Relationship of the University Conduct Process to the Legal/Criminal Justice Process
All members of the University of Alabama at Birmingham community are also accountable to relevant state and federal laws applicable to our larger community and society. Alleged violations of the University’s Student Conduct Code that are also violations of state or federal laws can be prosecuted separately through the legal system and, if the student is found guilty, can result in civil or criminal penalties such as probation, fines, jail, and/or prison.
The University conduct process, however, operates separately and independently from the criminal justice process. This means that the University does not need to wait for a student to be charged and/or convicted in a court of law before pursuing its own investigation through the Conduct Code and imposing relevant University sanctions when applicable. The University makes no attempt to shield members of the campus community from the law, nor does it automatically intervene in legal proceedings against members of the University community. The University may use information from third party sources, such as law enforcement agencies, the courts, and other witnesses to help determine whether the Conduct Code has been violated.
When a complaint is filed with an appropriate University official alleging a violation of the Student Conduct Code, the University is responsible for conducting an investigation, initiating charges, determining whether violations occurred, and imposing appropriate sanctions if necessary.