer, Murray, Larsen, McKay, Thurman, Reed, and Morrison.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 469. Medieval Culture: Literature and Society. 3 Hours.

Exploration through art, literature, and history of dominant themes of Middle Ages, from Germans to Dante and Chaucer.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 470. Arthurian Legend. 3 Hours.

King Arthur and his knights in literature from sixth-century history and formulation of legend in Middle Ages to its use in twentieth century.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 471. Beowulf in Context. 3 Hours.

Beowulf and various texts that bear upon it (including modern literary and film adaptations), as well as a close study of the Norse analogues of the Old English epic. All texts in Modern English translation. Not appropriate for those who have taken EH 649.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 472. Introduction to Old English. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the language and literature of early medieval England (pre-1100), culminating in analyses of The Dream of the Rood and The Battle of Maldon in the original alliterative verse.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 474. English Renaissance Drama (Excluding Shakespeare). 3 Hours.

Plays by Marlowe, Kyd, Jonson, Tourneur, Webster, Middleton, and Ford.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 475. English Renaissance Poetry and Prose. 3 Hours.

Topics vary. Broad survey of period or close analysis of genre, theme, or author.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 476. Shakespeare. 3 Hours.

Study of several major plays.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 478. Milton. 3 Hours.

Selected prose and poetry, including Paradise Lost.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 481. The Eighteenth Century: Literature and Culture. 3 Hours.

Interdisciplinary exploration of texts that focuses on social, economic, and political backgrounds. Topics and authors vary.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 482. The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation. 3 Hours.

Interdisciplinary exploration of selected texts by 18th-century authors that focuses on their formal and philosophical contexts. Authors and topics vary.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 483. British Romanticism. 3 Hours.

Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Hazlitt, Lamb, and DeQuincy.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 485. British Victorian Poetry. 3 Hours.

Selected works by Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, and others.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 486. Eighteenth-Century British Novel. 3 Hours.

Selected works by Fielding, Defoe, Sterne, Smollet, Richardson.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 487. Nineteenth-Century British Novel. 3 Hours.

Selected works by Austen, Dickens, Thackeray, Bronte, Trollope, Eliot, or other novelists.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 488. British Novel: The Modern Age. 3 Hours.

Selected works by Conrad, Lawrence, Joyce, Woolf, Ford, and others.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 489. James Joyce. 3 Hours.

Joyce's fiction through Ulysses.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 491. Eng Honors Research for Non-Concentrators. 3 Hours.

This is an individual studies course for outstanding students beginning their work on an honors capstone thesis *outside of their concentration*. (Thesis writers writing a thesis within their area of concentration should take EH 494 instead.) During the first course of a two-course sequence, students will conduct research for that thesis and write a full-length prospectus for that thesis with an extended bibliography.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 493. Special Topics in Linguistics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

EH 494. English Honors Research. 3 Hours.

This is an individual studies course for outstanding students beginning their work on an honors capstone thesis. During the first course of a two-course sequence, students will conduct research for that thesis and write a full-length prospectus for that thesis with an extended bibliography.
Prerequisites: EH 301 [Min Grade: C]

EH 495. Honors Capstone Thesis. 3 Hours.

This is an individual studies course for outstanding students completing their work on an honors capstone thesis. During this second course of a two-course sequence, students will write and defend that thesis.
Prerequisites: EH 491 [Min Grade: C] or EH 494 [Min Grade: C]

EH 496. Capstone Seminar. 3 Hours.

Specific topics vary. This seminar will provide an opportunity for students to reflect upon and to use the knowledge, skills, and dispositions developed in previous English coursework. Required of all English majors. EH 496 is ideally taken in the final undergraduate semester.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

EH 497. Individual Studies. 1-3 Hour.

Student and faculty member work together to define project; student conducts research and presents results as written report.

LING-Linguistics Courses

LING 110. Art and Science of Language. 3 Hours.

This course introduces students to the study of linguistics –the science of language--as well as the study of artificial and created languages—the art of language. A significant portion of this course is devoted to students creating their own language. This course meets Blazer Core Humans and their Societies with a flag in Post-Freshman Writing.

LING 200. Dialect and Language Diversity in the South. 3 Hours.

This course explores language and dialect in the Southern United States, focusing not only on White Southern American English and African American dialects but also indigenous languages as well as heritage languages that reflect patterns of immigration and settlement. This course meets Blazer Core Curriculum City as a Classroom.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 221. Introductory Descriptive Linguistics. 3 Hours.

Description and analysis of non-Western languages.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C]

LING 260. Language and Culture. 3 Hours.

Nonverbal communication; language origins and acquisition; universals; language classification and processes of change; language as expression of cultural values and social structures; beginning componential and structural analysis.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 350. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the scientific study of language with a main focus on principles underlying phonology, morphology, syntx and semantics. Relationship between language society, psycholinguistics and language typology may also be adddressed.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 351. Structure of English. 3 Hours.

Description and analysis of present-day English grammar with particular attention paid to the structure of phrases, clauses and sentences, including parts of speech, coordination, subordination, tense, aspect, voice, grammatical functions, agreement and clause types.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 352. The Structure of English Words. 3 Hours.

Introduction to English vocabulary elements and word formation, including topics in history of English and sound patterns as these topics relate to word formation. Does not count as literature for Core Curriculum requirement.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 355. Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 3 Hours.

Social factors that play role in language usage and learning; emphasis on American English.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 356. Semantics. 3 Hours.

Meaning in language with reference to questions of synonymy, ambiguity, and language use.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 360. Phonology. 3 Hours.

Sound patterning of languages.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 393. Special Topics in Linguistics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 450. Advanced Grammar. 3 Hours.

Present-day English grammar.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 451. Generative Grammar. 3 Hours.

Introduction to Chomskian linguistic theory. Knowing a language involves knowing an intricate set of rules;this course gives one approach to modeling this linguistic knowledge.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 452. Grammar and Usage for English Teachers. 3 Hours.

Overview of English grammar and usage, focusing on those topics that are presented in the classroom. Topics will include the difference between prescriptive and descriptive grammar, parts of speech, types of verbs, grammatical functions, agreement, sentence structure, tense, aspect, voice, finite clauses, nonfinite clauses, clause types. Focus also Reed-Kellogg sentence diagramming.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 453. History of the English Language. 3 Hours.

Overview of language evolution from Proto-Indo European to modern English dialects, including phonological shifts, dialectical distinctions, language familes, and orthographical and syntactical changes.
Prerequisites: EH 212 [Min Grade: C] or EH 213 [Min Grade: C] or EH 217 [Min Grade: C] or EH 218 [Min Grade: C] or EH 221 [Min Grade: C] or EH 222 [Min Grade: C] or EH 223 [Min Grade: C] or EH 224 [Min Grade: C]

LING 454. The Biology of Language. 3 Hours.

Vocal tract and neuroanatomical specializations for language, language acquisition, genetic language disorders, language and other primates, and evolution of language.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 466. Computational Linguistics. 3 Hours.

Computational Linguistics.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 493. Special Topics in Linguistics. 3 Hours.

See class schedule for topic.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 494. Special Problems in Linguistics. 3 Hours.

Supervised in-depth study of specified topic area in linguistics. Topics determined by student and instructor interest.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]

LING 495. Special Problems in Linguistics. 3 Hours.

Supervised in-depth study of specified topic area in linguistics. Topics determined by student and instructor interest.
Prerequisites: EH 102 [Min Grade: C] or EH 107 [Min Grade: C] or EH 109 [Min Grade: C]


Bach, Rebecca Ann, Professor of English and Director of Graduate Studies, 1994, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Shakespeare, Renaissance Drama, Animal Studies
Bacha, Jeffrey, Associate Professor of English and Director of Internships, 2012, B.A. (University of Michigan-Flint), M.A. (Georgia State University), Ph.D. (Purdue), Rhetoric and Composition, Professional and Technical Communication
Basilico, David Anthony, Associate Professor of English; Director, Linguistics and Honors, 1993, B.A. (Brown), Ph.D. (Arizona), Linguistic Theory, Syntax and Semantics, Cognitive Science
Bellis, Peter, Professor of English Emeritus, 2007, B.A. (Amherst), M.A. (Texas-Austin), M.A., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), American Literature
Braziel, James, Associate Professor of English, 2010, B.A. (Georgia), M.F.A (Bowling Green State), Creative Writing, Fiction
Butcher, Dan, Instructor of English, 2001, B.A. (Mississippi), M.L.I.S., M.A. (LSU), Literature, Composition
Cates, Amy, Instructor of English, 2017, B.A. (Auburn), M.A. (Alabama), M.A. (Montevallo), Composition, Developmental Writing Literature
Cato, Shelly, Assistant Professor of English, 2014, B.A. (Mississippi), M.A. (UAB), Composition, Developmental Writing, Literature, Creative Writing
Chapman, Alison, Professor of English, 2000, B.A. (Davidson), M.A., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Milton, Renaissance Poetry and Prose
Clements, Jill Hamilton, Associate Professor of English, 2016, B.A. (Truman State), M.A. (Western Michigan), Ph.D (Illinois), Medieval Literature and Culture, History of the English Language
Collins, Robert, Professor of English Emeritus, 1980, AB (Xavier University), MA, PhD (Ohio State), Creative Writing, Poetry
Cotton, Halley, Instructor of English, 2022, B.A., M.A. (UAB), Composition, Literature, Creative Writing
Dunbar, Jessie, Associate Professor of English, 2013, B.A. (Clark Atlanta University), M.A. (Georgia), Ph.D. (Emory), Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century African American Literature and Black Diaspora Studies
Dwivedi, Aparna, Instructor of English, 2017, B.A., M.A. (Delhi), M.A. (Illinois at Chicago), Composition, Developmental Writing, Literature
Ellis, Cassandra, Associate Professor of English, 2002, A.B. (Syracuse), A.M., Ph.M, Ph.D. (Columbia), American Literature, African-American Literature, Composition
Grimes, L. Kyle, Professor of English, 1990, B.A. (Dartmouth), M.A., Ph.D. (Illinois), Romantic Literature
Guthrie, James Ronald, Instructor of English, 2014, B.A., M.A. (UAB), Composition, Developmental Writing, Literature
Hutchings, William (Bill), Professor of English Emeritus, 1981, A.B. (Transylvania), M.A., Ph.D. (Kentucky), Modern British Fiction, Modern Drama, World Literature
Jessee, Margaret Jay, Associate Professor of English and Director of Undergraduate Studies and Literature, 2013, B.A., M.A. (Tennessee), Ph.D. (Arizona), Gender Studies, Women's Literature, American Literature, Theory
Lariscy, Nichole, Associate Professor of English, 2005, B.A. (Georgia College and State University), M.A. (Northwestern), Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Milwaukee), American Literature, Composition,, Gender Studies
Madden-Lunsford, Kerry, Professor of English, 2009, B.A., M.F.A. (Tennessee), Creative Writing, Fiction, Writing for Young People
Major, Melba, Assistant Professor of English, 2014, B.A. (Union), M.A. (UAB), M.F.A. (Antioch), Composition, Developmental Writing, Literature
Malone, Meagan E, Assistant Professor of English, 2021, B.A. (Millsaps), M.A. (UNC Greensboro), M.A., Ph.D. (Georgia State), Professional Writing, Digital Rhetoric, Composition
Mersmann, James, Associate Professor of English. Emeritus, 1973, B.A. (Missouri-Kansas City), M.A., Ph.D. (Kansas)
Mina, Lilian, Associate Professor of English, Director Freshman Writing, 2022, B.A., M.A. (Cairo), PhD (Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania), Digital Writing, Writing Program Administration, Multilingual Composition
Minnix, Christopher, Associate Professor of English, 2012, B.S. (Grace College), M.A. (Radford), Ph.D. (Tennessee), Rhetorical Theory, Transnational Rhetoric, Compositions Studies
Quinlan, Kieran, Professor of English Emeritus, 1986, B.A., M.A. (Oxford), M.A., Ph.D. (Vanderbilt), American Literature, Literature of the American South
Ryan, Cynthia, Associate Professor of English and Director Professional Writing, 1998, B.S., M.A. (Illinois State), Ph.D. (Purdue), Composition, Professional Writing, Public Discourse, Medical Rhetoric
Santiago, Ana Maria, Instructor of English, 2014, B.A., M.A. (UAB), Literature, Composition
Siegel, Daniel, Associate Professor of English, 2002, B.A. (Chicago), M.A., Ph.D. (Virginia), Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture, The Novel, Cinema
Slaughter, Lauren, Associate Professor of English, 2007, B.A. (Kenyon), M.F.A. (Alabama), M.A. (Montana), Creative Writing, Poetry, Literature, Composition
Temple, Gale M., Associate Professor of English, 2001, B.S. (Michigan), M.A., Ph.D. (Loyola-Chicago), Early American Literature and Culture
Vines, Adam, Professor of English and Director of Creative Writing, 2006, B.A., M.A. (UAB), M.F.A. (Florida), Creative Writing, Poetry, Twentieth and Twentieth-First Century Poetry
Wells, Jaclyn, Associate Professor of English, 2013, B.A. (Knox), M.A. (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Ph.D. (Purdue), Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Program Administration
Wood, Joseph, Assistant Professor of English, 2014, B.A. (Brandeis), M.F.A. (Arizona), Creative Writing, Poetry, Literature, Composition
Young, Jennifer, Assistant Professor of English, 2007, B.A. (Whittier), M.A. PhD (Tulane), American Literature, Composition